NROLFW, Paleo Mum of 3

Hi All!

I'm 5 weeks into New Rules of Lifting for Women and one week eating Paleo, looking for people on a similar schedule or even others who are following alternative approaches to building lean muscle mass and losing fat. I'm still using protein shakes as part of my food plan which I know isn't strictly paleo however this suits me for many reasons so I'm going to carry on. Feel free to add me!


  • beckytastic
    Come on peoples! Even if you aren't into strength training or eating like a cavewoman I'm interesting in hearing from you! Jokes particularly welcome, even bad ones! :-D
  • clanmcfleming
    clanmcfleming Posts: 37 Member
    Hi there, sounds like you are doing great so far. Welcome to mfp! I am not doing paleo, but an easier version. I've cut out a lot of the grains and unhealthy snacks but I'm cooking for loads of kids so pasta still sneaks in occasionally! 3 months in I am now lower than my original goal weight but want to improve my figure. Three kids have wrecked my core and I am mainly doing 30 Day Shred at the moment and core work to improve long term lower back pain. Seems to be working. Def feeling fitter and clothes are baggy. Back feels good too. Feel free to add me!
  • beckytastic
    Hey! Thanks for the welcome! Finding paleo ok ish so far but I need to do something a little more interesting at breakfast time - though its kind of like feeding time at the zoo at our house around that time so maybe sticking to fruit and a protein shake for now is the only way haha! Yep its hard to combine the diet with kid feeding eh, I am finding the same thing. Also if I do something slightly different for myself I find my kids are like "whaaa? I wanted what you have!"

    I started Paleo a week ago after 5 weeks of New Rules and being a bit slack about my diet, and not tracking food at all. Lost 5lb 3 weeks ago then piled 6 lb back on the following week! Doh!
  • KaysKidz
    KaysKidz Posts: 208 Member

    I'm looking into the Paleo lifestyle. Why not incorporate it for the entire family? I'm looking into doing it for all of us, even the skinny littles! For me, it's about a healthier way of life. One that I hope helps me lose weight, but also keeps all the artificial crap out of my kids mouths.....
  • beckytastic
    Mostly everyone eats what I eat but there are some exceptions - for example, I make a bolognese sauce that's all paleo but the kids want it with pasta - so I skip the pasta and have either baked potato or roasted sweet potato. If I offered them that to begin with they'd say "but we want pasta!!" then they see mine and they're wanting that instead! The other drawback for the kids [and me, time-wise] is breakfast, where they tend to have stuff like, wholemeal toast and banana, cereal or baked beans on toast.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I'm on stage 2 of New Rules, but I don't eat paleo. I do "if it fits my macros" but low carb and high protein and fats.
  • beckytastic
    How is Stage 2 going?
  • Peg4Jesus7
    Peg4Jesus7 Posts: 36 Member
    Trying very hard to keep my carbs, sugar and dairy down, leaning towards Paleo/Primal. Also looking into Daniel Plan (NOT Daniel Fast) by Rick Warren, which looks very close to Paleo but includes limited healthy grains (quinoa, buckwheat, etc.). I find I really bloat up with grains ... water weight? ... candida? Not sure, really.

    I would love some advice on setting my mfp macros for this type of diet.

    My exercise is nothing very strenuous; walking, exercise videos, Wii Fit, gardening. So I use the "Sedentary" setting, and enter any exercise I get.

    I have four kids, and find it very difficult to balance feeding them good nutrition with what they "want." But I do agree, they often decide they want what I have, just by watching me :)
  • beckytastic
    I agree about macros, there is so much conflicting advice out there! At the moment I am mainly just sticking to the fundamental rules of paleo, ie, no grains, no sugar, no processed foods - so eating as clean as possible. I've also cut out almost all dairy but must admit I am still having a touch of semi skimmed in my tea but none other than that. Also I believe that protein powder isn't strictly paleo but at the moment it's my life saver! I tend to have either an apple or a banana with a protein shake for breakfast which is about all I can muster with 2 kids demanding breakfast and a 4 month old needing his bottle! Shame paleo doesn't grow you an extra set of arms! :D
  • beckytastic
    Oh, ps I am also making sure I eat carbs and protein at every meal, and eating 6 times a day. Though I have noticed that my mid afternoon snack sometimes doesn't happen. Need to prep more!
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    Hi, I'm not following any particular diet but I seem to be naturally leaning towards the paleo lifestyle albeit in a veggie/pescatarian way at the moment.

    If you replaced your protein powder with organic hemp protein wouldn't that fit in with paleo rules?

  • beckytastic
    Ohh yeh it might do! Though we bought a massive batch of protein a while ago and still have two large bags left so its case of ploughing my way through that first, looking after the pennies and my waistline, haha! But a great suggestion and something I'll bear in mind when I order the next lot. Thanks :)
  • heavenlyb14
    heavenlyb14 Posts: 303 Member
    Oh I can relate to that! My new shiny bag of hemp protein is calling to me but I am making myself finish the yucky, overprocessed, oversweet Atkins shake powder just because I spent money on it.
  • Peg4Jesus7
    Peg4Jesus7 Posts: 36 Member
    I have several bags stocked up of Rainbow Light's Brown Rice Protein Powder ~ my morning shakes are my lifesaver, too! :) I add Supergreens powder and coconut oil ... so yummy and gets me going in the a.m. (I can't handle caffeine, so no coffee for me). But I will be checking into hemp protein ~ thanks for that tip!