Back at it

Hey there! I'm just getting back into my weight loss journey. I lost almost ten pounds over a few months and then gained it back after a tough time in my life. Well I'm back and ready to get back to it and I'm looking for some fantastic people so we can help motivate each other on our journeys. Feel free to add me!


  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    You can do this, Molly!

    Glad to hear you've decided to get back on track with your weight loss journey and wishing you much success in achieving your goals.
    Sorry to hear you've been through a rough time. Be sure to be take good care of yourself throughout this process, both physically and emotionally. I believe weight loss should be about honouring your body and its needs, not deprivation and punishment. If you make this journey about being kind to yourself, about giving yourself the gifts of regular exercise and nutritious food, the process is a lot easier and a lot more enjoyable.