Hard to diet in a house with non-dieters



  • CSWalker1234
    CSWalker1234 Posts: 29 Member
    I agree.My granddaughter's birthday party was last weekend and my daughter bought special decorated cupcakes and pizza for everyone and of course I had that,then my son took his dad and I out for dinner that night,that whole day was well over 2000 calories,probably close to 3,000 and I am trying to stay around 1200. That could be why I didn't lose much this week.
  • Tigredia
    Tigredia Posts: 107 Member
    I allow myself to eat some snacky foods one day a week, Saturday. I have pizza or chips or candy or ice cream. What ever I've been craving. I usually do more on Saturdays so my calories burned is heavier. I always stay below my goal calories and exercise calories. Good luck. I live with three thin men. They are always eating. My husband eats Hershey Kisses every night, about a big bag a week.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Junk, is food if eaten in moderation. I eat around 2000 kcal a day, and tortilla chips are my fav as they're high in essential carbohydrates and fats. I'd have to eat an awfull lot of potatoes to get the same quantities of macros.
    I noticed, you're new to fitnesspal, and you'd probably have a lot of questions. You might find them on this website www.fitnessfrog.com And, welcome to myfitnesspal. It's not a diet, it's a lifechange :)
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I agree.My granddaughter's birthday party was last weekend and my daughter bought special decorated cupcakes and pizza for everyone and of course I had that,then my son took his dad and I out for dinner that night,that whole day was well over 2000 calories,probably close to 3,000 and I am trying to stay around 1200. That could be why I didn't lose much this week.

    A one off day here and there will not cancel all the lower calorie days. Just enjoy your time with your family. No one likes a grump :tongue:

    If you don't lose this week you will hopefully lose the next. No deadlines here, just take things as they come and take your time.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    My husband continues to have "bad" stuff in the house. If it's something he knows I really like, he'll keep it downstairs in his Man Cave if possible. He also buys stuff he loves but I don't like so I'm not tempted.

    He also does all the cooking in our house, so he's had to change what he cooks to match my requirements. In doing so, he's actually eating healthier himself without trying. Yes, he still eats much more than me but his blood work was quite improved this last time checked.

    Eating out does not have to derail your entire day. Check the menu online ahead of time and figure out what the best selects are. Use your smart phone to look it up at the restaurant if you didn't know where you'd be going. Have your protein baked and without sauces and have veggies as sides. Decide if you are ongoing to have bread, appetizer or dessert, not all three. Get salad dressings on the side so you control the amount. My husband usually remarks how much healthier my selections are compared to his. LOL

    When you know you have an event scheduled, plan for it. Add in extra exercise for a couple of days. Decrease your calories in other meals. And recognize that one oversized meal isn't going to derail your plans unless you let it. Don't fall into the trap of thinking today is blown so I'll just eat whatever I want and start again tomorrow. Instead, start again immediately.
  • CSWalker1234
    CSWalker1234 Posts: 29 Member
    Chips not as in Fish and Chips, but the kind in a bag you grab and eat in front of the TV and get Fat. Well now I try to do that with baked chips while reading about losing weight on my iPad.
  • CSWalker1234
    CSWalker1234 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you
  • Chuchiiee
    Chuchiiee Posts: 43
    You go into stealth mode.

    I'm the only one "dieting" in my house and what I did is rearrange everything.
    All the chips, cookies, dips, poptarts, and other "junk foods" are hidden behind a wall of prunes, nuts, almond milk (I buy these in bulk and stalk them up in the pantry), and otherwise healthy food.

    I basically have to go through a line defense of all the good foods to get to the bad foods. That's usually enough to stop me most times. Same with the fridge. All the bad foods in the fridge are further back and I make sure to put the good foods in plain site. I bought more fruit bowls and put the fruit bowls in front of the bread we leave out too.

    Also, I make sure to time everything. I make sure that my meals coincide with everyone else so that I don't feel "left out" when it comes time to eat. When they eat, I'm eating... I'm just eating better.
  • CSWalker1234
    CSWalker1234 Posts: 29 Member
    Yes I am new ,but love that this App. is free and really neat. I want to reply to all these great comments but not sure Im doing it right.I select reply under the persons name,I write back and all my post are at the bottom mixed together. Not sure who knows what message was for who. I will catch on.
  • CSWalker1234
    CSWalker1234 Posts: 29 Member
    These posts really are fun to read.. Hide my husbands snacks behind my snacks, I love that idea.I am going to go start building my food barricade right now.
  • CSWalker1234
    CSWalker1234 Posts: 29 Member
    I bought some books that where called" Eat this not That" and I look at the pictures and want to eat it all.I think thats the stubborn side of me,I always want what I can't have.