How do you deal with night time munchies?

I'm usually pretty good during the day. My weakness is ALWAYS, WITHOUT FAIL, after dinner.

I can't remember the last time I didn't have a little something AFTER dinner.

Any ideas on what I can do???????????????


  • sunbeam11
    I munch out more if I stay up too late. It's really been my worst problem area and how I put on most of this weight. Usually just getting things wound down for the evening and getting ready for bed will keep me busy enough to stay out of the fridge. If I want a snack, I try to have a yougurt or piece of fruit. Just something to take the edge off that sweet tooth. :)
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I get that too! After an amazing dinner, I still feel like I need a little something else to feel satisfied, even if i'm full! Usually something sweet. You can either try to ignore it or drink some water. Or maybe get something super duper low calorie if you feel you can't help yourself
  • nemrenu
    nemrenu Posts: 211
    I have the same problem, night time is my worst... the best solution I have come up with is to limit myself to a 200-250 calorie healthy snack, then ride my stationary bike. Good luck!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I have calories budgeted for an evening snack. I have one every single night. I tend to have things like Chobani greek yogurt, crackers and peanut butter, a bagel thin with cream cheese, a few reduced fat cookies and light soy milk, etc. I've found that I always need a snack around 9pm, so its easier to budget it in than try and go til morning and be starving. Plus I have some medications that I take in the evening that make me feel ill if I take them on an empty stomach. Basically, you don't have to fight the craving, just plan for a snack so you have calories to spare. I keep my snack under 200 calories, sometimes I'll eat a bit more if I'm low for the day.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    well i had the same problem, but my trainer said it was because i wasnt eating enough earlier in the day. So now i load up at breakfast and lunch and i am not nearly as hungry at night. I hope it helps.
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    I eat most of my calories during the morning and early afternoon hours and don't feel a desire to snack at night. As long as you are keeping under your calorie limit, it doesn't matter what time of the day you eat those calories. Maybe you need to increase your calorie limit by 150 or so and save those for the evening. Planning and looking forward to a healthy snack that contains protein, fat and carbs before bedtime might be something you could try.
  • BWSydney
    Ahhh - thank you for all your suggestions, everyone! Like many of you, even if I have a great dinner, I still feel the compulsion to have a little something... And yes, usually something sweet.

    Great suggestions, all.

    I'm going to try to limit idle time after dinner and drink some water. If I must I'll have something, I'll limit my snack to around 200 or so calories.

    Good luck to you all as well!!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    I save calories for a night time snack... can't live without them! I'll have a cup of mixed berries, or a 100 calorie pack of popcorn... but I gotta have something to munch on. I make sure I budget calories for it, because if I don't I'll undoubtedly go over by snacking. I've been eating a bedtime snack for my entire life (43 years)... and I actually have trouble sleeping if I don't do it.
  • BWSydney
    I save calories for a night time snack... can't live without them! I'll have a cup of mixed berries, or a 100 calorie pack of popcorn... but I gotta have something to munch on. I make sure I budget calories for it, because if I don't I'll undoubtedly go over by snacking. I've been eating a bedtime snack for my entire life (43 years)... and I actually have trouble sleeping if I don't do it.

    I'm the same way!! Often it is hard for me to sleep if I'm thinking about a snack and don't give in...

    I'm always optimistic that I won't need a snack. Eating in the early afternoon might help as well. I might give that a shot tomorrow.

  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Also, i'm a bit of a chocolate addict... well, i'm a LOT of a chocolate addict. So what I do now is buy the ridiculously hardcore dark chocolate (I found some 85%) and eat one or two squares of that if i'm really craving because that's all you'll really need to kill that craving. Of course, this only applies if you like the hardcore dark chocolate!
  • aliceofwonderland
    I ALWAYS need at least something after dinner., but If I run out of calories from the rest of the day, I'll have some fruit or a 10-calorie sugar free jello yumm :)
  • BWSydney
    Also, i'm a bit of a chocolate addict... well, i'm a LOT of a chocolate addict. So what I do now is buy the ridiculously hardcore dark chocolate (I found some 85%) and eat one or two squares of that if i'm really craving because that's all you'll really need to kill that craving. Of course, this only applies if you like the hardcore dark chocolate!

    i do LOVEEEE chocolate... But I'm a milk chocolate lover. I will eat dark chocolate if it is around hehe (I don't discriminate!)

    I might have to give that a shot :-)
  • JimH56
    100 cal popcorn. The important part, eat each kernel one at a time. BIG help. If still craving drink water and have a cup of low fat yogurt, all of these end up costing 100 cals each, not shabby and it keeps me away from my nemesis - ICE CREAM!!! Good luck, and keep plugging! Oh yeah, extra exercise to budget out the increased cals in the evening, just don't exercise too close to bed, it'll mess with your sleep patterens
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I just love anything chocolate. One of those 250 gram bars of dairy milk? One sitting baby. One. Sitting. It's really an accomplishment for me to not be eating chocolate every day any more! Although it's very easy to slip back into that habit.
    Give it a go - the highest percentage you can find and you honestly won't want more than a few squares.
  • BWSydney
    100 cal popcorn. The important part, eat each kernel one at a time. BIG help. If still craving drink water and have a cup of low fat yogurt, all of these end up costing 100 cals each, not shabby and it keeps me away from my nemesis - ICE CREAM!!! Good luck, and keep plugging! Oh yeah, extra exercise to budget out the increased cals in the evening, just don't exercise too close to bed, it'll mess with your sleep patterens

    Thanks for the reply... I can't even have ice-cream in the house. There's no resting until it is GONE.

    Yogurt may have to do for the evening!!
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    I worked nights so I find it very hard not to munch at midnight even five years out of my profession. So...I cut up celery and carrots and keep them stocked for my fridge raid.
  • carl1738
    carl1738 Posts: 444 Member
    I usually have a small dish of peanuts and a casein protein shake at night. It's not when you eat, it's what you eat that gets you in trouble with late night snacking. Just try to have something healthy instead of breaking out the Doritos or the Ben & Jerry's. Remember, your body burns calories 24 hours a day.
  • ChelleBelle1
    ChelleBelle1 Posts: 34 Member
    I also love ice cream, and will let myself have a little every now and then. But one of my favorite things to have at night is a "fruit sundae" with bananas or strawberries and light whipped cream and light chocolate syrup. You can have an entire bowl for a small amount of calories. What I like is that I get that ice cream sundae/banana split sensation without all the calories.
  • VSkyJess
    I like to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. First with baking soda and then with toothpaste. NOTHING will taste good after that. Not only that its a confidence boost if you take the time to take care of yourself. Not just diet wise.
  • Avalon203
    well i had the same problem, but my trainer said it was because i wasnt eating enough earlier in the day. So now i load up at breakfast and lunch and i am not nearly as hungry at night. I hope it helps.

    I hit a plateau a sort while ago and so tried to change my eating habits to try and kickstart the weightloss again......I cut out my eveing snack and stopped having carbs with my evening meal! Never thought id be able to do it as I used to eat quite a lot of my daily calories in the evening.... but I started eating much more through the day to balance it out and now im never hungry at night!