I'm Upping My Calorie Intake. Improved progress?

When I started my healthy life style journey MFP gave me a 1,200 calorie diet a day and I usually could only handle a 20 minute workout (burning around 200 calories) without over doing. However, three months and 24 pounds lost later I workout for about an hour and a half a day and feel amazing. MFP still has me set as 1,200 calorie diet which I stick to however, I usually eat a little back and eat around 1,300-1,350 calories a day because my body needs more nutrients to have energy to burn fat and complete my workout the next day. I had been plateauing for awhile and was stuck and as soon as I upped my calories a little I dropped 2.5 pounds by my next weigh in. Is that normal? Is it because I'm eating a bit more?


  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    yes it is... the same thing happened to me. i did the 1200 thing but it only last 2 months before plateau set in and i just couldn't do it. I upped to 1400 and i lost the same amount with eating more. I have always ate back almost all if not all of my exercise cals as well.. i think you are ready to stay above the 1200 mark for good! :)
  • leep917
    leep917 Posts: 40 Member
    Really? Thats great news! I'll up to 1350 and see if thats enough if not I'll do 1,400. I want to be healthy and give my body what it needs to stay energized. I'm happy to know my progress isn't just in weight loss but in fitness as well :)
  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    For MOST people, 1200 calories is NOT enough to live on. MFP just gives you that number because you're at a relatively healthy weight or you've decided to lose weight a little aggressively. Many people find that 1200 calories gives them negative effects - from a simple lack of energy during workouts to issues with binge eating and even eating disorder symptoms like brittle hair and nails and a damaged relationship with food.

    I do not and would not recommend it to anyone. Eat and enjoy!
  • leep917
    leep917 Posts: 40 Member
    Thank you you're right! 1200 worked for me at first when I was doing very basic excerise and was trying to lose weight a little faster but I'm getting really close to my goal and I'm definitely more active and have a more athletic build now so I think its important to eat an appropriate amount for my body to do the things I want it to.
  • poke987
    poke987 Posts: 348 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I'm starting this week with my usual Monday weigh in, then I'm upping my calories to 1350 including eating back what I burn. Hopefully I continue to progress... I do feel like I'm in a different place than when I started! Good luck
  • leep917
    leep917 Posts: 40 Member
    Congrats to you! You're doing things the right way :) its a little weird going from 1,200 strictly to a hundred more calories but it'll be nice to have a little more wiggle room!