Hope to find others in similar situation(s)

I am a single Mom of 5 and I have fatty liver disease due to my obesity and I have a prolactinoma, which causes my body to gain and hold onto weight. I need to lose weight slowly but steadily or my health will get even worse. I am so tired and exhauseted all the time. How do I find the motivation when I sleep 6 hours after a workout and I have horrible migraines from the prolactinoma? Does anyone else have these issues? If so, how do you deal with it and push yourself? I've always been the type to not be motivated to exercise (even though I love it) unless I have someone else with me. I try to do yoga (totally love it and its gentler on my bad joints) and I love aerobics and dancing of all kinds. I have lost ten pounds since my highest weight but it took 6 months. I plan to regain my health, help others, and set a better example for my kids. I have cut out processed foods for the most part (that is what I was eating the most before), eat whole grains daily and lots of water, and have cut out red meat and pork. I eat mostly turkey when I eat meat. I eat a lot more vegetables now. Still, only 10 pounds in 6 months :( Anyone else having this problem or have helpful suggestions (especially on how to get more energy)?


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 4,999 Member
    I also have health issues, not the same ones. But still it makes it hard. I have fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and hypothyroid. I started out in mid july just swimming everyday with the kids, then I added walking, then the wii. There are days when I am so exhausted it is hard just to get out of bed but I make myself do something even if it is just walking for 10mins or doing the wii for 15 mins. I figure any moment is better then nothing. I have lost 42lbs since mid july so it is working. Just do what you can and stay within your calories. You can do it, just dont give up. Feel free to add me, it is easier if you have people who understand
  • jul21r
    jul21r Posts: 34
    Hi! I am a mother of 6 (4 angels here on earth and 2 in heaven). I am starting my lifestyle change today because I need to get healthy. I am ready to change for a longer life, for my beautiful children, for my loving husband and because I'm tired of feeling fat, ugly, and tired. I am better than this and it's time my outside shows that! I am really enjoying this website and look forward to gaining new friends who are on the same journey! Merry Christmas to you all and may 2011 be GREAT for us all.
  • laDOLCEvita7
    Hello nice to meet you!! Im Stephanie, I have been a member of this site since the end of September, but I am finally getting serious about weight loss since December 1st. I have started a group that will offically start on January 1st. It's called "NO MORE EXCUSES JANUARY, LOSE 10+ LBS" you are more then welcome to join. You can find it under the motivation and support message board.