★★cheat day★★★

So In the uk its mothers day and hubby is treating me to a chinese take away. Wahooo Ive not had a cheat day for over a month. But its gonna b impossible to work out calorific values etc... . Do most people on here have the cheat day. I haven't needed to boost my metabolism as have been losing weight ok. Feel pretty guilty tho !


  • jmsspr93
    jmsspr93 Posts: 117 Member
    I never have cheat days, but tomorrow I am going for a chinese and it will be, as you say impossible to find out the calories. Im just eating it and moving on. Nothing more you can do
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    It's Mother's Day. It's one day a year. Go and enjoy yourself. You probably will surprise yourself in that you won't be able to eat like you used to. Estimate your food and then let it go.

    Enjoy the day!
  • fittestpal
    fittestpal Posts: 94 Member
    One bad meal won't make you fat. Just like one good meal won't make you skinny
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Happy Mother's Day! Enjoy the day and get back on track tomorrow! Make the cheat worth it!! You may not even gain anything but water weight (Chinese is super salty!). :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • RomulanWarbird
    I don't really have "cheat days." But I don't feel guilty when I indulge myself either, because I work out every day and my diet is good 90% of the time or more. I've had only consistent loss or maintained, never gained, and maybe once a week or once every two weeks I'll have sushi or thai food and I don't care. (Sometimes, I even have some sweets.)

    So don't sweat it, enjoy your food! :) And happy mother's day!
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    So In the uk its mothers day and hubby is treating me to a chinese take away. Wahooo Ive not had a cheat day for over a month. But its gonna b impossible to work out calorific values etc... . Do most people on here have the cheat day. I haven't needed to boost my metabolism as have been losing weight ok. Feel pretty guilty tho !

    I don't have cheat meals or cheat days mainly because I'm making lifestyle changes not dieting and because my focus is on health and fitness rather than just weight loss. There are a lot of entries for Chinese take-away in the database so you could guestimate :happy:
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    I don't do weekly cheat days, as I find there's usually at least one day a week becomes a cheat day by poor habits. BUT I'm a big believer in "cheat" days on special occasions or when in social gatherings w/friends or extended family. As long as it's just now & then, & you don't use it as an excuse for a binge, then it shouldn't affect things that much. Maybe no loss, or slight gain, that week, but it's important to give yourself time to celebrate. I don't usually log on Thanksgiving, Christmas, Mother's Day, my birthday, or Easter. If I go to a party I do try to watch what I eat, but not to the point of refusing food the hosts are offering. People who throw parties usually put a lot of thought & effort into the food & don't want to hear "Oh, sorry I'm dieting" (which to me is kind of like dissing their offerings). BUT...do stop eating when you feel full. And if I go to a restaurant & it has crème brulee, which I love, I will try to eat a lighter dinner to be able to indulge in desert, BUT don't sweat it if I go a little over. Also, it you can get in a little extra exercise on cheat days, that's good too. All the best in your journey.
  • busbyus
    busbyus Posts: 36 Member
    Ive been sticking to around 1200 cals but todays will be 1500 odd so not drastic but over normal! :) looking forward to it now !
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Happy mother's day!

    I don't do cheat days, I just eat. For example, last night I hate Mexican then had too many cookies at a concert. Mmmmm....were they ever good!

    However, today is end week for my calorie goals so I will come out at or slightly under my weekly calorie goal.

    Some will disagree with me, but I believe "cheat days" are from the old diet mentality that some foods are forbidden. Get rid of that and cheat days will cease to exist.
  • LBennett34
    LBennett34 Posts: 25 Member
    I don't have a cheat day but I always look for a recipe to make a healthier version of what I really want. I'm a sucker for chips so I cut up a potato and bake it in olive oil and sea salt. Yes, it's still "fatty" and a potato but its better to eat it and move on then see a bag at the store, buy it, and eat it all (as I've had the tendency to do in the past!) Best wishes!
  • davidnuuyen
    If youre not competing or trying to lose weight for any other event, then its okay to live your life and have the cheat day.