Hot Yoga?!

Thinking about joining the hot yoga club in my area! I LOVE yoga and I really want to start doing it on a more daily basis. Just wondering if any of you have tried hot yoga and how you like it?! I'm just worried about getting nauseous, is it something you get use to after time?! Thanks!


  • deb4realfloyd
    I recently joined a hot yoga gym myself. I have been practicing yoga on and off for 10 years so yoga itself was not new for me. The heat however was brand new..... My yoga gym does 90 min classes so the instructors told me to take it easy and slow the first couple of times just to adjust to the heat more so than the yoga. The heat does add an element of difficulty. So far I haven't noticed nausea but I have had to sit a couple poses out to catch up on my breath. Because you're sweating so much anyways its hard to distinguish how hard you are really working until the next day when you're really sore. I really like it but its kind of an add on for me. I workout at the gym for my regular exercise then use the hot yoga to stretch my muscles and workout the kinks. Hope that helps.