Do Protein Shakes really help?

I'm very active and fit and have been working out now for about 7 months (gym work). My diet consists of meats, vegetables, fruit, carbohydrates and for treats of course time to time some chocolate or something :wink:
My body build is an ectomorph and I have seen a little difference from my workouts. After I've finished I normally have some Powerade with a big glass of Water. I then have 2 Chicken breasts with rice followed by Greek Yoghurt and Fruit followed by a glass of Milk and a Fruit and Fibre bar. Will adding a Protein shake in to the mix help me with muscle gains if I take one straight after my workout instead of having the Powerade or something? Thanks for your help!:smile:


  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Your total daily protein intake is very important. Protein shakes are helpful for achieving optimal protein intake, but they're not necessary. Most people who don't track their protein intake aren't getting anywhere near enough to build muscle efficiently.

    EDIT: and definitely stop the powerades!
  • Ok thanks for the advice guys! :smile:

    So it's better just to stick with lots of water to hydrate and give the sports drinks a miss?
    I also had another question. And it was about Libido? Apparently if you over train your libido drops right down and also if you don't eat enough calories or something? :ohwell: But i'm not certain on this!

    I train only on Monday's, Wednesdays and Fridays and the session I do lasts always 45 minutes maximum. So this is definitely not overtraining?
    And also, do you know any exercises that really make the arms grow? I'm an Ectomorph so my arms are very long and only look not bad when tensed but when you just have them normally they still look long and thin. Thank you!
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Hi, can you please verify if you are an ectomorph?
  • samco66
    samco66 Posts: 126 Member
    Your total daily protein intake is very important. Protein shakes are helpful for achieving optimal protein intake, but they're not necessary. Most people who don't track their protein intake aren't getting anywhere near enough to build muscle efficiently.

    EDIT: and definitely stop the powerades!

    YES ^^
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Ok thanks for the advice guys! :smile:

    So it's better just to stick with lots of water to hydrate and give the sports drinks a miss?
    I also had another question. And it was about Libido? Apparently if you over train your libido drops right down and also if you don't eat enough calories or something? :ohwell: But i'm not certain on this!

    I train only on Monday's, Wednesdays and Fridays and the session I do lasts always 45 minutes maximum. So this is definitely not overtraining?
    And also, do you know any exercises that really make the arms grow? I'm an Ectomorph so my arms are very long and only look not bad when tensed but when you just have them normally they still look long and thin. Thank you!

    You're not anywhere close to overtraining. You don't need the sports drink, just drink water and you're fine. What's your lifting routine like right now? Do you do muscle group splits or full body workouts?
  • Dragonflag07
    Dragonflag07 Posts: 64 Member
    Whey protein is shuttled pretty quickly to the muscles, thats why it's effective because it is quick to digest. For me, agree that its not essential but personally, i couldnt do without - they are convenient and tasty.

    As for libido, when I'm doing a cut it drops and also if I'm too carb restricted. It makes sense anyway, you eat at a deficit and are depriving your body of fuel - well you cant expect a car on a 1/4 tank of gas to be firing on all cylinders ;)

    To make you arms grow, try and grow everything else. Do compound lifts. Some say to gain an inch, gain 10lbs (and not just fat haha). 70% of the growth hormones in your body are in your legs - so heavy squats is a great way to release these. Good luck & feel free to add me if that would help.
  • erikfarrar
    erikfarrar Posts: 35 Member
    That's definitely not overtraining, particularly if you're relatively active anyway. I am in the gym at least 5 days a week for 1.5-2 hours. I cycle into work (12 mi round trip) most days too.

    If you're doing a decent resistance (weight) program, ensuring adequate protein intake is crucial. Especially if you're doing it enough to feel sore the next day or two.

    There's a small window after your workouts (30-60 minutes) when your cells are in "intake/recovery" mode, and absorption of nutrients is optimal. Protein shakes and powders are quickly and easily absorbed in this period, which makes them good for immediately post-workout -- this ensures that the maximum amount of amino acids are absorbed into your muscle cells. (As opposed to having to cook something which might take a while.)

    As for your body type: that will take a quite a long time and dedication to change...6-12 weeks at least, and some people put on bulk more efficiently than others. You'll likely have to try some sort of (lean!) calorie SURPLUS if you're really looking for growth. I'm not the expert here though; I have sort of a "bulky" musculature without having to think to hard about it. There are lots of resources out there for "bulking" programs...try

    Speaking of which, here is a great workout program that includes videos and instruction for both the workout and nutrition portions. -- I have used it a couple times when I just want to be told what to do. :)

    Good luck!

    Also: I wouldn't worry about the libido thing until you start getting into body competition territory. Some of my friends do that, and the things they put their bodies through are bizarre. Haha. But even then...
  • richardheath
    richardheath Posts: 1,276 Member
    I think that is you are on anabolic steroids, it might affect your libido. Otherwise, no. If you feel you have an issue in that department, go see a Dr and have your testosterone levels checked.

    It seems to me that you want to bulk. If you want more muscles/bigger arms, then you need to put on some muscle (well, putting on fat would make you bigger too, but I doubt that is the route you are looking for). To put on muscle, eat at a calorie surplus, get >~ 1 g protein per lb of body weight (either with real food, or add a shake to supplement) and lift heavy things with a good progressive weight training program. If you are not doing all of that, you will not add muscle. What program are you on right now?

    To target the arms specifically, add (as accessory exercises at the end of your full body program) rows, bicep curls (preacher, hammer, concentration etc etc), triceps extensions, chin ups, triceps dips etc. Remember, your triceps are about twice the size of your biceps, so you get more bang for the buck working them rather than just doing a bunch of bro-curls.
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    Hi, can you please verify if you are an ectomorph?

    LMFAO :drinker:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i'd stop the powerades. lots of sugar in those.

    if you are logging your food, and doing the hard work in the gym, and meeting your protein goals, then you shouldn't need a protein shake.
  • Yes an Ectomorph sorry!
  • Hi, can you please verify if you are an ectomorph?

    Yes an Ectomorph sorry!
  • Your total daily protein intake is very important. Protein shakes are helpful for achieving optimal protein intake, but they're not necessary. Most people who don't track their protein intake aren't getting anywhere near enough to build muscle efficiently.

    EDIT: and definitely stop the powerades!

    YES ^^

    Thanks :)
  • Ok thanks for the advice guys! :smile:

    So it's better just to stick with lots of water to hydrate and give the sports drinks a miss?
    I also had another question. And it was about Libido? Apparently if you over train your libido drops right down and also if you don't eat enough calories or something? :ohwell: But i'm not certain on this!

    I train only on Monday's, Wednesdays and Fridays and the session I do lasts always 45 minutes maximum. So this is definitely not overtraining?
    And also, do you know any exercises that really make the arms grow? I'm an Ectomorph so my arms are very long and only look not bad when tensed but when you just have them normally they still look long and thin. Thank you!

    You're not anywhere close to overtraining. You don't need the sports drink, just drink water and you're fine. What's your lifting routine like right now? Do you do muscle group splits or full body workouts?

    Ok water sounds great thanks :smile: . Full body workouts, but I tend to do things like - Squats, Bench Press, Pull Ups, Dumbbell Curls, Lunges, Overhead Presses, Dumbbell rows, Dips ETC.
  • Whey protein is shuttled pretty quickly to the muscles, thats why it's effective because it is quick to digest. For me, agree that its not essential but personally, i couldnt do without - they are convenient and tasty.

    As for libido, when I'm doing a cut it drops and also if I'm too carb restricted. It makes sense anyway, you eat at a deficit and are depriving your body of fuel - well you cant expect a car on a 1/4 tank of gas to be firing on all cylinders ;)

    To make you arms grow, try and grow everything else. Do compound lifts. Some say to gain an inch, gain 10lbs (and not just fat haha). 70% of the growth hormones in your body are in your legs - so heavy squats is a great way to release these. Good luck & feel free to add me if that would help.

    Thanks for your reply :smile: . Yes most of my exercises are compound lifts and I do weighted squats and weighted lunges too :smile: Maybe it will just take longer for a good difference!
  • That's definitely not overtraining, particularly if you're relatively active anyway. I am in the gym at least 5 days a week for 1.5-2 hours. I cycle into work (12 mi round trip) most days too.

    If you're doing a decent resistance (weight) program, ensuring adequate protein intake is crucial. Especially if you're doing it enough to feel sore the next day or two.

    There's a small window after your workouts (30-60 minutes) when your cells are in "intake/recovery" mode, and absorption of nutrients is optimal. Protein shakes and powders are quickly and easily absorbed in this period, which makes them good for immediately post-workout -- this ensures that the maximum amount of amino acids are absorbed into your muscle cells. (As opposed to having to cook something which might take a while.)

    As for your body type: that will take a quite a long time and dedication to change...6-12 weeks at least, and some people put on bulk more efficiently than others. You'll likely have to try some sort of (lean!) calorie SURPLUS if you're really looking for growth. I'm not the expert here though; I have sort of a "bulky" musculature without having to think to hard about it. There are lots of resources out there for "bulking" programs...try

    Speaking of which, here is a great workout program that includes videos and instruction for both the workout and nutrition portions. -- I have used it a couple times when I just want to be told what to do. :)

    Good luck!

    Also: I wouldn't worry about the libido thing until you start getting into body competition territory. Some of my friends do that, and the things they put their bodies through are bizarre. Haha. But even then...

    Thank you for replying :smile: . Yeah I think your right. It's just going to take lost of time and hard work!
  • I think that is you are on anabolic steroids, it might affect your libido. Otherwise, no. If you feel you have an issue in that department, go see a Dr and have your testosterone levels checked.

    It seems to me that you want to bulk. If you want more muscles/bigger arms, then you need to put on some muscle (well, putting on fat would make you bigger too, but I doubt that is the route you are looking for). To put on muscle, eat at a calorie surplus, get >~ 1 g protein per lb of body weight (either with real food, or add a shake to supplement) and lift heavy things with a good progressive weight training program. If you are not doing all of that, you will not add muscle. What program are you on right now?

    To target the arms specifically, add (as accessory exercises at the end of your full body program) rows, bicep curls (preacher, hammer, concentration etc etc), triceps extensions, chin ups, triceps dips etc. Remember, your triceps are about twice the size of your biceps, so you get more bang for the buck working them rather than just doing a bunch of bro-curls.

    Thanks a lot for your answer that's great! :smile: . No I don't take any supplements at all. I'm not even keen to take a shake with creatine in it! I don't know but :noway: . Drinking a 100% whey protein shake is just like eating a chicken breast or two right with some Amino acids thrown in :smokin:
  • Hi, can you please verify if you are an ectomorph?

    LMFAO :drinker:

  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    If you aren't getting enough protein, yes.
    Otherwise, other food is just as good generally :).
    There's a small window after your workouts (30-60 minutes) when your cells are in "intake/recovery" mode, and absorption of nutrients is optimal. Protein shakes and powders are quickly and easily absorbed in this period, which makes them good for immediately post-workout -- this ensures that the maximum amount of amino acids are absorbed into your muscle cells. (As opposed to having to cook something which might take a while.)
    From what I've seen this is the case if you haven't had protein prior to your workout. It seems to be much less important if you've had pre-workout food with protein in it.
    I generally do manage to eat fairly soon after a workout, but will have had protein-food at some point before, so don't get overly stressed about it.
  • i'd stop the powerades. lots of sugar in those.

    if you are logging your food, and doing the hard work in the gym, and meeting your protein goals, then you shouldn't need a protein shake.

    Ok thank you! :smile:
    Definitely drop the sports drinks and stick to water then!