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Gym vs Home Workouts

Does anyone find it easier to workout at the gym rather than home?


  • Tryxxie2013
    Tryxxie2013 Posts: 1,489 Member
    I wouldn't know. I live very far from a gym so I've never had that experience. But I like working out at home. No distractions & I can look like an idiot without worrying about it. HOWEVER, it would be nice to have access to all of the equipment that gyms offer.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Each system has its plusses and minuses.

    I did at-home dvds for years. (They were vhs tapes, but same difference.) It was fine; I could exercise in my pjs and whenever I wanted .... at some point I started taking classes and it was so much more fun to get cute gymclothes, meet new people, and push each other.
  • Holly_Wood_888
    Holly_Wood_888 Posts: 268 Member
    I was doing Home workouts since January...and found my motivation was low... I could hit the elliptical no prob but when it came to any strength training I just felt tired !!

    I am much more motivated now that I am going to a gym! I look forward to going and so far, I've hit 6 days a week for two weeks ! 24 hour access! The highlight of my day is working out now :)
  • beaches61
    beaches61 Posts: 154 Member
    I work out both places, home and gym.

    I feel like I'm more motivated at the gym because there are other people working out. I feel like I tend to work harder. And I enjoy it more, because it's social.

    But if it's late or I can't get to the gym, it's good to have the opp to work out at home. I have an elliptical trainer that I like to use for cardio, and I have some DVDs that I use.

    It's nice to have options.
  • bwats33
    bwats33 Posts: 25 Member
    Combo of both here as well. My pull-up bar is at home, but the elliptical and stationary bike are at the gym....they wouldn't fit in my tiny apartment anyway! :)

    Overall, I prefer the gym. Better equipment and less distractions...I just put in my headphones and enter the 'zone' for 45 minutes. I do have a major convenience factor too, since the closest gym is a very short walking distance.
  • aleenazaz
    aleenazaz Posts: 24
    I did both and I liked working out at gym instead. I am a mom of three so gym time was like my "me" time. Working out at gym always got me pushing myself a bit more everyday. I intentionally use to workout right next to someone who was working out really hard. Ofcourse I coudln't do the same but I pushed myself harder. I love the energy and the mental attitude of everyone coming there ...Working out at home has it's own benefits too and if you are determined enough then really you can workout anywhere.
  • I like the convenience of working out at home, but I also find myself getting really distracted. At the gym, I'm surrounded by exercise machines. I know what I'm there to do.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I work out exclusively at home and love it. I can get up and hit the exercise bike before my morning coffee. I can fit in a yoga or cardio video in right after work before dinner. I can lift some weights after walking the dogs. In other words, when it fits with my schedule versus the gym's class schedule.

    I have had a gym membership in the past but, at the time, it was 2 block from my house and I could walk there and it was open from 5 am to 10 pm. Now, living in another state, I would need to drive to the closest gym and the hours are more limited. To find a gym with longer hours means more time in the car.

    But I am luck in that I have a big basement so have space for an exercise bike, weights, space to do cardio DVDs, etc. Plus, trying to do yoga or any exercise routine with two dogs ups the "challenge factor." :)
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I prefer working out at home.. currently doing the T25 program.. and loving it!
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    I like both. I lift at the gym and run on my street.
  • miche_smash
    miche_smash Posts: 131 Member
    If I had the proper lifting equipment and a treadmill I wouldn't need the gym and I'd workout at home. I really don't like workout DVDs, I find them repetitive and therefore they bore me after I do them more than 2 or 3 times. And usually they're just trying to get you to buy more stuff. It depends on what type of workout you're doing I guess :) I'm easily intimidated so generally when lifting I feel like I'm in the way of all the muscle macho men- I've never seen a woman at my gym doing any "real" lifting (squats, deadlifts, etc). I think I would prefer to workout at home for privacy, my equipment would be in the basement so there are minimal distractions there.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    I workout at home and I love it.

    I have a treadmill, recumbent seat bike, elliptical, universal weight machine, and free weights.

    I think the key issues are:

    - you have to actually USE your equipment at home (i.e. - don't use your treadmill to hang your clothes on.......)
    - you need to let your family know in no uncertain terms that when you are working out, you CAN NOT be interrupted ( tell my family that I have my 'Do Not Disturb' sign on when I'm working out - I don't answer the phone, I don't go to the door if someone comes - NOTHING0!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I prefer the gym...largely because I primarily use the gym for lifting and they have more equipment than I could ever get into my garage.

    That said, I've had a home gym before and I found that I was always getting sidetracked with other things that needed done around the house. I had difficulty getting home from work and ignoring all of these various things that needed doing...so I'd inevitably be loading the dishwasher when I was already supposed to be into my working sets in the squat rack...and then emptying the drying rack when I should have been dead lifting...and oh yeah, there was that lose door knob and a couple light bulbs are out. Before I knew it, I had run out of workout time and pretty much may as well just have a beer.

    When I'm hitting the gym I have to make a very conscious effort to deviate from my drive and skip it...and once I'm there, there's nothing to do besides work.
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Yes because youre most likely not going to relax and skip your workout. I go straight to the gym, get my workout in, and straight back home to relax etc. It's just easier - plus there's classes/other people who are aiming for self improvement and better machines/equipment to work with.
  • i know how you feel i need to learn some strenght training exercises. I have the shuant focus now so hopefully that will help
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Right now I work out at the gym. I've done home workouts, but the problem is I get distracted easily. Like someone above said, when I go to the gym I know what I'm there for and I focus. That said, I was doing dvds. I think if I had weight equipment at home I would use it. Possibly even a treadmill. I get bored quickly with the workout dvds though no matter how effective they can be. That said I love that my gym offers classes and tanning. Sorry you can't go to a salon and pay 10-20 bucks a month to tan. Including it in a gym membership is a steal.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    Yes because youre most likely not going to relax and skip your workout. I go straight to the gym, get my workout in, and straight back home to relax etc. It's just easier - plus there's classes/other people who are aiming for self improvement and better machines/equipment to work with.

    Yep this.
  • lunula71
    lunula71 Posts: 13
    Much MUCH easier for me to do gym workouts. I take a lot of classes there, just going and doing machines/lifting weights is not enjoyable. I like the structure of having a specific workout/class with a start time & end time. I know exactly what I'm doing and when, and when it will be over, and I have an instructor that guides me (which I also like, since I normally go after work and I'm pretty brain-dead). Also, over the years, I've made friends with not only other people in the classes, but with the instructors, so I have higher accountability. I can't miss a class without getting a text message or two. :)

    I also work from home, so getting out of the house is even more important to me.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    If i'm at the gym, my mind is ready to work. When i'm at home, i'm easily distracted. Though, i do love using my treadmill at home. can blast the radio as loud as i want because my treadmill is centrally located in my house, my neighbors wont hear. Or i can play whatever i want on the TV. And use my own shower.
  • spickard34
    spickard34 Posts: 303 Member
    I think there are positive and negatives to both. I workout at home use to belong to a gym its too far away now and the cost is crazy. In the winter I sometimes think I should join just to see people. However between my treadmill and workout videos and free weights I have at home I get a great workout in. I think I push harder at home because I am not afraid of looking stupid =)