Turning the Big 30.. I need to change my habits

Hi everyone..:smile:

I am a 29 year old student from Gold Coast Australia and the realisation that I am 30 next year and at my biggest weight EVER, has recently hit me like a ton of bricks. I have decided to use myfitnesspal and fitbit and get serious about this. I would love to have support while on this journey and people telling me how they are progressing. Support is key and unfortunately I am in need of that, especially people who understand what I am going through. Best of luck to everyone and I look forward to chatting to you all..:happy:


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  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    I freaked out right before I turned 30 also! It's scary. I was also at my heaviest and decided to change once and for all. 2 1/2 years later I'm my lowest weight ever! You can do this!
  • lovineyes
    lovineyes Posts: 4 Member
    you got this, girlie!! you can do it! :wink:
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    If I can loose weight ....Anyone can! You have come to the right place!

    Welcome! :)

  • garconglacon77
    I just turned 30 a few weeks ago (despite what my profile says lol) so I know what you mean. You'll find good support here as I know I have for sure :D
  • kb1927
    kb1927 Posts: 32 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have been working on a "30 before 30" mini goal since February. My 30th is in June and I am halfway there. Lots more to go after that, but baby steps :)

    My strategy so far has been to just focus on food and get into the habit of making better choices and portion control, and I am starting to add working out into the mix now. I want to make sustainable changes and not burn out.

    Good luck to you! You can do it! I have been fantasizing about wearing a cute outfit on my birthday as a reward. And birthdays are a great time for shopping trips to replace all the clothes that fall off you :)
  • janine2355
    janine2355 Posts: 628 Member
    You can do it if you have the will power. Don't feel bad if you have a day where you get off tract and eat bad. Just go back to being healthy the next day. Also, you would be suprised at how many calories you can burn just by changing certain habbits. For example, I take the stairs instead of the elevator at work. I also park far away from my office(unless it's raining).All of this adds up.
    Good luck Feel free to add me as a friend:happy:
  • sami_83
    sami_83 Posts: 161
    Hey fellow Aussie! I turned 30 last year and it was scary! It feels fine now, but at the time it was like "okay I should be a grown up by now, time to get my *kitten* into gear" and so far I've been doing okay at it :smile: I recently fell off the bandwagon for a month or two but I have the knowledge now to get back on and pick up where I left off, whereas a couple years ago I would not have done that. So as others say, don't ever beat yourself up because it's inevitable that at some point you'll slip up. Own it and move on.
    MFP definitely helps to keep you accountable, so you're already on your way.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like, the more the merrier! :drinker:
  • rhiol
    rhiol Posts: 5
    You can do it!!! Just take it one day at a time. I am on my second week and it's been hard. But I feel so much better. I have a lot more energy and don't feel guilty after my meals the way I used to in the past because I am eating healthy. I've decided to make Sundays, my treat day. I usually have a small chocolate chip muffin but I force myself to be good the rest of the week. I've lost 6 pounds so far and got 42 more to go. So just go for it. The first weeks are def hard but hang in there.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
  • capergrrl
    capergrrl Posts: 8 Member
    I'm also turning 30 this year and trying not to ring in a new decade being overweight! Ive packed on 30 pounds since I met my husband- this first year of marriage was a food-doozy lol! If anyone wants to add me as a 'friend', I dont currently have any with this site and some support might be mutually beneficial. Best of luck to everyone!
  • Skeebee
    Skeebee Posts: 740 Member
    Good time to start! I started Zumba the day after my 30th birthday to make a change. Lost 60lbs and never looked back (I'm higher now because I'm 35 1/2 weeks preggers so don't let my ticker fool you. lol!) Best of luck to you!!!
  • bornofthorns
    bornofthorns Posts: 143 Member
    You can read my profile...30 was my huge turning point. 30 is the new 20 ;) You will do awesome!
  • Nyksta
    Nyksta Posts: 241 Member
    I turn 30 in 10 days (including today :) ). I'll be turning 30 at my lightest weight and wearing a size 12 dress to dinner :)

    Think of this as a way forward, a way to live, a healthy you. Stick to you, give yourself room to have times when you won't be on the line. Believe in yourself.

    Good luck - I know you can do it!

    Nyk x
  • BlazeJay83
    BlazeJay83 Posts: 23 Member
    I did the same at 30, decided now is the time to do something before more serious problems arise or it spiralled out of control, and so I could enjoy these years better.

    Anyone can do it, just think of the positive aspects you will get out of it if you ever lack motivation, and really don't worry about off days.
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    30 was a hard year for me, but made it through it :)

    Feel free to add me! I'd love to help support you on your way to your goal. I'm also on Fitbit, but have no idea how to connect on there ;)
  • kb2699
    kb2699 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi! Ever since I started putting weight on in my 20s I promised myself that I'd lose it all by the time I was 30. Well....that didn't happen, but it will happen by the time I'm 31! Feel free to add me if you'd like. I've lost 19lbs and have at least another 20 to go before I hit a 'healthy' BMI. You can do this!! x
  • jld0411
    jld0411 Posts: 29 Member
    When I turned 30, I literally cried my eyes out most of the day. I don't know why it was so hard, but it was! So, I totally feel where you're coming from.

    I LOVE what you said about changing your habits. You're not looking for a quick fix or to lose the weight fast - that right there tells me you absolutely have what it takes to be successful. At my heaviest I weighed in at 198 (I just didn't join MFP until long after that), so I can personally speak to the benefits of changing habits.

    A couple of quotes that really help me, even now when I start to "fall off the wagon" and back into my bad habits. I'll just say a few of these to myself and it really helps!

    "You can tolerate any 'how' if you have the 'why.'" ~Jillian Michaels
    "No amount of exercise can undo bad nutrition."
    "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels."
    "We're all born with three things: one body, one mind and one lifetime. What you do with the first two determines what you will get from the third."

    YOU CAN DO THIS!! Define your 'why' and rock this sucker. Feel free to add me if you'd like. :)
  • kdillson70
    Age is only a number. I'm 43 and in better shape than I was in my 30's. It's never too late to start your journey. Good luck to you, feel free to add me.