Gaining and don't understand what I'm doing wrong



  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    you sure like those sausage, eff and cheese muffins....500 calories every morning, then on another day you've had fries? for breakfast?

    Try balancing all your meals throughout the day, bakes beans on toast (1/2 tin) is a great morning starter. Also try having different meals in the mornings, sure have your S/E/C muffin on a weekend, but I don't think having it daily is great

    Oh ffs. While healthy, balanced meals are a noble goal, and important for overall fitness, I've been losing 1.5-2 lbs per week with multiple McDonald's runs during a very busy and stressful time at work. Someone isn't gaining because they eat a sausage mcmuffin instead of beans on toast (which I personally could not stomach in the morning).

    OP: I ditto the others - are you accurately logging or guessing from entries previously loaded. Just today, I logged a tall chocolate chai tea latte from Starbucks. Per their nutritional menu, it's 250 calories made normally - every single normal entry I could find was only 190 calories, which is correct for a regular chai tea latte and 60 calories short for the chocolate chai. My point is that the entries for MFP are not always reliable, and you want to verify the listings if you want accuracy.

    I would also be careful of exercise burns. I use a Fitbit to get my TDEE daily and eat to that - 1000 calories, which seems to work for me.

    Beyond that, sometimes I just fluctuate. I was down to 307 last week, and after the weekend, I was up to 309. It's not linear, which is frustrating as all hell, but if you know that you are logging correctly and accurately and maintaining a caloric deficit, then if you stick with it you will lose. February was exceptionally frustrating for me, as I bounced all over the place while I started exercising and trying to sort out my diet/intake - I dropped to 313, then was up to 319 and it was driving me insane. But when I got settled and was eating enough calories each day and working out appropriately, the weight shifted and started coming off the way it should be. Plateaus and even small gains are a part of this, even though they are crazy-making.
  • mripley71
    mripley71 Posts: 11
    Wasn't tracking my weight previously at least not for the last 7 months or so. Saturday I did an hour of Zumba took calorie burn from my lifetrak heart rate monitor plus walked 5.5 miles in an hour and a half. Took calorie burn for that from the app. I am 5'1" and now currently weigh 151#
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Don't think its great to have daily though, do you? seriously....looking at the rest of the diary as well, on a daily basis its not a balanced daily meal imo


    OP this is a simple calories in vs calories out issue.

    you need to be accurate with your food. burns are tough to be accurate with so many people (myself included) employ the 80% of TDEE method. using this method, you dont need to worry about logging burns, as exercise is taken into account for you.
    it works quite well.
    what method are you using?
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Wasn't tracking my weight previously at least not for the last 7 months or so. Saturday I did an hour of Zumba took calorie burn from my lifetrak heart rate monitor plus walked 5.5 miles in an hour and a half. Took calorie burn for that from the app. I am 5'1" and now currently weigh 151#

    I weigh 157 lbs and if I did an hour of zumba there's no way I would have burned more than about 500 calories. I can get a little under 700 running at 8:30/mile for an hour solid, which is harder than zumba.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    I have been trying to follow what this app has recommended for me due to my weight and height.
    Yeah, the calorie intake the app spits out can be kind of ridiculous. It had me at 1200 cal/day when I'm 5'9" and somewhat active. I was so miserable and STARVING like that. Now I'm losing on 1700/day plus exercise calories. Definitely go read the link I posted.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I personally make the breakfast sandwich with those ingredients so not sure why the calories would not be that.

    Sorry. I misunderstood. I thought it was something from a convenience store. If those are the actual calories for the elements used in the sandwich that's probably right.
  • Othelie24601
    I just about cried the first time I measured peanut butter. True story.

    You too? That and finding out the calorie count for one Oreo.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    I just about cried the first time I measured peanut butter. True story.

    You too? That and finding out the calorie count for one Oreo.

    What 53 calories for 1? I think thats perfectly reasonable
  • Othelie24601
    I just about cried the first time I measured peanut butter. True story.

    You too? That and finding out the calorie count for one Oreo.

    What 53 calories for 1? I think thats perfectly reasonable

    Sure, but I don't want one, I want the entire pack (and I have eaten the entire pack in one sitting). But turns out it wasn't that bad. Just the shock of knowing that tiny cookie has that many calories.
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    I just about cried the first time I measured peanut butter. True story.

    You too? That and finding out the calorie count for one Oreo.

    What 53 calories for 1? I think thats perfectly reasonable
    Not when I'm starving and only have 8 calories left. Why must you be so delicious and calorie-dense, cookies? Why?!
  • angel5561
    angel5561 Posts: 142 Member
    I have been trying to follow what this app has recommended for me due to my weight and height.
    Yeah, the calorie intake the app spits out can be kind of ridiculous. It had me at 1200 cal/day when I'm 5'9" and somewhat active. I was so miserable and STARVING like that. Now I'm losing on 1700/day plus exercise calories. Definitely go read the link I posted.

    Mfp will automatically default to 1200 calories depending upon the information you give it 1.5 lbs a week or a lb a week weight loss will give you a much more reasonable calorie amount . Play with it a bit and you will see what im talking about . Also no method of measuring calories burned is 100 % accurate try eating back only half those exercise calories or try the tdee method of calculating calories you dont eat your exercise calories back with this method because your activity level is already bulit in. This is especially good if you are consistent with your work outs. You can also get a better idea of what you should be eating calorie wise using this method google tdee calculator. You should also be weighing EVERYTHING you eat with a food scale for accurate calorie counting the only exception would be something that is prepackaged with the calories already on it like a protein bar . Also expect some gains if one you are eating to much sodium and two you are sore from working out or trying a new routine. Water weight causes fluctuations in the scale. Weigh yourself first thing in the morning before you eat naked! Lol seriously my jacket weighed a lb the other day. Once you know your doing the right things disregard the scale so much and pay attention to your tape measure the way your clothes fit and progress pics. Good luck xoxo
  • mripley71
    mripley71 Posts: 11
    Thank you all tor your suggestions, I am going to try not worrying about it as much and see if I fair better.
  • Foodiethinking
    Foodiethinking Posts: 240 Member
    Wasn't tracking my weight previously at least not for the last 7 months or so. Saturday I did an hour of Zumba took calorie burn from my lifetrak heart rate monitor plus walked 5.5 miles in an hour and a half. Took calorie burn for that from the app. I am 5'1" and now currently weigh 151#

    I weigh 157 lbs and if I did an hour of zumba there's no way I would have burned more than about 500 calories. I can get a little under 700 running at 8:30/mile for an hour solid, which is harder than zumba.

    I have to agree with the above. I'm 204lbs and burn around the 800cal mark for an hour's Zumba. I know there's different types of dances and moves but they're all under the same category.
    Also, surely the natural solution would be to incorporate more fruit and veg into your day? By all means, have a subway and pizza and mcdonald's and everything else available, but if you was seriously concerned about the weight-gain you've had, you'd naturally try lower-calorie foods. No they aren't all nice, some fruit and vegetables are horrible but you might find something you like and save calories at the same time.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    I agree with those who say your calorie burn seem rather high. Weigh all solids, and using measuring spoons and cups for liquids. The only way to gain consistently is if you are eating more than you are burning, and usually that is because either exercise calories are too high, or the food you eat is not measured high enough.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I have been working out for over three weeks now doing Zumba and Golds gym cardio workout on the Wii, also bought myself a strike bag that occasionally will throw some punches and kicks at for about 5 to 10 minutes after previous workouts. All in all find myself working out over an hour. This week I decided I needed to track my calories so I got the app installed to my phone and have been doing great logging everything I eat throughout the day, every day I work out I have any where from 500 to 700 calories in the green. My problem is that after 6 days I have gained 1.5 pounds what am I doing wrong?

    Update since I posted that in another post 10 days ago I have been tracking everything I eat and have been doing the same routine for the most part, I am now even more frustrated as I have gained more weight. Have increased around 3 pounds since I started. DONT UNDERSTAND WHY????? Believe me I want to cry. I have measured and haven't even noticed a difference there. My calorie burn I have been taking from my Lifetrak. Will open my diary up and will be grateful to all that can suggest where I'm going wrong

    First of all, you haven't been at it that long. Your body needs time to adjust and can store 'water' weight when you first start exercising properly.
    Secondly I would suggest you go to the website and do the calculator on there for your weight and height plus activity levels. It will show you what your calories should be set at and what each macro should be set at.
    Thirdly, you are eating crap. I know it's calories in vs calories out but your body does hold water weight when you eat too much sodium and carbs, also it's just plain better for your body to eating whole foods and more vegetables when you can, and no I don;t mean potatos.
    You aren't putting on that much weight to be fair, I vary in weight about 3 kgs that's about 6lbs in any given week.

    Don't cry. You have taken the first step, you are not that overweight and I am sure you are beautiful. Just believe in yourself love.
    Weight loss ultimately is up to you, what you tell yourself, truth or lies, good or bad. Weight loss is not about food, it's about your mind.
  • MMM_1972
    MMM_1972 Posts: 4
    Hello:) Don't get discouraged! The weight didn't go on overnight and it won't go off overnight - it's all a learning experience ...a lifestyle change. I totally understand keeping crazy hours and being busy it seems to make it really hard but I got up 15 minutes earlier and prepared a healthy breakfast (Iogo strawberry yogurt 0% & Honey nut cheerios - dry no milk) it's super yummy and healthy and fills you up and they are naturally sweet (which I like I LOVE sugar!) and I also make a healthy lunch. You can buy great frozen dinners to take if you do not have time like Lean Cuisine they have really improved their food, it's a nice option if you are rushed - easy, delicious and healthy and portioned. It took a bit for me to start losing weight, keep with it try switching out some foods- a great place for recipes that are easy, healthy (& have all the nutrition info for every meal) is . I love it it has a lot of easy meals that are yummy and with ingredients you have or can get at the local grocery store instead of having to trek out to some expensive specialty store! Keep your chin up , stick with this site it really helps and all the people are very supportive , drink lots of water, eat healthy & exercise and you will have success & a healthy life :) All the best :)
  • sloane70
    sloane70 Posts: 45 Member
    Not to nitpick too much, but I also noticed that you're not logging any oils or fats that your food is cooked in. I have had a calorie difference of over 150 calories just based on how I cooked them. When I do roasted potatoes, I toss them in a tablespoon of olive oil, rather than sit them in a pan full of oil. Eggs get done in a little bit of spray oil. It's amazing how much can sneak in with just how we cook our food.
  • juliecnw
    juliecnw Posts: 16 Member
    I noticed that you are not tracking your water. What are you drinking? It is easy to down a few hundred calories in energy drinks, soda, sweetened teas, juice, smoothies, etc.
    You may be unknowingly drinking a few hundred calories a day and not even realizing it. Also I find that anything with artificial sweetener tends to bloat me and adds a couple of pounds.
  • mripley71
    mripley71 Posts: 11
    I drink one 8oz coffee in the morning which I have included into my breakfast caloro for the most part measure everything I eat as it comes preportioned. When I cook potatoes they are done in just a bit of olive oil and roasted or they are boiled and I haven't added any butter to any of my veggies just salt and pepper. Other than the coffee I drink 64 oz of water a day and nothing else. If I stink on occassion a juice I add that into my meal. When I started I was drinking a 20oz coffee with sugar and lots of creamer. Now I have 1 honey packet and 2 creamers.