Went from loving soda to HATING IT

brizzeem Posts: 82 Member
Soda has been a go to drink, years back I used to drink both regular and diet soda (I liked the taste of diet and didnt care about the calories). Then I drank nothing but diet.........then once the coke zeros and pepsi max's came out ya those were my go to's.

Last month I cut myself off from anythign that had caffeine in it and also didn't drink soda. Suprised I lasted a month on water, I didn't drink juice either. The only flavored drink I had was during workouts. Today I bought a pepsi max and UCK!!!! cannot stand the taste........

I'm happy for this cause it's just garbage anyways that I'm drinking so looks like Ive strayed off of poison and will stick with water!!


  • angelicprettyy
    It's crazy how sensitive your tastebuds get to high-sugar foods after you cut them out! Pop used to be sweet, yet bland to me, and now trying it is like a sugar bomb. I can't stand it!

    For example, I cut out sweets then had a Cadbury Creme Egg the other day and it tasted like spooning sugar out of the bowl.

    But it was delicious.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    What was the taste like? too sweet? too chemically? something else?
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    I cut out soft drinks on January 5th! I had one the other day, and it BURNED so bad! I used to love that carbonated burn, but now it just hurts my mouth and throat!
  • Akasya13
    Akasya13 Posts: 14 Member
    Awesome :-)
  • kmorgan221
    kmorgan221 Posts: 206 Member
    I've cut off soda in the past, then after a few weeks would have "just one." I had similar experiences, too sweet, CO2 burn, etc. But that one would lead to another, then "as long as I count it" and then I'd be done.

    I've been off soda and coffee for a week or so now, mostly just water and the occasional juice. Since I know how it will taste, I'm think I'll pass and not even try to have "just one." any more.

    Because I honestly don't miss it.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    "strayed off of poison "

  • ZeldaMarooner7
    Good job on leaving it! My mom used to drink at least 6 diet cokes a day, which is bad.
    She hates it now, she's been clean off of soda for about 2 years, and she feels a lot better. Now all she drinks is water and tea.
  • DrWhoodles
    DrWhoodles Posts: 145 Member
    This has happened to me with a lot of foods, pretty much most foods actually, so it's really weird. Now when I eat something it's to stop being hungry and I no longer get anything beyond that. Even with foods I used to really love like cupcakes and cookies. It's actually been a little jarring because it's like losing a coping mechanism so I'm working on replacing it with something healthier.

    About the only exception to this for me is probably scones - still love those!
  • Caligirl501
    Good for you! I have been off diet Pepsi for 23 days now (but who's counting). I miss it like crazy but I think I miss the habit of having it as much as the actual drink. I feel so much better and I will never have another one. A bold statement I know, but I refuse to drink the liquid poison again. My body deserves better!
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    I don't know what the deal is with this, but I'm the same way. Stopped drinking for a while, and now it just tastes terrible. Like I'd imagine a battery in soda water would taste.
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    I wish I felt this way. I don't think anything is all that bad for you, in moderation. I think people could drink a soda per day and do just fine. I just still wish I wasn't consuming it.

    Sadly, every time I have a diet soda, it's like crack and I just want more...
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    This has happened to me with a lot of foods, pretty much most foods actually, so it's really weird. Now when I eat something it's to stop being hungry and I no longer get anything beyond that. Even with foods I used to really love like cupcakes and cookies. It's actually been a little jarring because it's like losing a coping mechanism so I'm working on replacing it with something healthier.

    About the only exception to this for me is probably scones - still love those!

    I will say, I crave crappy fast food all of the time. Usually, when I do give in and eat some, it's not very satisfying. My loss, I know, but I guess I do have an example of not eating something for a while and not liking the taste. That or the quality fast food I remember from college has gone downhill?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    "strayed off of poison "


    +:huh: . And I don't even drink soda.