I'm Starting to Slip....



  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    I can totally relate to 90% of your post and can sympathise. I've been stuck in a rut for so long now and sick of it. Sick of my life constantly revolving around dieting but then at the same time i don't want to be over weight. This constant battle is really getting me down. Sorry i have no real advice but what i did was last week i joined the gym and have had 1 solid good week since but i'm still major battling with cravings ect unfortunatly.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    very very serious reply here... but are you on, or about to get your period????
  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    It is really tough, I let myself slip but not too bad. I was undergoing a bunch of medical issues last year and basically took a full year off because my medical problems were discouraging me. Luckily I only gained 15lbs back but that year off gave me lots of time to think. Now that I have finally embraced my deepest desires and realized I am not happy at a size 18. So I am back in action.
  • michelleamhill
    michelleamhill Posts: 35 Member
    Stay stron. I don't have any magical answer. Just try to remember what motivated you to begin in the first place. Think about how hard it was to stay on track the last 50 days and how awful you will feel if you do give in to junk food. Go outside right now! Walk, get some fresh air, break a sweat. This feeling of wanting to give up and binge is temporary. When I was going through a bad break-up and was feeling depressed and suicidal from the actual physical pain of a broken heart, my friend kept reminding me that it was just chemicals. I could overcome the emotion of wanting because it's just biology urging us to feel a certain way. Well, we CAN beat it! Drink a couple glasses of water or ice tea or eat some grapes or an apple and go for a 20 min brisk walk!

    You can do it. Please don't give up!! Please, even if you already ordered the pizza, don't answer the door! Or if you simply must have a treat, have ONE piece only and throw the rest down the sink! Or ONE taco only w/o the cheese. But please don't binge. No good can come of binging.

    Stay strong. You are beautiful : )
  • Looking at my boys helps a lot.

    Also, sticking a picture of myself at 325lbs on the fridge and pantry helps a lot.

    Keep going, you are SO worth it. :):flowerforyou:
  • michelleamhill
    michelleamhill Posts: 35 Member
    Your best friend gave you great advice! Remember, this too shall pass. Your wanting to binge right now is temporary. Yogi brand green blueberry slimlife tea absolutely helps get rid of your cravings. Walk to the store and buy some. Good luck!
  • ecanales52
    ecanales52 Posts: 74 Member
    I hate exercise! I'm sorry but I do. I don't want to run, jog, lift, do the elliptical or anything else. I don't get a "high" from working out it's just something I force myself to do but I will never love it. As for my motivation I am going to be more honest than most and just say it's about 50% health and the other %50 is pure vanity. Damn straight I want to look hot and sexy who doesn't? I just want to look and feel normal.

    You have worked too darn hard to just give up. One of the most difficult things about loosing weight is *learning how to maintain*. Allow yourself some freedoms, but stick to being honest, continue to log everything, and learn how to maintain. And, by God, get out there and do some exercise! Doesn't matter if you "like" it or not, it is a huge part of being healthy and looking good. You have a choice, hon....either get it done....or whine about how much you want it! It's all up to you. Good luck!!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I go shop for new clothes. I buy a few shirts that I LOVE, but i purchase them in a few sizes smaller. This always gets me more motivated to stay/get back on track. Another thing I find helpful is to go fill my fridge with healthy foods. Also, I re-evaluate my goals, and look at my progress pictures/measurements. :) I may even take a new progress picture randomly just to compare from then and now.

    I can promise - as long as if you keep going, no matter what, one day you will reach your goal. If you give up - you will never reach your goal. Even if today or tomorrow are "bad days", that is ok. Start fresh and move on the next day, hour, minute - whatever.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I hate exercise! I'm sorry but I do. I don't want to run, jog, lift, do the elliptical or anything else. I don't get a "high" from working out it's just something I force myself to do but I will never love it. As for my motivation I am going to be more honest than most and just say it's about 50% health and the other %50 is pure vanity. Damn straight I want to look hot and sexy who doesn't? I just want to look and feel normal.

  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Just say no. I know it sounds easier than it really is but losing weight is mostly about willpower. You have to want it bad enough. You have to love yourself enough to want what's best for YOU.

    I love this! I've been feeling as though I am going to slip too. But this is the best way to look at it :) Thank you! and cheers to not slipping!

    I think the "just say no" needs to be my method. It needs to be from my own willpower but I am in a ragged emotional state today and I don't even know why. I just know I feel hopeless about my weightloss and my looks. I want to get back my initial motivation and attitude that I started with. I want to not be a weak pathetic woman cramming food in her face all day but I am so afraid it will just happen and that I am a weak sorry lazy lump.

    Find something to distract yourself. Just make it through till bedtime, and hopefully tomorrow will be easier. Also, allow yourself a cheat meal each week. That plus my glass of hot chocolate with marshmallows every night before bed seriously are the only 2 things that keep me sane!
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    very very serious reply here... but are you on, or about to get your period????
    I think I'm like 10 days out from starting so I am close to starting the PMS mode and it does feel like it. I could also be pregnant since I don't take or use any contraception with my fiancee. I have had 2 cycles since I started my weight loss though and this entire week has just been more difficult than the whole first 2 months.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    very very serious reply here... but are you on, or about to get your period????
    I think I'm like 10 days out from starting so I am close to starting the PMS mode and it does feel like it. I could also be pregnant since I don't take or use any contraception with my fiancee. I have had 2 cycles since I started my weight loss though and this entire week has just been more difficult than the whole first 2 months.

    ooooh, congrats!! where are you registered??
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    Unpopular view, but you just might need to give in and fall. Sometimes falling, hitting the bottom, is just the kind of pain we need to get back up.

    Or you could get real. You don't like being fat. You're not going to magically start enjoying obesity when you drown your sorrows in an endless supply of pizzas, Taco Bell, and subs. Sure you'll numb your emotions for a few moments? And then what? Eventually when the pity party is done, in the next few weeks, months, or years, you'll be as fat as ever, if not fatter.

    And you'll be back here, on MFP, trying to lose everything you've lost so far...and then some.

    If you don't learn to tell the demons in your head to shut the hell up, and keep going anyway, this battle will NEVER be won.

    Weight loss is simple. Changing our minds is the real battle.
  • nomorebingesgirl2014
    nomorebingesgirl2014 Posts: 378 Member
  • I know how it is. I have lost 30 pounds and this last month has been awful. I keep nibbling. I have to get back on track. It is the hardest thing to do is lose weight. I feel your pain. I'll keep going forward and I hope you will. Exercising is no problem for me. I am a night eater. My problem is getting up during the night. Any helpful information out there on how to not eat during the night would be greatly appreciated. Night eater.
  • gemmamummy
    gemmamummy Posts: 185 Member
    I'm having a slump at the moment, the last two weeks have been full of peoples weddings, hen parties and just about every other celebration involving food and booze, plus my son has been ill so i've had to mss the gym to be at home with him. I look at my food diary and honestly it makes me feel depressed. However, once this week is over and all these celebrations are done. My body is not going to know what has hit it. I'm gonna work my *kitten* of the make up for these last couple of weeks and not look back. My advice is, order a pizza, eat it all in one go. Draw a line under it and move on. You can and will reach your goal, so what if you stumble along the way x
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    I have been so dedicated and good for the past 50 + days but this past week I have been neglecting my logging, cheating more than I should and not exercising. I feel hopeless with this weight loss thing. Like no matter what I do I will be overweight like all the other women in my family. Always have a gut, fat touching thighs, and enormous arms. I don't know what to do to pull myself out of this funk, I just want to curl up in bed and order a pizza, some Taco Bell, a sub, on and on I just want to stuff my face and say Fu@# it all I'm fat and I don't care. But I do care and I just want to be "normal" sized. I can't be the only one who's felt like this. What did you do to keep going?

    I was where you were, and I hated exercise, too. I got out of my funk by finally getting fed up with my own excuses and started listening to all the successful people on here. The one big thing someone said to me is that a binge like that usually follows a long time of eating too little for it to be sustainable longterm. I took the time to learn what my body really needs to be healthy, food and exercise. After that, it was easy to lose the pounds, and now it's easy to maintain my new healthy weight.
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    Actually after assessing how I've felt today the more possible it seems to me that I just might be pregnant. I wasn't actively trying so I wasn't looking for symptoms but besides the desire to eat everything in my house I think I'm having several symptoms and it would explain why in reaction to my crazy impulse to eat endlessly I had an emotional meltdown. If I'm not pregnant than this was extreme PMS in which case I'll also give myself a total freebie pass:drinker:
  • tigerlilly24
    tigerlilly24 Posts: 130 Member
    So yeaaaa I'm pregnant. I will stop obsessing over where my will power went and enjoy my carbs and nourish my baby. Thanks all!
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    So yeaaaa I'm pregnant. I will stop obsessing over where my will power went and enjoy my carbs and nourish my baby. Thanks all!