I am a 22y/o female with 100 lbs to lose, need friends!!!

Hello! I downloaded this app almost 2 years ago and never continued it because of my device going kaput, but now I am moved into a new town, young and living with my boyfriend, kind of a shut-in due to years of increasingly moderate social anxiety, so needless to say, since I don't work or go anywhere, I'm fatter than I have ever been and really disliking myself.... So I'm turning all this self loathing into motivation, and I am FINALLY doing something about it. :smile:
As I stated above, I have some pretty annoying social anxiety, (and am also 325lbs. Wow, right?) Being around people kind of drains me in all ways you could imagine... and I have never been to a gym before. o.o I just found recently that there's a gym about 5 miles from where I now live. I looked them up and they have a $10 30 day trial thing going on. I have been really excited about it for the past few days, I want to start going on April 1st (tomorrow, when I get paid) I plan on taking some tunes and some sunglasses with me so people won't bother me. lol I know it sounds bad but it would really mess me all up. I will start hating myself and lose all my motivation and tiny bits of hope and self-esteem and want to go home.. that's SA for ya.. So, I'm really hoping that my intense NEED for this will outweigh my worries of everyone eye-ing and judging me..
Just in the past few months I've been becoming more mindful and aware of what I'm stuffing my face with and exactly how much NOTHING I've been doing. Right now, I'm just really proud that I have been able to think about it and keep it in mind everyday, because that was something I used to never be able to do, was remember not to eat a bunch of crap!! So i'm past that point, for the past few months I've been buying fresh foods like vegetables and salad stuff. and having chicken and whole grain and etc. I've been heavily researching and pinning things on Pinterest about nutrition and exercising. Now has come the time to get my *kitten* in gear and burn basically tons of fat! :heart: :bigsmile:
I have been so scared of people and they're judging gazes that I keep all my feelings about my fat self under wraps, I don't want people thinner than me tellin' me ANYTHING about what I need to do and to "just do it" nothing makes me madder I think.. Thing is, I know exactly what I need to do, I have just been too scared to go out and do it in front of everyone. I've been made fun of my whole life, that's why I have SA, that's why I've stayed indoors and gotten fatter..fear of people.
But now, I'm 22 and ready to change myself, even if I have to be around people, I REALLY want and need this. For myself, for confidence, for going on hikes with my boyfriend, for hanging out with friends again, for buying clothes at a regular store without getting mad and crying first, and most importantly for my health and to live longer for the ones I love. :flowerforyou:

So anyways, the point of this post is to "introduce myself" and I'm Chelsi, and I'd really like to be friends with whoever wants to be friends here! (: any motivation will probably help. I'm quite friendly and will encourage you the best I can also!!!
thanks for reading! Add me if you wish!!

[TL;DR: young obese girl, social anxiety, first time going to gym tomorrow, ready to change, need support, feel free to add me.]


  • Hey there! Best of luck to you on your fitness journey! I am hosting a challenge group that starts tomorrow if you are interested. It is just extra motivation to keep going and achieve your fitness goals. Like I said earlier, good luck and enjoy your journey! Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • MayaDyra
    MayaDyra Posts: 90
    Good to hear about the healthy foods you're now eating :) Always best to cook your own food!
    Sorry to hear about your thoughts, that is hard when U feel that others are judging U
    Have fun at the gym tomorrow ;)
  • naovsky
    naovsky Posts: 2 Member
    Hey! I'm 16.. my whole family's always been heavy, and I recently got into the obese bmi category, and I decided I need to change. Contrary to you, I have a really busy life, I am an honor's student in a competitive high school, have SAT's, do lots and lots of theater, run a school club, etc. I'm trying to ease into a healthier lifestyle. I want to be happy with my body by the time I graduate, which gives me a little over a year. My goal is 50 pounds. Hit me up if you ever want to talk :P
  • lizarddev
    lizarddev Posts: 100 Member
    Hey there, You are on the right track by getting healthy. If you need anything feel free to hit us all up on here we all have our challenges and successes and they will help others succeed. Positive thinking creates opportunity.
  • astronut96
    astronut96 Posts: 73 Member
    Good for you for wanting to make changes to better your life. Facing our biggest fears is so hard to do. Take baby steps (as I'm sure you already know) and don't beat yourself up if fear wins some days. On those days do something active at home (there's tons of options) and remember that tomorrow is a new day. Keep taking pride in your victories - that's what keeps all of us going.
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    What up! Props for the lifestyle change. Don't worry about what anyone thinks when you go to the gym. Pretty much everyone there is focusing on their workout. Feel free to add me. I'm an extremely active person.
    That also goes for anyone else. Feel free to add me.
  • I really offer you all my support and hope you find something that works for you. That's key to starting a new healthy lifestyle. Try not to have the "put all your eggs in one basket" mentality and think that this gym is the answer to all your problems. If it doesn't work out (they're pushy and not what you expected or hoped it would be) then just tack it up as something that you tried and found if it worked for you or not. I only say this because I've tried the gym thing, and it just wasn't my cup of tea... though I had that mentality that it HAD to work, I started to feel like there was something wrong with me as to why it didn't work.

    Recently I've been starting to work out from home. Honestly I've never felt better. I have privacy, flexibility, can go at my own pace, and if I need to take a break I don't feel as though all eyes are on me.

    Feel free to add me as a friend as I'm logging on daily and find that feedback from others on the same boat is always helpful.

    Wishing you the best of luck. Cheering you on!
  • Rosita489
    Rosita489 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi my name is Rosa and I am 24 yrs old I am a mother of 4 children 9,6,3,2 I am currently doing the insanity workout and shakeology. I have over 40 pounds to loose but I am more interested in being healthy. Its hard to loose weight but it is worth it. If you need any friends I am here for you.
  • CourtneyK8586
    CourtneyK8586 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Chelsi!
    My name is Courtney, I'm 28, and I am at a high weight of 313. My highest was 331. I've been struggling with my weight all my life. I keep trying things but NEVER stick to them. I've tried Curves and another fitness gym in my area but I never stay there. And I waste money cause I always sign up for a year so I lose money. I keep telling myself I'm going to start doing this, eating this, not eating that, drinking more water, and start exercising which I don't do until now...
    My fiance asked me to be his wife this past Christmas and now I actually WANT and am STARTING to work on losing weight. A friend of mine lost a ton of weight by doing zumba which I've heard of but never knew what it was. I was looking on Youtube and found Leslie Sansone's 3 mile workout. I've been rotating two videos for 3 miles and I'm loving them so far. I've only been on this for about 10 days but so far I've lost 7 pounds. I still need to work on my eating habits cause Sugar is my biggest weakness!
    I'm not on here everyday but I would love to be friends so we can motivate each other! :)
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member

    Sent you a friend request :)
  • Hi!!! I'm right there with ya girl! I am 32 and need to lose over 100 pounds myself. I have struggled with my weight for forever, and I always seem to "fall off the wagon", if you know what I mean. I would love to have you as a weightloss buddy, and maybe we can motivate eachother :).

    Good luck, and you can do it!!!!!!!!!
  • First of all - good luck!

    I can relate to most of your post. I am 29 years old, and just about a year ago moved in with my boyfriend over 100+ miles from my family, friends, job, support system, everything that is familiar to me. I didn't work for over six months but am finally working steadily and motivated to get myself back in shape. I put on about 40 lbs in two years... my highest weight was 260 (I'm teetering around there lately). I've sort of reached the enough is enough level and joined this site today.

    If you need a friend or some motivation, I could use the same thing! Hope we both reach our goals no matter what.

  • Hey there! I'm 22 as well and have just started on this weight loss journey. I'm working on eating better and hopefully dropping 40 pounds before my wedding next year! Feel free to send me a request, as I need people to motivate me !