Looking for people to get fit with :D

Goal is to lose 10-15 lbs in 3months then striving for 30lbs in total by next year, maintaining it.
Looking for active friends b/c I've been trying to get fit and have made progress but 2yrs of motivation is starting to drop.
So yeah :D Hope to meet new friends.


  • ashleearoha
    ashleearoha Posts: 165 Member
    Hey you can add me if you want :) I log all my gym and other activities daily :)
  • rjmelton
    rjmelton Posts: 37 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends! I believe that I am at 73 day streak and log my intake daily (some days I even log my burns. Working on that one) sometimes it is hard to stay motivated, but friends on here (and real life) are always beneficial!
  • Hi!! Please add me!! Lets team up!! We can do it together!!
  • How's it going fitness pals,

    I haven't been on here for some time now, but am looking to get back into the swing of things. I aim to bulk up a bit, and obtain my 190+.
  • nicki_lynne
    nicki_lynne Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me. I'm new but log everyday. Here to keep motivated. I'm trying to find the right nutrition/ exercise level to be fit for life. I've been at the gym for the last 2 months working hard. I try to change up my fitness routine regularly so that I don't give up out of boredom.
  • Hi Nikki!
    I am starting my lifestyle change in the morning. I have tendinitis, so can't do any activity right now, so am going to count calories for the next few weeks until I can get back to my typical level of activity. It will be nice to have your friendship to keep me motivated. I admire you for having stuck with this for 2 years. Congratulations! Keep up the great work!
    Warm regards,
  • TechnoEve
    TechnoEve Posts: 10 Member

    i just looking for someone who can help me with preparing food
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    Everyone, feel free to add me.
  • Feel free to add me. Lets keep each other motivated.
  • ralista
    ralista Posts: 1
    Hi , it is me another new person, still looking on the site. Will be glad to meet friends here . Currently doing some exercises at home for beginners – 15-20 min almost every day. Plan to start soon with 30 days shred or something. For now log my food only, any advice welcome 
  • AADarwish
    AADarwish Posts: 29 Member
    Feel free to add me as well, I still have a long journey and need the encouragement :)
  • feel free to add me:)
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    I'm always up for new friends! Very active on here and love to encourage and help where I can :)