No Alcohol April



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    no thanks..I will keep drinking on weekends and logging it ….
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member
    I'm in! I drink socially at least once a week and tend to go completely overboard. The next day is always a write off. This is going to be tough!

    I'm in for this.

    Since starting the diet I have gone from drinking every day to once a week, however, I am now such a light weight that the following day is a write off and sometimes the day after that.

    Saying I am on a monthly challenge is a good excuse to give them for not drinking socially.
  • I'm just getting started so this would be a good thing for me...I'm in.
  • Pud53
    Pud53 Posts: 2
    I'm in. I am a total light weight too and am fed up of losing that valuable time.:yawn:
  • ddebruhl
    ddebruhl Posts: 49 Member
    I would say I am in....but....I know I will give up.
  • Count me in! I'm usually good during the week.. But then my weekends I am wasted from Friday night even some day drinking on Sundays. But I have been thinking that I seriously need to do this. And an added bonus, save a little money. Lol.
    We got this!! :)
  • jecky74
    jecky74 Posts: 255 Member
    I know alcohol calories are my biggest enemy. Not just because of the calories they contain but because I snack when I drink. I quit once before for this same reason (cutting calories) and lost 6 lbs. in the first month. Not just from alcohol but by cutting out my bad habits and replacing them with better ones. Let's see if I can get another 6 lb. month!!
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    I'm in, I've been off alcohol since Dec 21st, actually. Only time I find it hard is when I'm out for a nice dinner since wine is part of it IMO, but I've adjusted, Club Soda with Bitters is my go to at clubs and bars
  • I also struggle with the vice-like grip of alcohol. I'm in the midst of a vicious cycle, which has been going on for a while now, where I am so unhappy I drink to ease the pain, which makes me more unhappy. It keeps me from eating right consistently and from going to the gym. I certainly invite anyone into my circle who would like to support each other. Have to make these changes...
  • I'm doing it too!!! I have a sneaking suspicion that my red wine habit is what keeps me from achieving my goals :bigsmile:
  • Fit_Fox88
    Fit_Fox88 Posts: 410 Member
    Thursday will be 2 weeks for me so I'm totally in! I've been purposely trying not to go out with friends on wk nights or wkends just to resist the temptation. After the 1st wkend, it's not so bad, 2nd wkend is much easier. My workouts and diet are consistent and my mood is so much better cuz i'm not guilty for all the empty calories and horrendous food choices i made! :ohwell:
  • Congrats. My problem isn't going out - I have no problem not drinking when around people, even in a bar. It's sitting at home on my couch with a bottle of scotch.
  • Blokeypoo
    Blokeypoo Posts: 274 Member
    I'm so glad I never got the taste for alcohol, not because I'm up my own pipe or anti-drinking but because I refuse to have a calorie I can't chew! I'm only 5'2.5 so have little to spare on liquids.

    Good luck (genuinely) to those undertaking this and even more so to those who feel it's become more than just a treat for them :flowerforyou:
  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    Oh noooo.......I want to do this ..........but my spine is actually a wet noodle. We go wine tasting often.

    Good idea though
  • ktorgers99
    ktorgers99 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm in as well!

    I've been participating in a group that meets locally, part of A 30-day break is part of their process for coming to more moderate terms with alcohol. I start, I stop, I start, I stop, but this seems like a good month for actually succeeding at taking a break. BTW, "moderate" for a woman of a certain age = 7 drinks per week, no more than 2 a day. One drink being 5 ounces of wine, for example.
  • So its only the first day of the month and I'm already tempted to stop. I'm making some sautéed mushrooms and the recipe calls for some white wine. Usually I would pour some in the pan and some in my glass but I'm proud to say that that didn't happen this time :) Hurry up May 1st!
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    Can I be in on this too?? Except for one outing that's been planned for months?

    I've done this challenge before and loved the results.
  • I think this sounds like exactly why I just joined this place. Don't drink for an entire month??????? It's so crazy it just might work! I'll do my best!
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    Funny - I was thinking about this today but I don't know if I have the will power to do this yet. I am toying with the idea of ONLY drinking on Saturdays when I have my long workouts or just for special occassions. But... I am not sure I am strong enough for this yet.

    Good luck to you guys. I will definitely remember you guys doing this and keep considering. If I can go two weeks that would be good.

    This is totally me. I was just trying to limit it to Friday and Saturday. And then no more than 4 or so drinks.

    In general, alcohol has little to do with weight loss for me. I can maintain a healthy weight just fine and still indulge. But I've definitely been indulging a little too frequently lately.
  • fragileelegance
    fragileelegance Posts: 102 Member
    Thanks to everyone who joined! The good news is that I haven't caved in yet!

    .......wait, it's only April 2????!!!!! :P