Tips for staying focused on the weekends

Hi all! I have been an on and off again MFP user for a few years. I have about 40 pounds to lose and am having a hard time staying focused in the weekends. I did WW years ago and lost 80 ish pounds, then got pregnant and sick with some autoimmune issues, and just haven't been able to get back on track. I have lost and regained the same 10-20 pounds multiple times over the past 5 years and I am just sick of it. As it stands now, I have 3 kids (11,9,5) and am in school nights from 3:30-10:00. I am able to
stay focused and motivated during the week, but as soon as the weekend comes or something unusual comes up like we go out of town or have guests in or someone in the family gets sick, I totally lose focus and it takes me 5-10 days to get back on track. It's like 3 steps up, 2 back and I'm just really over it! Any advice/tips would be greatly appreciated! TIA!


  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    I am interested to see people's tips as well! I do horribly on the weekends!!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    You just stay focused.

    You wake up early and exercise. You eat healthy. You take healthy foods with you if you go places.
  • ovi212
    ovi212 Posts: 145 Member
    i find getting in a routine really helps. I plan as much as I can to keep the guess work out of it. If you get used to having already prepared healthy food on hand it can help. I keep a lot of already cooked lean meat, frozen vegetables and fruit in the freezer for when I don't have time to cook. Also, if I plan out my food for the day I find I am likely to stick to it. I get attached to the idea and the calorie amount and I don't want to stray from it. If you notice you still go over more on the weekend maybe add more of a deficit during the week? Basically I think that in all situations it helps to just keep yourself choosing salads when eating out, microwaving healthy food when you don't have time (microwave eggs, potatoes, oatmeal or have healthy sandwiches, yogurt, fruit and vegetables you can grab).
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Plan ahead as much as possible (search online menus beforehand), carry a cooler in your vehicle for water and healthy snacks like pretzels, popcorn, low sodium nuts, fruits, etc. Make on the go grab bags beforehand. Outside of emergencies, make a solid commitment to do so sort of exercise even if it's only 15 minutes. Try different options and you'll find one best for you. Last but not least, friends. Get some friends and motivate each other during the tough times. I am always open for more friends because I know the struggles only too well.
  • time4kim2014
    time4kim2014 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm also terrible on weekends. I like the advice and am going to put it into action next weekend!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    plan out your day, the same as you would on a weekday. more often than not, i have my meals planned out and entered into the app before i get out of bed. i sort out breakfast, lunch, my most likely dinner option and a few snacks. if i know i have an event that day, like a cookout or bday party or whatever, i adjust my calories on the planned meals down so that i can have a good time when i go out with friends and family. I go "off book" all the time, but having a guideline helps me from getting too far off track.

    and if the weekends are still a bingefest, i lower my weekly calorie targets a bit so that i have more room to play with on the weekends.
  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    You just stay focused.

    You wake up early and exercise. You eat healthy. You take healthy foods with you if you go places.

    I like your no nonsense approach. It is true. Why can we be good during the week, but lose track on the weekends? We are not suddenly different people. We know what we are doing, and we just need to keep it up.


    I especially like the idea of taking food with. Why do we not do this?? It then wont "force us" to try and find something decent at a gas station! There is something more going on if we let ourselves get derailed so easily on the weekends. It is finding what that is, and trying to stop it. For me, it is saying no to food offered to be by my husband. He says, "Let's get ice cream" and I say, "ok". I need to say no.

    Good luck to everyone in your continued fitness goals!
  • suejenfb
    suejenfb Posts: 54 Member
    It's a mindset. You have to keep reminding yourself why you're here and daydream about where you want to be. Is any food worth not reaching your goal? I want to reach a healthy weight so bad I won't let anything get in my way. I went on a cruise in January and didn't gain weight. I never leave home without a cooler with water and healthy food.
  • claired78
    claired78 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks so much for all of the recommendations! I love all the practical tips and am going to implement them this weekend!
  • I find that changing my fitness goals to gain 1lb a week just for the weekend works. Just entering food and being accountable is important.
  • claired78
    claired78 Posts: 5 Member
    After reading everyone's responses and thinking about it some today, I've decided to track all of my food and exercise for the week ahead of time. I think planning my splurges in advance may help keep me on track. I think that what seems to happen is that I am very focused all week, then want to splurge some on the weekends, but then I worry that I can't "afford" to splurge, so I feel guilty and stop tracking, and then the wheels just fall off. Maybe this way, knowing I can splurge and already having it tracked will prevente from freaking out and just saying screw it!
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    Yep, it's hard. I have kids near the same age so it's hard put yourself first. I think becoming a morning person helps. As much as it pains me to say this as a non-morning person, the best way to ensure a consistent exercise routine is to get it done before the day's chaos erupts. Weekends for me allow a bit more time for fitness "stretch goals". By that I mean going on a longer run, bike ride, elliptical session or what have you. I manage my weekend eating risk by burning more calories on the weekends. I also agree with the others that mention planning ahead or even pre-logging meals. I think there is some sort of mental contractual commitment you make with yourself when you do that.