1000 calories a day



  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member

    To answer your question, no, you won't keep gaining. Your body will eventually level out, but you gain weight from any frequent snacking done if your body doesn't have time to clean out the contents in the gut. Not everybody is a one-meal-a-day-er like me, but I have found that the "eat many meals" advice not only doesn't work, but tends to promote weight gain on even less calories. Put the calories you have in one or two meals and see what changes for you. I bet you'd see a reduction in weight pretty quickly.

    But as with anything, if you've calorie-restricted for a while, you'll need to very slowly go up--like maybe add 100 calories total for a week and another 100 the next week. Keep relatively active. And remember that weight fluctuations go up and down. it's fine to gain and lose within a certain range. You should only weigh once every 7 days, mind you, because you'll psyche yourself out.

    Keep a lid on the calories and you'll eventually stabilize and/or keep losing. You can find what works for you, but don't be afraid to enjoy a one-day weekly splurge day. This shocks the body into losing since it quits getting afraid of your starving. It's amazing how someone can keep or start losing after a day of overeating!
  • I'm doing well on what what I eat. I'm not sure about the calories but here's a rundown

    yoghurt and an apple

    tossed vege salad (lettuce, toms, olives, cucumber, a bit of coleslaw, beetroot / sweetcorn)

    usually a sandwich (tuna salad preferred)

    At the weekend, I eat a bit more, so bacon and an egg for brekkie, a salad for lunch and a decent sized cooked dinner in the evening, with snacks of fruit and a snickers bar (only one on sunday evening)

    I am losing weight, I feel great. I'm not tired or anything. It seems to be working for me.