Weight Loss Plateau

Hey everyone....I am so frustrated, but I am not giving up. I started last April and lost 60 pounds by October but then boom ran right into a wall and plateaued and been stuck since. Now it's almost 6 months without even a pound loss. I don't know what to do. I have tried everything I can think of. I was losing my hair in ridiculous amount for a few months. Still falling out but not as much. I exercise 4-5 days a week running. On the positive I have lost a few inches and haven't gained anything but I'm really stuck . Anyone have any tips that work please??


  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    No such thing as a plateau. You just arent eating at a calorie deficit...
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I am very cautious about giving advice to people that appear to have other medical conditions.

    Why is your hair falling out?
  • vypressme
    vypressme Posts: 228 Member
    Well - if it doesn't work, try something else :)

    What's your diet / training like? What's your current weight and how much more are you still looking to lose? Any health issues?
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You're not eating at a deficit. If you open your diary and tell people you're height and current weight people may be able to give you more specific advice. Either the numbers you are working from are wrong or your not weighing and measuring your food accurately enough. The fact that your hair is falling out either means you're nutritionally deficient in something or you have a medical problem and should seek medical help
  • LeeMC2013
    LeeMC2013 Posts: 14 Member
    I have no medical issues. I am 5'7" and weigh 232 pounds. I think I might be losing my hair from maybe not eating enough. Was feeling so tired and hungry all the time. Started eating a bit more recently. Was always eating at my given calories from mfp. I have nothing in my diary because I have been tracking in another program. I'm wondering if I am missing something. Maybe my fitness pal put me at to low of calories. I don't know. I was using another app when I lost all the weight but when I switched here it stopped. Mfp gave me a lower calorie intake. I was using Lose It. I'm just looking for any advice. Still need to lose at least 70 more pounds.
  • LeeMC2013
    LeeMC2013 Posts: 14 Member
    I use a scale to measure my food and measure also. Rely more on scale tho because it is more accurate.
  • SymphonynSonata
    SymphonynSonata Posts: 533 Member
    Are you male or female? How old are you? How many calories are you eating per day? What kind of exercises are you doing? What WERE you eating per day (MFP recommendation)? How many cups of liquid do you get in per day? Do you weigh and measure your food? Do you log absolutely every morsel to touch your tongue?
  • ChristinWrites
    ChristinWrites Posts: 119 Member
    With hair loss, that can be a symptom of a thyroid problem have you had that checked out?
  • LeeMC2013
    LeeMC2013 Posts: 14 Member
    Female, just turned 36. MFP has me at 1220' but lose it app has me at 1257. Yes I do log everything and weigh everything. I run 30-60 minutes a day, 3-5 days a week. Water is where I'm am not doing good. I definitely do not drink enough water or fluids for that matter. Some days I go the whole day without drinking anything. I don't drink no soda or juice. I drink almond milk instead of regular milk. I used to eat 1440 calories. When I moved to MFP to try it out it put my calories into the 1200's. Could not drinking enough water be stalling my weight loss?
  • LeeMC2013
    LeeMC2013 Posts: 14 Member
    My thyroid so were checked many years ago but not recently.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Something is off, for sure. I started out at 250 here, I'm also 5'7" and 41. Starting out I put in to lost 1.5 lbs a week and MFP set me to about 1700 cals per day. I can't imagine why on earth it would place you at 1220, but that is TOO LOW. You can manually adjust your cals or redo the auto by ansering the questions differently. Too many people put "sedentary" as their activity level. Hardly anyone is actually sedentary. For instance, while I have a job that has me at my desk for a good portion of my day, I do other things that I don't "log" as exercise - running errands, picking up kids, cooking dinner nightly, light cleaning/picking up. All those everyday things make us NOT sedentary. I'm now down to 191 and continue to have my daily cals set to 1650. I eat back some exercise cals on days I work out, but I try to average about 1800-1850/day for the week. With my work outs that really is the sweet spot for me and weight loss. You have to find your own sweet spot, but I could just about guarantee it ain't 1220!!!

    Sounds like you might need to revisit your MFP goals, cuz hair falling out could be from nutrient deficiency or from some medical condition you don't know about. Make a doctor's appointment - don't rely on us internet dummies for this advice.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    how much fat are you eating? And how much protein? Lack of fat affects hair, makes it brittle and dry and lack of protein can cause hair loss. Also, as someone above mentioned, have your thyroid checked. Thyroid function can decrease so even if it was healthy a few years ago, it doesn't mean it is now. Low calorie diets also depress thryoid function. PCOS also causes hair loss and insulin resistance, as well as lack of B vitamins and iron.
  • thatgirlkellib
    thatgirlkellib Posts: 150 Member
    I have no medical issues. I am 5'7" and weigh 232 pounds. I think I might be losing my hair from maybe not eating enough. Was feeling so tired and hungry all the time. Started eating a bit more recently. Was always eating at my given calories from mfp. I have nothing in my diary because I have been tracking in another program. I'm wondering if I am missing something. Maybe my fitness pal put me at to low of calories. I don't know. I was using another app when I lost all the weight but when I switched here it stopped. Mfp gave me a lower calorie intake. I was using Lose It. I'm just looking for any advice. Still need to lose at least 70 more pounds.

    How did you feel after that huge loss? Great right? the problem is people get comfortable because of the big accompishment, time to mix it up and if you wanna feel rock start again kick your self in the *kitten*, Eat in deficit and go sweat! GOOO HARRD!
  • JaxNole82
    JaxNole82 Posts: 21
    I had a similiar issue and went about 6 weeks with minimal loss. After doing some reading I increased cals and mixed in a cheat meal every Sunday. Once I did that I was back on track to a .5-1lb week loss.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I have no medical issues. I am 5'7" and weigh 232 pounds. I think I might be losing my hair from maybe not eating enough. Was feeling so tired and hungry all the time. Started eating a bit more recently. Was always eating at my given calories from mfp. I have nothing in my diary because I have been tracking in another program. I'm wondering if I am missing something. Maybe my fitness pal put me at to low of calories. I don't know. I was using another app when I lost all the weight but when I switched here it stopped. Mfp gave me a lower calorie intake. I was using Lose It. I'm just looking for any advice. Still need to lose at least 70 more pounds.

    There is a reason your hair is falling out. Since you don't seem to know for sure, perhaps a visit to the doctor would help. Water does aid in the weight loss process. You may want to consider resetting your activity level in MFP. The bottom line is after you rule out any medical reasons for not losing in the traditional manner, you have to play around with different methods until you find one that works best for you.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    How many calories are you eating? I'm concerned your hair is falling out because you're not eating enough, and that also would be why you aren't losing anymore.
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I second the hypothyroid issue. I have that condition.
  • Vicxie86
    Vicxie86 Posts: 181 Member
    I think you should slowly up your calorie intake. Your metabolism has caught up with you eating low calories for so long that it has slowed down, now you need to gear it back up again and the only way to do that is to increase your calories. This is just my opinion
  • shellbatronic
    You should go to a doctor and get a vitamin panel done and have them check your thyroid. Maybe they can hook you up with a dietician as well to help you figure out a good plan.
  • LeeMC2013
    LeeMC2013 Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advice. I do have sedentary as my activity level. I didn't know what to put so I will switch it to atleast light and see if that helps. It puts my calories up over 1400, so I will try that.