Buying clothes in advance?

I'm losing weight for my holiday in August and so whilst I know what size I want to be, I have no idea what I'll actually be. Therefore no holiday shopping for me until just before :grumble: Which is killllllllllllllinnnnngggg me! There's sooooo many things I want to buy. However I caved in and bought some little cotton dresses which were a uk size 10, (I'm currently a 12) thinking it's what I'll be when I go away but I tried them on and they fit now! Do I exchange them for an even smaller size?

Is it a good idea to buy smaller clothes in advance, or not? What do you guys all do?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I do not buy clothes in advace...

    I went on a trip in February and bought my clothes within that same month.

    Why spend the money now? then have to go exchange the clothes? seems like a waste of time to me....
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I don't buy clothes in advance either. I did a couple of times and found that my own perception of "it is too small still, it won't possibly fit me" did me in - I would wait and wait and wait to try something on, only to finally steel myself for the defeat of it STILL being too small, try it on, and find I'd wasted the money because it was too BIG! Third time that happened I swore off buying clothes in advance.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't buy clothes for that far ahead. I mean, I got a swim suit and some dresses, but I'm almost at goal weight, they fit now and they'll still fit later. While I was losing, I only bought one size down... and nothing I really liked or was expensive.
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    I do, absolutely buy clothes inadvance. But not to an extreme, its usualy just one size smaller. Im a shorty so its not always easy to find good fitting pants. If I try some on that are a little tight, I buy them, knowing that I will get in to them soon, and do. In fact just this morning I walked back in to my size 8's! Really looking forward to getting in my old 6's again!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I do NOT buy clothes in advance with a very few exceptions, such as one size down in a favorite (and inexpensive) line of jeans.

    When I've done this with tops, dresses, nicer pants or jackets it has typically been a huge waste of money for a variety of reasons...either I lost weight more quickly and skipped over a size, my body changed in a way I did not anticipate (for example narrowing of shoulders or wrists whilst bust is the same makes a long sleeve top fit weird), or clothes I'd planned to pair together in outfits didn't work out because of size changes. Just not worth it. I do feel your pain, though. Currently I am dying to buy a swimsuit but I have NO clue what size I'll be, and my estimates are often way off (for example at my current weight I would have guessed I'd be a size 18 or possibly 16, and I'm in between 12-14)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I might buy something if it's like $1 at the Goodwill.

    I usually don't.

    But if I MUST... I put a hole in a baggie and hang it on the hanger with the receipt in it and leave the tags on it.

    That way if I need to return it everything is right there.
  • MrsPaulSmith
    MrsPaulSmith Posts: 401 Member
    Keep it with tags and receipt until the event just in case. I buy clothes in advance. I have been the size I am going for before, so I usually can eyeball it and tell if it will be the right size.
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I buy clothes in advance, I actually have a trunk collecting things for when Im smaller

    I don't buy pants though, theres just no way to know

    I used to be smaller and Id like to be smaller than that but I don't wear tight clothes, I know even before I get to my target weight that a small is going to be a bit big for me

    I wear a lot of skirts and those are pretty easy to buy smaller, some tops that aren't intended to be fitted, belts, a few dresses but theyre tricky depending on the shape, ive also collected a few accessories im not allowing myself until I get smaller.

    but that's just me, I don't like shopping in bigger sizes than Im used to so I get the necessities in my current size and shop in the size I was the rest of the time
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I wouldn't buy clothes in advance because it will stress me out that I have to hurry up somehow to fit it.
  • Why buy skinny clothes. Don't you have 30 years worth of all those clothes that used to fit packed away somewhere?... I do.
  • kathystrauss1
    kathystrauss1 Posts: 142 Member
    I rarely buy clothes in advance. Just because they may be the right size in the future doesn't mean they will look good on me or fit my particular body type. If it's a really good deal I sometimes take the chance though.
  • agherst
    agherst Posts: 1
    I don't buy clothes in advance except for a goal closet item. I got the idea from biggest loser and really liked it. A few weeks ago I bought my first crop top and I am just a few pounds and a couple of crunches away from wearing it, which is super exciting! I think this kind of advance shopping is good because you're only buying one thing and not spending a ton of money, so it works as a motivator or can help you realize your end goal without worrying about having wasted money if clothes don't fit. Also, if you end up losing even more weight, you won't feel bad about buying more clothes because you haven't overhauled your wardrobe already.
  • russellbrand69
    russellbrand69 Posts: 132 Member
    I do NOT buy clothes in advance with a very few exceptions, such as one size down in a favorite (and inexpensive) line of jeans. When I've done this it has typically been a huge waste of money for a variety of reasons...either I lost weight more quickly and skipped over a size, my body changed in a way I did not anticipate (for example narrowing of shoulders or wrists whilst bust is the same makes a long sleeve top fit weird), or clothes I'd planned to pair together in outfits didn't work out because of size changes. Just not worth it. I do feel your pain, though. Currently I am dying to buy a swimsuit but I have NO clue what size I'll be, and my estimates are often way off (for example at my current weight I would have guessed I'd be a size 18 or possibly 16, and I'm in between 12-14)

    I agree with this poster exactly - my shape has changed in ways I hadn't anticipated.
    But I have, also like the poster above, made one exception: I twice bought cheap jeans I already liked, but in a size down.
    These have been a great help to me - a great incentive, and when they fit, an undeniable measure of how far I've come. I tried them on once a month, no more than that.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Why buy skinny clothes. Don't you have 30 years worth of all those clothes that used to fit packed away somewhere?... I do.

    I think a lot of the posters here, myself included, are in their 30's (or even 20's) so probably not.

    The last time I was my current size, I was 14-15 so those juniors looks from the early 90's wouldn't be so great on a grown woman ;-)
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    no, not even for the kids (although one kid has a substantial hand me down stash-she almost never gets new stuff) the sizes and seasons never seem to line up right. i bought a bunch of stuff for my youngest, and most of it went unworn, or he's gonna hit that size in summer, but its winter stuff.