Lower back pain when exercising


I've started doing some exercises at home to tone up my love handles using an exercise mat. This is alongside the gym. I've started with exercises that I've found on youtube but I am getting pain in my lower back. I injured my coccyx a few years ago at university and it is starting to hurt when I do these exercises, it doesn't hurt at the gym. I've tried using a cushion but it makes no difference. Has anyone with a similar problem found something that works for them?



  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    What type of exercises? My guess would be there is something wrong with your form. Listen to your body, if you are in pain, stop.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    i'm guessing that you're trying do ab type exercises while having a weak core. usually once a person builds up strength in the lower back, hips, and glutes the pain goes away.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It's nearly impossible to tell the difference between an injury and simple muscle soreness from here. I will say that muscle soreness is just part of the process of getting in shape. Just pay attention and start learning the signals that your body is giving you.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    Pay attention to your posture and form. It's crucial to keep your back pretty straight instead of arching it or hunching over.
  • shulula
    shulula Posts: 12 Member
    I'm doing bicycle twists and twisting sit ups. I don't really feel any pain in my stomach muscles but they ache a little like they usually do after ab exercises. I did this for the first time yesterday but when I tried to do it again today my coccyx really hurt to the point where I had to start. I'm not sure whether to keep at it to see if the pain stops or to just try different exercises for obliques (such as a weighted hula hoop) that doesn't involve lying down. Thanks for all the comments X
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    Hi! Well, sorry to tell you, but the bicycle twists and twisting sit ups won't do anything, if your goal is to get rid of your 'love handles'... They are, no doubt, exercises that help condition part of your abdominals, but the only way to get rid of the excess padding on top of them, is working on your nutrition to reduce your body fat.
    If you are experiencing back pain, stop doing sit ups and such. Try wall sits and a variety of planks instead. You didn't say if you are lifting. If so, your abs are always engaged in some form through any kind of lift, if you are doing them with correct form. When you are already doing squats and deadlifts, or a variety of other lifts, there is no reason to work your abs separately. As a matter of fact, abs are muscles, just like any other, and if they grow, your waistline will too...even more so, if you not watching your food intake.
    Good luck!

    I can recommend this book: Women's Strength Training Anatomy by Frederic Delavier. The illustrations are very detailed, and the exercises are very well explained.
  • kacamp12
    kacamp12 Posts: 3
    If you are in a position to, I would take a fitness class or two and seek the advice of a certified instructor. Or perhaps pay for a session or two with a personal trainer. He or she should be able to suggest exercises appropriate for your fitness level. Once you know what to do, you can do the exercises on your own. Also, crunches and other abdominal exercises will strengthen those muscles which lie under your body fat, but they won't necessarily make that fat go away. Only dietary changes and burning more calories will do that.
  • shulula
    shulula Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone, I'm 6 pounds away from my goal weight so I'll see if that makes any different. I feel like the more weight I lose the more out of proportion I look as obviously you can't spot target weight loss. I know a personal trainer so I'll get some exercise advice from them also X
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I'm doing bicycle twists and twisting sit ups. I don't really feel any pain in my stomach muscles but they ache a little like they usually do after ab exercises. I did this for the first time yesterday but when I tried to do it again today my coccyx really hurt to the point where I had to start. I'm not sure whether to keep at it to see if the pain stops or to just try different exercises for obliques (such as a weighted hula hoop) that doesn't involve lying down. Thanks for all the comments X

    like i was thinking, ab work. spend almost equal time doing low back/lumbar work like prone cobras, bird dogs, and the like.

    and as someone already stated, getting rid of fat comes from diet, not how many crunches/cobras/twists you do.