

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Jill, I'm glad to hear that your dog is doing better and I know what you mean about dropping $200 to find out.......one day I was at the vet and a woman was complaining to the receptionist about how much it cost to find out that there was nothing wrong with her dog and I wondered if she would have felt better for that amount of money to find out that her dog was seriously ill.

    :flowerforyou: one tricky part of maintenance is the friends who watch me being careful about what I eat and who make comments about how I'm so thin already that I don't need to keep watching what I eat.....the other thing is that I struggle with moderation so after such a long time of counting, weighing, measuring, staying away from certain things, it's hard to for me to add certain foods back into my eating plan and keep the amounts sensible.....I don't want to be neurotic about measuring and logging food but I don't want to go crazy in the other direction either......my weight has stayed between 110 and 113 since August (I'm 5 foot 3 inches tall) and I like how my clothes fit........but there are days when I'm tired that I suddenly feel fat for no reason and I have to tell my head to shut up. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I read what all of you have to say each day to keep me on the right path

    :flowerforyou: Susan, welcome, one of the best things you can do for yourself (besides logging all your food, drinking a lot of water, and getting a lot of exercise) is to become part of this group......read the posts every day and post something about yourself.....this is an encouraging group and we are the friends who will listen to everything you have to say about food, exercise, your successes, your setbacks, your complaints, your gratitude list....anything at all......we welcome you.
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So the dress came today. Not impressed. p:grumble: retty poorly sewn. And of course it doesn't fit:noway: . I will try to make it work though. Oh well, you get what you pay for.

    On another note I went and bought two Santa themed lingerie type outfits. :blushing: (sexy little santa dress with hat and gloves and a bra and skirt and a boa) I need to make up for a stupid fight I had with DH last night and make my self feel better after feeling really fat trying on the dress that doesn't fit.:cry:
  • HerbieSue
    So the dress came today. Not impressed. p:grumble: retty poorly sewn. And of course it doesn't fit:noway: . I will try to make it work though. Oh well, you get what you pay for.

    On another note I went and bought two Santa themed lingerie type outfits. :blushing: (sexy little santa dress with hat and gloves and a bra and skirt and a boa) I need to make up for a stupid fight I had with DH last night and make my self feel better after feeling really fat trying on the dress that doesn't fit.:cry:

    Whoa, now that Santa lingerie is very interesting................... Anyway, I don't know how much you paid for the dress or when the wedding is, but I rented an amazing dress from a website renttherunway.com that has designer dresses for $50.00! It beats paying the $100.00 for the party dress I bought at Macy's last year and never wore again. There are dress reviews, they send you two to be sure one fits, along with an envelope to drop at the mailbox after you wear it! The Halston dress that I rented was very striking and I got a lot of great comments. You want to stand out at the wedding, rent a designer dress, cheaper than buying one!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Wow! Kathy..the fireworks....worked:laugh:
    I hope Amanda enjoys them as much as I did!

    That's a great suggestion to rent designer dresses for a one-time wear...they have everything on here at our fingertips:flowerforyou:
    I hope that Santa stuff works for you, Robin...I haven't known that to fail yet:blushing: Good Luck with DH.

    Welcome Susan--hope I have that right. If you haven't turned 50 yet ..one wonderful thing about being above 50 and up is that you have a wider field for not remembering stuff:laugh: :laugh: Good Luck! There is such a variety of personalities on here ..it's fun, it's inspiring, it's great!

    I am better. I have some healing to do yet..but I am better!

    I have my shopping done. This week will be geared toward getting ready for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. My sisters/spouses and families/my mom and stepdad..my kids...will be here Christmas Eve. Then Christmas Day in the afternoon my kids/grandkids come back. My baby sister and hubby don't have children so they come back here in the evening and eat dinner with us.

    It's a group effort when everyone gets here. It would shock you all what all we have for Christmas Eve. It's a Country Southern Breakfast meal and all that entails. If you would like details...I would tell you ...just ask.

    We grill steaks, baked potatos(white and sweet potato/yams) salads..etc...for Christmas Dinner...snow or rain or whatever. It makes a good change from all the rich food.

    I love the hustle and bustle of this time of year. I am hoping next year will be a healthier year for me. I wish that for all of you, too. That is how I come to find this place...looking for support to stick with my healthy eating habits..I found it here...THank you all:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    When I feel better ...I want to go back through the posts and name each of you and tell you how you have encouraged me...I hope to be able to do that in the new year.

    Take care....
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Ladies:happy:


    Wanted to thank you for the recipe for the recipe, i will be making those this week.


    Physical/Occupational therapy crossed my mind .......briefly. I admit after seeing what I have done for my mom so far, it was tempting. But two reason that it won't happen is:

    1. I am like a bull in a china shop. I am relentless with my mother and like a drill sargeant. It drives her crazy. She's standing, but it drives her crazy. Looking at how the physical therapist comes in and coddles her, shows me that I would be too tough and I don't think most people would be able to handle me.

    2. My body is aching all over from supporting my mom, turning and flipping her in diaper changes, holding her legs in the air, using resistence against her as she pushes against me. I'm dying here!:noway:

    I just wanted to let you all know that I had to change my username and create a new account. I had just finished writing Lynn, Nyll54, sent the message and went to bed. The next morning I logged on and couldn't get on. It wouldn't let me use just chicletgirl anymore so I have had to add 21 next to it. The site has lost all my information, friends...everything. I'm like a newbie all over again. I was so upset. So Lynn if you answered back I never got it. Please resend.

    Mom and I got into it again last night. She threw another tantrum and actually told me she wanted to go back to Washington!:noway: I just walked out of her room, turned off the light and didn't come back. This morning I fed and changed her and didn't do any exercises with her. I was so fed up with her!:explode: She pisses me off when she does this because the caregiver, physical therapist and myself give 100%. And I am friggin exhausted from it. For her to blow me off like that and say things like that just pushed me over. I went out today, not for fun but to grocery shop, but at least I got away from her. I came home at 4pm and was still peeved at her, but I laid down the rules again, and she agreed to them, so, here we go again. Tomorrow I have someone coming in to fit my mom for a scooter. I told her she can't use it in the house, (she has to walk while in the house) but if we travel anywhere she can use it then. I will get it all "pimped out" for her so she will be snazzy. So I am kind of excited to see our choices.

    Well just wanted to check in now that I am no longer chicletgirl but chicletgirl21 and needed to post her to get situated again.

    Talk to you all later.

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    Barbie, thank you for your insight on what maintenance has been like for you. It sounds like it's a balancing act. You've done such a great job!

    Robin, I'm sorry you're disappointed with the dress. It could have gone either way and was worth a shot. Your Santa outfits sound like lots of fun, though. I think I could use a little bit of that kind of fun in my life. Thanks for a wonderful idea! I still have some Christmas shopping to do. I could always slip in to "Lovers" and pick up a little something for myself. Hubby might enjoy it as well. At least I hope so!

    HerbieSue, what a great idea to rent a dress. I've never heard of that, but it makes so much sense.

    Lynn, your Christmas dinner sounds delicious. I am envious that you have your shopping all done. However, the silver lining is that I have an excuse to take a side trip and get myself some fun lingerie.

    Chicletgirl, just reading what you're going through is overwhelming to me. I admire you so much for your tenacity and how you take such good care of your mother no matter how frustrated and exhausted you must be. You are a saint. That's too bad about your account getting goofed up like that. Must be Santa's elves up to some mischief or something.

    On my agenda today is working out, cleaning house, doing laundry, and going to see "Tangled" with my daughter and husband. Our son saw it with his girlfriend last weekend, so he's opting to stay home. If I have time, I might do a little more Christmas shopping, but I have a feeling that might have to wait till tomorrow. The movie theater is in the mall, so we might grab one more thing for our son while we're there and he's not.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Jill, Lovers was having a 50% off holiday costumes so that is why I got two. Its fun to act like a 20 something in the bedroom occasionally. :blushing:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hello ladies. Thanks for the fireworks and other animations - I love 'em!

    Well, the ball that we were attending tonight has been cancelled due to bad weather. Admittedly, the venue is out in the country and the snow is pretty awful, but I know it's a lot worse elsewhere. Anyway, I don't get to wear my new outfit - the first time in a long time that I have been excited and happy about dressing up to go out somewhere.

    Never mind, it's better that everyone is safe. DH and I are going to snuggle in and watch Inception again this evening - a great film! I'm going to go against my resolution to not sit on the sofa for longer than an hour at a time and just sit and enjoy the company and entertainment. (I would still much rather be spending the evening dancing at the ball though!)

    Robin, what a shame about the dress! I hope you get it sorted out - or hire a dress. It's an excellent idea. Many moons ago I used to hire dresses for special occasions all the time. Let's face it, how often will you get to wear them again? Look at me, I have a £500 dress hanging in my dressing room upstairs at this moment, specially for tonight's ball - and now it's going unworn.

    I thought I'd post a photo of me from last Christmas Eve - I'd already lost about 30 pounds by then. In total I've lost over 150 pounds now. Phew!

    Anyway my friends, I'm off to my treadmill for a while and will catch up with you all later.


    Amanda x
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,732 Member
    Robin, I agree! :devil:

    Here's a coupon I received recently for anyone who may live near a Lovers and wants a 50% discount:

    Amanda, so sorry your holiday ball has been canceled. I hope you find a reason to wear your special dress and get all dolled up sometime soon! You have changed a lot since last year. You must feel so good. You look amazing. :smile:

    Well, my dirty kitchen is clean, and now I'm going to go do my workout. Slowly but surely checking things off my to-do list. See ya!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My week started with a kid pulling a knife on my son at school and they didn't do anything because the security video didn't show for sure that the object was a knife. I have spend most of the week trying to find charter schools for both kids. We find out Monday if my daughter gets in where she wants. My son is going to a Military Academy and DD is not the military type. lol So it means two schools for the next 2.5 years in 2 opposite directions.

    My apologies for not being able to read all the posts since the last time I posted. It has been quite the week. I hope everyone is doing well. To those in need, my thoughts and prayers go out to you.


    PS: This was the 5th bullying thing since Thanksgiving that they have not been able to do anything about. And some people wonder why graduation rates are dropping in our school district.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Welcome Susan!

    Just finished wrapping all the Christmas presents. See, I am NOT a person who likes to do everything all at once, Vince is. So I was really stressing, especially when he was sitting in the living room listening to music while I was wrapping, wrapping, wrapping. Towards the end, I admit that I got tired and didn't do a real neat job. Stress and me do not mix at all...I had some of the cookies. But on the good side, I'm glad that I had fruit from the open house because there was leftover fruit and I just put that out and nibbled on it. If I hadn't had the fruit, I probably would have had some of the cookies. You know, I can't wait until those cookies are gone. I really want to have some more veges. I'll probably get my hair colored before we leave for Europe and I'll take some to the hairdresser. I am keeping up with the exercise. Yesterday I only did 30 min of HIIT since I had to get ready for the open house. But at least I did SOMETHING. Today I did an hour of yoga. I'm planning that tomorrow I'll do an hour of hula hoop on the Wii.

    Robin - I'm so sorry the dress didn't fit.

    HerbieSue - I didn't know that you could rent dresses. VERY VERY interesting. I'm going to keep that in mind.

    chicklet - you'll always be chicklet to me. Anyway, many times when I log into MFP lately I've gotten this message that a virus was blocked by my antivirus.

    Amanda - so sorry your ball was cancelled. Will they reschedule it?

    Jeannie - I can understand what you're going thru with the two schools. At one point I had three children in three different schools!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

    I know this is short, I'm rushing, sorry if I missed anyone. Just want you to know that you all are in my thoughts

  • raeadams
    Glad i joined...I thought that if I started now to pump the brakes I stood a better chance of getting through the Holidays with out the excess baggage....LOL....
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    Glad i joined...I thought that if I started now to pump the brakes I stood a better chance of getting through the Holidays with out the excess baggage....LOL....

    :flowerforyou: Welcome, Rae, you have tapped into a really great group of women who will support and encourage you along the the weight loss journey......this is a group of friends available 24/7 ( in part because we come from all across the North America as well as from down under and the UK so it seems as though someone is posting all the time)......it helps me to log my food in the morning before I eat so there will be no big calorie surprises during the day and then as long as I'm on MFP, I read the posts and see what everyone has been doing and post something during the day to tell everyone about the ups and downs along the way for me.

    :smile: today is my Isagenix cleanse day so with the low calorie consumption, I exercise less.....I took the dogs to the dog park early in the day while it was drizzly and cold.....the dogs didn't mind and I got a brisk 20 minute walk....after a week of eating turkey with all the trimmings ending with soup made from the carcass and vegetables with matzo balls last night, I was ready for this cleanse day.

    :drinker: Jeannie, I'm so sorry that your kids have been having a rough time in school.....you are such a good mom for all your efforts to put them in better schools and put forth the effort to get them there

    :flowerforyou: Robin, I'm sorry to hear that your dress isn't what you'd hoped for...mail order is such a gamble.

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, what a disappointment to not be able to wear your fabulous new dress.....it sounds like you have a pretty positive attitude about disappointment...thanks for posting the picture from a year ago.....OMG have you changed so much for the better

    :flowerforyou: Chicklet, what a shock to have your MFP identity disappear like that......I'm glad to see that you jumped right back in and let us know what happened.......you have been so resilient with your mom, continuing to be positive with her even when she treats you badly....I know she appreciates what you're doing for her......I don't think all physical therapists are as kind as the one you are talking about----when my husband had to have physical therapy he came home every day and told me that the physical therapist should be arrested for inflicting such terrible pain. :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: HerbieSue, it makes perfect sense that there should be a place to rent a party dress since men can rent formal wear

    :flowerforyou: I've been trying to jog in place while watching a movie with my husband (I want my pedometer to register 10,000 steps before bedtime) but he keeps telling me it's too noisy and I'm distracting him so I sit down for awhile and then try jogging in a different place.
    :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies,

    I have been missing in action lately due to 2 sets of house guests almost back to back. Everyone left and we leave Tuesday to head to MT for 2 weeks, so I am just checking in to say hello. I tried to catch up on posts but briefly wanted to say:

    Amanda: CONGRATULATIONS on reaching your goal and sharing your "before" photo. You look fantastic and like a daughter to your former self. Give yourself lots of pats on the back and keep up the wonderful new lifestyle!

    Barbie: I love your new photo...what a darling little family

    Jeannie: How awful about your son's situation at the school. I hope that you can find a safe, good school for everyone.

    Newbies; Welcome, welcome! You are in a great place here!

    I am off to put the leftover goodies in the freezer so I won't eat them. I did not do well this round of visitors with my munching, so I need a few days of very clean eating! It is still scary to me how quickly I can revert back to old, bad habits. It requires constant effort to change for good! So glad for this place for help and support. All the best of my fellow MFPers for a healthy holiday season ahead of us! Kackie:drinker: :drinker:
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    Oh I could only hope to find a physical therapist like the one your husband had! The one she had in Washington and the one I am dealing with at our apartment are wusses. Mom just has to squint her eyes and they are like, "Does that hurt you too much Angie?" and immediately cut back, which she takes full advantage of. I just glare at her when she does that with them. I am constantly saying to her, "Open your eyes mom." That is why she wasn't as far along as they "claimed" she was when I showed up in Washington. Heck I have got her standing on her own, unassisted, within one month! Which is something they couldn't do in 3 months! I need a drill sargeant for her dammit!!!:angry: You think the army would take her????:wink:

    Someone did tell me though that therapist nowadays in facilities have to follow the patient rights code. So basically if a patient says I don't want to do anything today, or, complains of pain while working out, they cannot continue to make them try any harder or for that matter be tough on them. Total waste of tiime if you ask me. What is the point of physical therapy if you don't feel some pain or soreness?? What's that saying weight lifters say, "No pain no gain"? That's the motto I use with her. If I treated her with kid gloves like they do, she wouldn't progress. of course she wouldn't be chewing me out all time either.:ohwell: I look at her and my relatiionship as a Love/Hate relationship.

    My doctor, which is also my mom's doctor now, says if my mom goes into skilled nursing facility, she will die there. They will never push her. The horrible thing about that ( I mean besides her dying of course) is that she is perfectly healthy at 76 years of age. She doesn't have any diseases or heart problems .......anything, other than not being able to walk. Muscle deterioration from not moving. She can fix that!! But she acts like someone with a horrible disease! She is so fortunate to be healthy and she doesn't even recognize that and always wants to give up. ( She says it doesn't work for her. Bull pucky! She can't press the buttons on the remote! She acts like her fingers are frail, but in truth, she has the strength to push them, its just too much work for her.:noway: Do you know she has actually resorted to calling me in her room under false pretenses like, could you bring me some milk, to only say I really just needed to have you change the channel, I dont want any milk!:grumble: She literally does not think I have anythng else to do except change channels for her!!!:noway: I don't know....I know I am ranting, but if I don't do it here, I'll end up taking it out on her, which I don't want to do.

    Well thanks for listening. Going to try and sneak a little more of a nap in before she wakes up. I am finally tired again. Hope I can get back to sleep.

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to everyone new to this thread! It is a wonderful place to get good free advice, support and friendship.

    Thanks to all of you for your comments about my DS and DD. Things will get better when DD can drive herself to school, but that will bring on another slew of concerns.

    Chicklet - When my dad has PT I have to be there and order him to do the exercises or he won't do them. I know what you are going through. Check out a company called Comfort Keepers. They are national and we are having good luck with them for both of my parent's care.

    It looks like Christmas with our friends WOFN (without family nearby) Christmas dinner will be at our house unless it snows again. I am not sure what I will make yet as I need to see what is on sale this week. It will be fun to have everyone here, but if it snows we will pack up dinner and bring it to an alternate location. lol

    Speaking of Christmas we got our first ever table top tree. It looks really nice (all 4.5 feet of it). I have a lot to do today decorating, moving stuff around. So, I better get to it.

    Warm thoughts to all who need them.

  • kwownow
    kwownow Posts: 43 Member
    I would love to join this group! May I tell you a little about myself. I am 63 and live in NY and also in Myrtle Beach during the winter. Last winter I spent my time running to a chiropracter 3 times a week for 2 months because of back pain! That was my "last straw". Not how I want to spend my retirement!! Sooooo, long story short. Returned home to NY in May and June 1 started Jenny Craig. I know, I know, many think when you get off their food you will regain the weight. Not if you are as determined as I am. I have lost 42.6 lbs so far and have about 30 more to go for a reasonable goal weight. I am now having 5 days of Jenny food a week and am transitioning to regular food 2 days a week and loving the program. Worked where WW has always failed me.

    For exercise, my kids chipped in and bought me Wii and Wii Fit for my b'day. I now have MANY exercise programs and do about 45 minutes a day--every day.

    So that's me! hope to participate on this board. Nice to find a group of ladies like me!

    Merry Christmas everyone! Angela
  • raeadams
    Thanks for the warm welcome everybody!...just reading your post I know I'm in the right place...life has change a lot no longer just concerned with myself and family, now taking care of my Mother as well...don't get me wrong I love it..it's just taking some getting use to...I left my job or should I say my job left me and find myself having to rethink many different things...like making a living from home..so as to be avail for Dr.s visits and such..my Mom had a triple by-pass and she hates to exercise...guess that's one reason I have tried to be so active my whole life..I have seen what not taking care of yourself looks like...and it's not pretty and can prove expensive and painful...I keep trying to get my mom to just walk outside..she keeps talking about dogs..never mind there are none in the neighborhood...lol...not to bad I guess at least she loves to shop...so try to take her out for that a couple times a week.....Man can she shop...hahaha...

    Got so much cooking to do for Christmas seems everybody is taking a break from that... and then I would go and say I was baking every bodies favorite cookies...Man, did that list get long...however I did get to hear some really nice stories about my cookies and the memories each one seems to have of them...memories are always good......I think all this cooking is taking away my desire for food...or maybe in the back of my mind I am making room for the extra calories...LOL....well just talking I guess getting it out....Well hope everyone has a beautiful Christmas...and lots of awesome memories.......;-)

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone, welcome all newbies

    Just a quick post today. We've still a bit to do at uncle Derrick's, we've sorted most of it, just a few clothes to sort out to go to charity shop. It was quite hard yesterday, I was sorting out some things in his bedroom and it suddenly hit me, the last time I'd seen him, he was in bed looking so poorly - and now I'll never see him again. I feel bad that I didn't get to say goodbye to him. It's his funeral today, time to look back and reflect on the good times.

    I'm pleased to say that I have been quite good on my meals out. The first one I actually took my sweet home with me (can't remember if I told you that, but for me it's unheard of I'd usually eat the sweet and not the main meal!) and last Friday I went out on a Christmas meal with my mum two aunts and mum's friend and filled up on the veggies and only had a small piece of sherry trifle. I'm hoping I can keep this up at home with all the extra nibbles we seem to have at this time of year.

    My DS and partner and DGS are having Christmas dinner with us this year. They take it in turns with her parents. So this year I'll have 4 vegetarians to cater for - I've already bought a quorn roast, I'll have to remember to put it in the oven, a few years ago I was so busy with the small turkey for me and hubby and doing two lots of vegetables, that I forgot to put the quorn roast in the oven. Woops, Christmas Dinner was a little late that year.

    At least with my grandson here there'll be no time for brooding. He's adorable, spoilt, but adorable all the same. I'll have to find some games for us to play, mind you he'll be so excited with all his toys that I'm sure he'll be happy whatever.

    Well it's 8am better get a move on, lots to do. Doesn't help that it is so cold, I've never known it as cold as this before. It's minus 7 degrees almost unheard of for us in York, we are in a bit of a dip so usually bad weather passes over us, but not this time.

    Take care my good friends, sorry I've not mentioned anyone by name, but I need to catch up with the last few pages.

    I'm hoping to be back to posting regularly soon.

    Love and best wishes :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies. A big welcome to our new friends and an extra hug for Viv - I hope the funeral goes well. I know what you mean about the cold - it's bitter here too.

    DD#2 had her op yesterday so I'm off to see her later. Seems I have a lot of driving in the snow today. I have to go and collect my new spectacles then run my dad around; drop in to see MIL at the nursing home; visit daughter in hospital then go to DD#1 and the grandtwins. Hmm, when do I fit in my exercise??

    Ok, executive decision time - I'm going to jump onto my treadmill right now!

    Happy, healthy Monday my friends - don't forget your water.

    Amanda xx