Super market etiquette question

Is it bad form to break off a couple bananas from different bunches in order to form my own? I want to do this so my bananas will be ripe on different days.


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yeah no- I'd be pissed if I saw you doing that- that's just rude.

    first world problems- eat them as they get ripe.
  • Cornfritter - I do this at the grocery store every week. 2 banans of a yellow color & 3 of a green color. The green ones will be ripe by the time Wed/Th roll around but not so ripe that they're banana bread ready. IMO - I'm paying for the bananas, I'll buy the ones I want. My grocery store even has a basket at the front of the banana stand for 'singles'. If they don't mind me breaking up the bunch, then that's good enough for me.
  • runnergrlfl
    runnergrlfl Posts: 82 Member
    I will break off bananas from the bunch (or more than 1 bunch if necessary) without hesitation.

    There's almost always a pile of singles in the banana bin - which I also raid if I need a more ripe banana for something.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I look for singles first, but if I need to, I'll break one or two off a bunch.
  • Aquabird
    Aquabird Posts: 38 Member
    It doesn't bother me if people do that since you don't pay for them by the bunch. I usually just buy 2 bunches (one green and one just turning yellow), but I eat a lot of bananas, so can get through them in a week or two.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Nope. It's no different than picking through the apples or tomatoes to get the best ones.

    My pet peeve are people who TASTE the produce before purchase, like grapes. I get it, I know exactly why they do it, but it still bothers me (my momma is one of these people!). It's stealing!
  • HRLaurie614
    HRLaurie614 Posts: 260 Member
    I don't generally take from multiple batches, but I do break off bananas. I also don't see a reason not to...
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    It doesn't bother me if people do that since you don't pay for them by the bunch. I usually just buy 2 bunches (one green and one just turning yellow), but I eat a lot of bananas, so can get through them in a week or two.

    Exactly. I don't do it, myself, but because I'm buying by weight and not by the bunch, I don't get upset if I have to grab one or two to "fill out" the bunch.

    I would, however, be irritated if all that was left was a bunch of single, nasty bananas becasue people cannibalized all the good ones, already, but the store is usually pretty good about keeping good fruit on-hand.
  • StephyA86
    StephyA86 Posts: 68 Member
    I never thought to do this, but it's a good idea! I don't see anything wrong with it. I will break off a smaller piece of ginger when I'm out shopping, and I think it's the same sort of idea.

    I also shamelessly try grapes before I buy a bunch. :tongue: I'd rather not waste money on yucky grapes, so trying one doesn't constitute as stealing for me. It's the same idea in the deli section, the deli person will almost always let you try a small slice of meat or cheese before you buy a whole pound.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Do you make your own six packs?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It doesn't bother me if people do that since you don't pay for them by the bunch. I usually just buy 2 bunches (one green and one just turning yellow), but I eat a lot of bananas, so can get through them in a week or two.

    Exactly. I don't do it, myself, but because I'm buying by weight and not by the bunch, I don't get upset if I have to grab one or two to "fill out" the bunch.

    I would, however, be irritated if all that was left was a bunch of single, nasty bananas becasue people cannibalized all the good ones, already, but the store is usually pretty good about keeping good fruit on-hand.

    pretty much this.

    I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it. but I also have never been really concerned with "needing them for certain days" if I want them right away- I grab a more ripe bunch. If I want them for work- I grab the greener ones.