5ft - In need of some guidance

I am 5 feet tall and I currently weigh 44.4kg which is about 98 pounds. I started out as 105 pounds or so, then I decided to make some changes. I started using my fitness pal on and off. Though I've lost a few inches, it doesn't seem like it made much of a difference, despite the number of pounds I've lost. My stomach isn't flat and even though my BMI is lower than my friend's, I still have more belly fat than her.

Before the summer of 2013, I used to be about this weight but I'm pretty sure I was a lot skinnier and about the same height, though I didn't weigh myself much back then and I didn't measure either.

I have quite big bones (or so I believe) and my thighs are 19 inches. They are quite muscular but they also do have a layer of fat on them. My upper body is relatively skinny, so I believe I'm pear shaped. My waist is 58cm which should be about 23 inches.

I achieved this weight loss mostly by eating healthier and I've also increased my intake of water quite a lot, which seems to have helped. I'm trying to work some more exercise in.

Anyways, I was wondering how much more I should lose or what I should do? I would like to have more toned legs and I feel like I've lost mostly my lean muscle mass rather than actual fat. Is exercise the solution to burning the fat? Thanks!

*I should probably mention that I'm 15 if that makes a difference :noway:


  • VanillaSmile427
    Your body weight is already very low, you don't need to loose more weight. If you want to get a tighter stomach and look more toned you have to eat more protein and start lifting and doing a lot of strength training. How many calories per day are you eating now?
  • gracewantsthin
    I'm not entirely sure how many calories I'm eating per day since I'm pretty bad at keeping track, my body has quite a lot of fat though so if anything I'd like to lose that.