Breakfast Ideas for Busy Worker



  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    I prepack a salad in tupperware and stick it in the company fridge for the morning (sans dressing, I add that when I eat so it doesn't get mooshy). I also eat popcorn, smoothies, humus with carrots, and yogurts topped with cashews.
  • RellaBelle
    RellaBelle Posts: 70 Member
    I make quiche cups in the oven with egg, spinach, mushrooms and 1/4 slice of bacon on top. 9 eggs can make 16 quiche cups when you use a muffin tin and they're about 50 odd calories each and really satisfying. You can leave them in the fridge or freeze them and they heat up nicely in less than 3 minutes and they don't come out rubbery.

    I also make breakfast burritos using whole wheat low carb tortillas [I can't stand wheat bread], a scrambled egg, bacon slice and tomato.. maybe a tiny tiny smear of mayo.

    I make those for breakfast because my husband has to leave for work at 5am and though I love him dearly, Im not getting up that early to cook breakfast lol.
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Protien shake with a bit of pumpkin spice. Yum
  • atfirstblush
    atfirstblush Posts: 88 Member
    I usually eat 3 slices of turkey bacon microwaved, a sliced apple or two hard boiled eggs and grapefruit.
  • jeanstudies
    jeanstudies Posts: 81 Member
    I pour liquid eggbeaters-type eggs into a microwave egg poacher, add some low-fat cheddar cheese, and microwave for about a minute and a half. It is low-carb this way.

    Or for a slightly-less low-carb version, I add some sliced ham and wrap in a low-carb wrap. You can do this at home in advance; although it is pretty easy to prepare at work.
  • jkbeer7
    jkbeer7 Posts: 3
    An amazingly delicious smoothie:

    1 - 2 cups spinach
    1 banana
    1 cup frozen blueberries
    1/2 cup almond milk (vanilla, unsweetened is good)
    1/2 cup pomegranate juice
    1 Tbsp. ground flax seeds.
    Blend and drink! So good...
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have tried a lot of different refrigerator oats recipes and honestly I found that most of them with a lot of added liquid (i.e., soy milk, almond milk) tasted like bland paste and take the flavor out of whatever mix-ins I used.

    But I like this:

    5 oz Greek yogurt (plain, unsweetened)
    1/8 cup quick oats (uncooked)
    1/3 cup of berries, chopped peaches, or pineapple chunks (fresh or frozen fruit thawed - either works well)
    1/3 tbsp. ground flaxseed (optional, but I find it really improves the texture)

    I set it up the night before in a container with a lid (I don't stir, just throw it all in). In the morning, stir well and eat cold...tasty and very different from either yogurt or oatmeal on their own.

    If it's not sweet enough for your tastes, you can add honey or another sweetener. Sometimes I add a few chopped nuts too.
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Granola w/ Greek yogurt & berries
    Cliff Builder Bar
    Oatmeal w/ Brown Sugar (microwaved)
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    For a quick breakfast I do an apple/banana and a rice cake smothered with peanut butter. takes about 10 seconds to throw together.
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    I do different things, some days it bring cottage cheese with fruit, like blueberries, blackberries, mango etc... Some days i make prior to leaving for work turkey beacon with an egg on toast and bring that, other days it's just oatmeal. Hope i helped
  • Jruzer
    Jruzer Posts: 3,501 Member
    Cliff Bar or Power Bar. Grab and go.
  • Illona88
    Illona88 Posts: 903 Member
    I am currently obsessed with homemade muesli.
    I make it in plastic bowls with lids on Sundays. I put in my muesli base (from Holland and Barrett in the UK. It has oats, jumbo oats, rye flakes, barley flakes and wheat flakes in it) and then I add some nuts and seeds. I like to use different nuts and seeds every day. This morning I had Brazil nuts, pumpkin seeds and hemp seeds. Yesterday it was pecans, walnuts, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. Pop the lid on and stick it in the cupboard until needed.
    Then in the mornings I just add some fresh fruit, like berries, banana, watermelon, chopped apple, pear etc and I pour on some milk.

    It is so much nicer than store bought muesli and cheaper too.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I have a mini muffin pan, so I like making frittatas in advance. It can be a pain to calculate out the calories, so I just make enough that it's worth it. I just made 36 frittatas on Sunday using bell peppers, spinach, red onion, feta, eggs, a splash of half n half, and spices. I individually bag them and then freeze them for the microwave.

    One large banana is my go-to most mornings.

    2% milk fat cottage cheese with frozen/jarred fruit is great. Weigh and Tupperware a week of servings for logging purposes.

    Tortilla with peanut butter and slices of apple/banana/strawberry rolled up. Again, make 5, weigh in advance, throw in the fridge in a ziplock bag with the calories right on it.

    A lot of my coworkers make instant oatmeal at work.

    I highly recommend, whatever you do, that you make/prepare/pack 5 of them on Sunday for breakfast for the week. You're more likely to make good choices if they're easy.
  • greytniki
    greytniki Posts: 51 Member
    I'm an odd breakfast person but I usually eat a combination of the following:
    Beef Jerky
    Vita Muffin Tops
    English muffin w/peanutbutter toasted
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    microwavable poached eggs
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Bananas are nature's convenience food.

    You can make a fruit salad the night before and put it in a tupperware.

    You can prepare all the ingredients for a smoothie the night before, and then just wake up and blend, or bring it to work, and blend there.

    You can make steel cut oats overnight in the slowcooker.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Water & coffee
  • naturallee_me
    naturallee_me Posts: 44 Member
    Sorry for the late response, but I did not get any notifications that people had responded. I think I changed my settings to fix this though.

    Most of these sound really yummy! I wouldn't call water and coffee breakfast though :noway:
  • naturallee_me
    naturallee_me Posts: 44 Member
    Bananas are nature's convenience food.

    You can make a fruit salad the night before and put it in a tupperware.

    You can prepare all the ingredients for a smoothie the night before, and then just wake up and blend, or bring it to work, and blend there.

    You can make steel cut oats overnight in the slowcooker.

    I really like this idea!
  • naturallee_me
    naturallee_me Posts: 44 Member
    I have a mini muffin pan, so I like making frittatas in advance. It can be a pain to calculate out the calories, so I just make enough that it's worth it. I just made 36 frittatas on Sunday using bell peppers, spinach, red onion, feta, eggs, a splash of half n half, and spices. I individually bag them and then freeze them for the microwave.

    One large banana is my go-to most mornings.

    2% milk fat cottage cheese with frozen/jarred fruit is great. Weigh and Tupperware a week of servings for logging purposes.

    Tortilla with peanut butter and slices of apple/banana/strawberry rolled up. Again, make 5, weigh in advance, throw in the fridge in a ziplock bag with the calories right on it.

    A lot of my coworkers make instant oatmeal at work.

    I highly recommend, whatever you do, that you make/prepare/pack 5 of them on Sunday for breakfast for the week. You're more likely to make good choices if they're easy.

    I agree with making 5 ahead! I Plan preparing my breakfast this Sunday