help ? want to lose 10-20 lbs

im finally at the point where im ready to actually start my fitness journey.

how did you lose your first 10 to 20 lbs?

right now im weighing around 190 at 5'2 , i already eat somewhat healthy , i dont drink soda or anthing with sugar and i drink tons of water !

what type of exercise routine did you follow or create? where i live im surrounded by only giant hills and im not quite ready to take those on just yet .


  • tiggerlgh
    tiggerlgh Posts: 73 Member
    I started tracking (and where it made sense) weighing all my food and eating back some but not all of my fitness calories. I wear my fitbit daily and that works great as most of my exercise is walking/jogging.

    How much do you want to loose over all? I would set your MFP goal to lose 1 or 1.5 libs a week depending on how much you have to lose. The slower you take it off the more likely it stays off. This isn't a diet its a lifestyle change for me.
  • michelefm1l
    michelefm1l Posts: 31 Member
    I've lose 12 pounds so far and like you, I already ate somewhat healthy (although I drank soda...gave that up 2 months ago and it was the best decision EVER). Portion control was my main problem. I used to load up my plate and think that I was doing ok because it wasn't junk food. Now, I realize I was eating way too many calories. I've also started going to the gym 5 days a week and trying to do some yoga/strengthening exercises at home. If you can't get to the gym, grab an exercise video and do it. I think this is an individual thing, you have to figure out what made you gain in the first place and reverse that. Drinking water is a great start!!
  • moya1219
    moya1219 Posts: 54 Member
    im wanting to lose 40 to 50 in total
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    I'm coming up on my first ten pounds, and I started at about 214, but I'm also almost 5'8, so I'm betting we have similar body composition.

    The first week or so I let my MFP default goals guide me, but it set me at 1200 calories a day and to be honest, I had no idea what the hell I was doing. I read the forums, read up on the science and decided to figure out my numbers - my BMR and my TDEE, which are the two most important figures for weight loss. I set up my calorie goal based on that - for me, it's around 1500-1600 and still probably on the low side - and started working out 3-4 days a week. I got a heart rate monitor to track my calories burned, and now it's just a matter of tracking the numbers and maintaining a moderate deficit.

    So far, it's working like a charm.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Set your goal to 1 lb. per week, take before photos & measurements, and buy a food scale.

    Read this:
  • moya1219
    moya1219 Posts: 54 Member
    i put on the weight by simply eating unhealthy we were tight on money and it was just cheaper for us to buy fast food than it was to buy food for everyday. plus i didnt work out. which i think is the biggest problem for me .
    i do have the slim in 6 by debbie but i dont have the weights or bands ao im not sure if it will give me any results by just doing the videos with ou them
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    This thread summarizes the basic philosophy of MFP and is a great read for how to get started:
  • matchsetgame
    matchsetgame Posts: 11 Member
    You have to figure out what works for you. What's your motivation? Are you a black/white rules kind of girl or can you follow moderate guidelines? I'm a little more black and white. I'm also 5'2 and used to weighed 170 at my heaviest 10yrs ago. I lost over 40lbs the first time I lost weight was while in sports in middle school, so I was constantly being pushed and couldn't snack. It's funny that 10yrs later I work the same way. I need a couple of set rules, but this time, it's about fitness.I gained some weight last winter and wanted to drop from around 140 to the best weight of my life. I made myself a rule a that I was going to workout 4hrs/week, with a good effort and keep calories around 1400. On a bad week, I'd do 3hrs and make up for it the next week. I've only missed one week and that was while travelling. I've lost about 15lbs, but my body is also completely transformed, so even though I'd like to have seen the scale move more, I'm satisfied where I'm at.
    So, my advice is if you're a black and white kind of person, *set a minimum requirement for yourself for workouts*. Don't procrastinate, if you do it at the beginning of the week, you don't have to later! :) I also included a rule that I wouldn't skip more than 2 days in a row. After a year, I've passed up that rule, but I never WANT to go more than a day without working out.
    I work 50hrs/week. So, how did I find the time? I started by biking to work 1-2 days a week. I'd go for a walk if I didn't have time to get sweaty. It sounds like you don't have much equipment. Find some good core workouts to do some run/walks until you can run over a mile. It will hurt, but the day you can run over that hill, you'll feel GREAT!
    Good luck!
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    Exercise. If you're starting from nothing, don't just try something and then claim you hate exercise because there are so many different things out there. For example Les Mills Body Combat is my favourite thing ever and I get genuinely sad if its cancelled or I have to miss a class. however I HATE zumba!!!

    Food. You can still eat everything, just less of it. You will soon find yourself choosing fruit over chocolate because you can eat more of it for the same calories but when you get a craving its all about portion control. A digital food scale is a fabulous thing, I don't weigh religiously but I do weigh calorie dense foods like cheese and pasta.

    This is a lifestyle change, not a diet so don't go all in to burn out. Change little thing and it will be
    uild up and lead to big things.

    Good luck on your journey!