IV fluid weight gain

I just got out of the hospital, and they were pumping me full of IV fluids. To my dismay, I discovered that I gained 7 pounds when I got home. I ate like a bird when I was there because I was nauseous, so it was not from overeating. Has this happened to anyone else, and how long did it take you to lose the water weight? Any insight would be appreciated, as its very discouraging to see I've gained half the weight I had lost back.


  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    give it a few days to a week.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I agree a few days to a week. The thing is you shouldn't freak about it since it is most certainly water weight not fat. Keep yourself well hydrated, and it will come off quick enough.
  • jpvanzut
    jpvanzut Posts: 22 Member
    Trust me... it's all water weight. Give it time because it does take a while for it to shift. You'll feel like the Michelin Man for a bit. Hope you're feeling better.
  • Francesca3162
    Francesca3162 Posts: 520 Member
    You were getting fluids around the clock... so your tissues are well hydrated right now.. give it a few days! Hope you are feeling better!
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    Thank you guys. The michelin man is the perfect way to describe it, even my fingers are puffy!
  • meghanner
    meghanner Posts: 180 Member
    I had a similar experience in the fall. I gained 17lbs in 3 days (a lot on my 110lbs frame). I was so puffy I couldn't put my pants on over my knees. Give it time, drink lots of water, take a supplement of dandelion or nettle (natural and gentle diuretic) and wait about a week. It took me about 10 days to get back to normal but I promise, it does happen.
  • lauralind5
    lauralind5 Posts: 133 Member
    IV fluids are sodium based :) It will come off.
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    Its happened to me too. During my last pregnancy I was really really sick, and had a central line in my neck, as well as 3 arm IV's. The equals 20 differnt lines going into my body, and I packed on over 20lbs in just over 5 days.

    It does come back off, but it can take awhile. Give it a good week at least.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one. I didn't even stop to think that its saline! Makes much more sense now.
  • alivenus
    alivenus Posts: 2 Member
    I searched for this topic on google and this discussion came up. I'm so relieved to find this as the reason for last week's weight gain/no loss while being so good on my diet! I only just noticed that all my self-administered IVs have "saline" on the label. A total d'oh moment :)

    Each day I am inputting 45mls pure saline and 210mls of saline mixed with the IV antibiotics over 2 weeks. Ouch, no wonder I feel like I've been inflated with a pump. :noway:
  • MsEndomorph
    MsEndomorph Posts: 604 Member
    1 liter of extra water will put 2ish pounds on ya, so yes, IV fluids can pack on weight! Normal saline does have sodium in it, but it should be at the same level as the normal fluids in your body, so I wouldn't expect much water retention from that amount, but definitely enough for you to notice, especially if you wete dehydrated. You'll pee it off before you know it.

    Not to be too gory, but what goes in must come out. It you track your output AND your input you'll see if you're holding onto more water and gaining weight that way. :)
  • Quilled
    Quilled Posts: 69 Member
    I was really sick and very dehydrated earlier this year. Put on 6lbs after IV fluids, took about a week for it to go away. Was very frustrating to see my weight the highest it had been in about a year and a half, and it trickled off rather slower than I thought it would but it did eventually go away. I think part of it was I had been so dehydrated they couldnt find a vein (took 5 tries to get one). So my body probably overcompensated and held on to that water longer than it normally would
  • alivenus
    alivenus Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the responses. I think also I've been a bit less active than usual. Can't wait to get back to the gym!
  • hog_farmers_wife
    hog_farmers_wife Posts: 214 Member
    Glad to see I'm not the only one that had this problem. I had carpal tunnel surgery Monday and weighed myselfthat morning and then the next morning and I had gained 3 pounds. I know it has to be from the IV cause there is no way I can gain 3 pounds in 1 day especially when I haven't even been eating my normal calories for the day. It has been 3 days & today I still have 2.5 of those pounds on. I haven't had much of an appeitite with my pain medicine so I have been 500-700 under my calories evryday & I have been still walking on my treadmill so I know I should be losing weight. I'm ready for this water weight to be gone now!
  • skulegirl
    Thank you thank you all for sharing your experiences here! I started tracking my weight on new years day, and then on Jan 8th I developed appendicitis. Despite throwing up everything I'd eaten that day (and having my appendix removed the next evening), I weighed myself after 24 hours in the hospital attached to an IV to find I'd gained 8.5 pounds! Very frustrating after having lost most of my holiday weight due to good tracking and my new fitbit. It sounds like it will probably take longer than I'd like to lose it all, especially since I won't be able to be as active as I usually am, but its comforting to be reminded that it's all water weight so I will eventually pee it out. :-)
  • DyanaEz
    DyanaEz Posts: 1
    I just got out of the hosp..up 19lbs..i about cried!! I didnt even eat..liquid diet
  • missefletch
    missefletch Posts: 1 Member
    I am so glad I found this. I was admitted into the hospital Saturday night for Kidney stones (worst pain known to mankind) I was 163 pounds and looking quite fit. I was released Monday at 1pm. I felt really bloated. I was on an IV the whole time. When I got home I weighed myself.....And I was 180 pounds!!! Up 17 pounds!! I am so frustrated because I follow Paleo. I feel so fat :( but I know it will go away.
  • harryp69
    harryp69 Posts: 2
    I did the same thing.. googled the question to find this thread and im also glad it should come off because I managed to pack on 5kgs in 3 days, thats 5 weeks hard diet and training down the drain (I thought )
  • tped41
    tped41 Posts: 16 Member
    So glad I found this. I had my parathyroid out Friday. Came home today 9 pounds heavier! Had nothing but liquids! So depressed.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    I have to ask. You just got out of the hospital, and your primary concern is your weight?

    Dear gods. Focus on getting HEALTHY. Focus on your recovery. Be thankful you are well enough to be home rather than still in the hospital or worse.
