Help me with healthy snacks please!

Hi guys :)

I have the worst snacking habits ever, im addicted to crisps! Do any of you get a graze box? I found a review here and it looks good!

Do you agree with this review or is it a waste of money? :) Thanks for your advice. This is my FIRST EVER POST, so would love some replies.


  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Graze is ok. I like about 1/2 of what they send me. They use vegetable oil, which I can't stand. And a lot of their snacks are not low calorie or low sugar. It really depends on you and your tastes. I trash a lot of what they send because of the oil or sugar they put on it. but if you like that sort of thing, you will love it :) The good thing is you click trash and they never sent it to you again. Or you can pick the other box, which is all snacks for under 100 calories. Which leaves out the nuts and seeds snacks. (which is what I was looking for, since i don't like nuts enough to buy a big bag of them)
  • fredman2
    fredman2 Posts: 57
    It ALL looks good!
    I crave a large combo pizza, a double-cheeseburger or two - or three, a 52 oz Pepsi, waffle fries, a huge enchilada platter, BBQ ribs:
    You just ALWAYS have to remind yourself CONSTANTLY of your goals - and you will either choose to meet them, or not.

    That said, there are several '90 calorie' and '100 calorie' snack packs of stuff in the cookie aisle, you just have to train yourself to eat just ONE packet - while reminding yourself of your goal. As soon as you stop reminding yourself of your goals then you are toast.

    Yeah, there is a lot of stuff you don't 'like', but you learn to change. You have to keep your eyes on the end goal, your cravings and tastes will change - they have to. There are a lot of things I don't like either, but I have instilled in my brain 'I may not like it, but it's food'.
  • LexiMelo
    LexiMelo Posts: 203 Member
    Hi and welcome! I personally think it is a waste of money because it is so easy to make your own snacks! Is a crisp like a potato chip? You can make your own with sweet potatoes, I will slice them with a mandolin, toss them with a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt and cumin and bake until crispy. Dee-licious.

    These are my favorite snacks:
    - almonds or almonds mixed with raisins
    - plain greek yogurt (full fat) with berries
    - cheese sticks
    - tangerines / clementines / oranges
    - bananas
    - apples
    - cottage cheese (full fat) / add cinnamon
    - triscuits with cheddar cheese (some people like the laughing cow cheese things they are like 45 cals, I prefer the real stuff tho)
    - popcorn (they come in 100 calorie bags)
    - raisin toast (I like the ezekiel sprouted grain) with almond butter (1 TB)
    - protein smoothie (milk, chocolate whey protein powder, frozen spinach, frozen strawberries)

    some people might also enjoy: baby carrots or celery dipped in hummus or peanut butter.

    Good luck! My diary is open.
  • Annabelliedellie
    Thanks :) I wonder why they use vegetable oil! It looks tasty, there's a code on that blog post I posted that gives me a free box then 3 free, so I might just try that offer! Does anyone have any fave snacks I should try? If I'm a crispaholic!
  • Annabelliedellie
    You can make your own with sweet potatoes, I will slice them with a mandolin, toss them with a little olive oil and sprinkle with salt and cumin and bake until crispy. Dee-licious.

    These sound awesome! You should work for graze! I definitely have to try these, I guess you could even make them in different flavours.
  • fuzilojak
    fuzilojak Posts: 269 Member
    I haven't tried Graze but I had some friends that did. They liked what they got but thought the portions were small and they usually finished them of in a day or two (not following a strict diet).

    I felt for the price you could probably get something better at the store.

    I start eating celery sticks with salsa. I've never been a big fan of celery but the salsa has a strong enough flavor to blend well with the celery while the celery itself gives you the crunch you get with chips. :)
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    Some of those sound lovely, especially the toast with almond butter (what is ezekiel sprouted grain?). I love toast (could eat it until it was coming out of my ears...).
  • melissarmonroe
    melissarmonroe Posts: 30 Member
    I just have to say I clicked the link up above to read the article. I need to move to Europe if you can get 3 Cadbury eggs for 1 pound (1.66 us dollars)!!!
    Not that I eat them anyways!
  • ChosenChildHana
    If you are not allergic to peanuts than you can have one of my favorites, "Peanuts and Dried Cranberries."

    Or peanut butter and (any type of) apple.

    Most nuts are good for snacking though in small amounts. They can really stack up with fat and calorie content if you are not careful.

    Any fruit is always a good choice to go with. Dried fruit if you like but be careful on the amount.

    That is what I can think of. Most of my snacks tend to have something to do with peanuts and/or fruit.
  • Annabelliedellie
    I just have to say I clicked the link up above to read the article. I need to move to Europe if you can get 3 Cadbury eggs for 1 pound (1.66 us dollars)!!!
    Not that I eat them anyways!

    I was reading about creme eggs and they're bigger here in England! I'll have to start a creme egg business where I send them to the USA ;) Yeah its a good read that blog! I just found it, I found the writer on here and i just love her writing!
    She's only just started it and told me she is gonna post her own version of cauliflower crust pizza this week! I've always wanted to make it!

    I probs shouldn't be bigging her up as Im planning to start my own blog soon! haha, I'll have to try out some of these snacks and post about it! I wonder what other vegetables you can make crisps out of.
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    GRAPES!!!! I've had a big craving for grapes and it works out fine. Nuts are healthy but for the moving around a lot. High fat and calorie. Which is actually a reason they are good for you.
    Seriously though.... Grapes. A sweet fruit you can pick at all day.
  • Annabelliedellie

    Most nuts are good for snacking though in small amounts. They can really stack up with fat and calorie content if you are not careful.

    Any fruit is always a good choice to go with. Dried fruit if you like but be careful on the amount.

    That's the main reason I like the idea of a graze box! I love that the portions are already done for me as I eat far too many nuts in one sitting if I haven't portioned them! nightmare
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    I'm a serious cheap skate so I wound NEVER spend money on something like that. I'm also picky so as someone else said, at least half of it would be wasted.

    You can save a fortune if you have a store that sells nuts/seeds and stuff bulk. We have an upscale store here that's all about the organic that has TONS of bulk nuts/seeds/snacks and stuff.

    Then for us regular folks there is Winco who isn't organic but has a hella ton of bulk stuff.

    My favorite snacks are mixing nuts (Bulk is great because I can just get the nuts I like). Then get home and dump them in a big plastic container and mix them up. Then I measure out an ounce when I'm ready to eat them (or pack them for work). I add the quantities of all the nuts into recipe creator and then weight the mix.....then enter that many ounces of servings so it's easy to add to my daily log.

    My current FAVORITE snack is 1 apple cut into chunks, 1 C grapes washed and tossed on top of the apples, 2 tbsp of chopped walnuts. Something about the grapes keeps the apple from browning overnight so I can make it the night before for work. I eat half @ 10 am and half @ 3pm for my snacks. Same thing, it's in my recipe builder.

    Another awesome bulk thing is trail mix. My favorite mix is dried mangoes (I dice them smaller before tossing them into the mix), macadamia nuts, flake coconut, and banana chips (all from winco). I run a meat hammer over the macadamia nuts to break them up just a little bit and toss it all together. Nom Nom Nom Nom. Also in my recipe builder.

    They have lots of dried fruits and so many nuts the possibilities seem endless for trail mixes.

    I update my recipe builder whenever I make a new batch of any of the above (except of course the apple/grape/walnut mix since it never changes).
  • Wookinpanub
    Wookinpanub Posts: 635 Member
    I like Planter's pistachios.
  • VikkiGrzes
    VikkiGrzes Posts: 2 Member
    Hey :)
    I snack a lot and often have a problem with making those healthy! Also because healthy snacks can be quite pricey!
    Some of the healthy snacks i enjoy are:
    - all sorts of berries
    - home made popcorn
    - mandarins
    - tea - green tea, black tea, pu-erh tea, (sometimes when I have some warm tea I forget about snacking so normally i'd have a cup of something warm before snacking away)
    - hot chocolate (i have the single packets 40kcal each) when i fancy some chocolate (which is always) ill have a cup of low calorie hot chocolate and usually the desire for chocolate goes away!
    - veg e.g. radish, cut up carrots, cucumber, anything you like really!
    -greek yoghurt with some frozen berries
    - one of my favourite things however that I eat all the time are fine green beans!
    they are low in calories and also a good veggie :) how i make them:
    -boil/steam fine green beans until almost ready
    -drain from water
    -put them in a heated up pan with 1kcal spray sprayed a few times, once they are 'frying' put a bit of sesame seeds and garlic salt.
    I really like to leave them a bit crunchy but once they are cooked and a bit browned they are ready to eat! yummy and healthy :)

    In relation to graze box, I had it delivered every friday but as some people said i didnt like most things normally so ended up binning or wasting them HOWEVER, i think as i was cancelling my deliveries i saw that you can now chose specific things you want :)

    I guess it is all about trial and error and seeing what snacks best suit you and stop you craving more snacking and satisfy you :)

    Good luck!
  • Annabelliedellie
    Hi guys :)

    I have the worst snacking habits ever, im addicted to crisps! Do any of you get a graze box? I found a review here and it looks good!

    Do you agree with this review or is it a waste of money? :) Thanks for your advice. This is my FIRST EVER POST, so would love some replies.

    Ooh I've just scrolled down on that blog I posted and saw a post for something called pb2? 80% LESS CALORIES THAN PEANUT BUTTER? Is it true? That would be an awesome snack!! If you don't know what it is the blog explains. dOes anyone have any snacks with pb2?
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    sounds interesting.... i might have to look into it further myself
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    I like baked chips/crisps. Here in the U.S., we have some good ones sold as PopChips! and Kellogg's makes Special K the popcorn ones best. I also find poppits which are like mini rice cakes made with popcorn. Any of these will quell a craving for chips/crisps for me with fewer calories than regular chips.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    I have been getting graze boxes for a far my favorites are the flapjacks. Those things are so good! While it is true they use oils and sugar, the snacks do fit perfectly into a balanced diet when planned right. I don't give a hoot about my sugar intake, honestly. As far as price is $6 a box and you get 4 snacks per. I only get one every other week, so for $12 a month I get 8 snacks. They usually last me a while, I still have like 10 of them in my pantry (been on a yogurt trip for a while lol). They are great on the go snacks.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    The first and 5th box is free. You get 4 "invite codes" that yo can give to friends. For each friend who signs up you get a dollar off a box so potentially your next 4 are only 5 dollars. You essentially get 6 boxes for 30 bucks. Then they are 6 dollars each. Each box has 4 small portions of whatever they send in it. Some are more satisfying then others. People are right.. it is not the cheapest way. but if your like me these are a lot easier and therefore worth it. I have 2 boxes in my cabinet right now as I never finish one before the next one comes. People think they are small, but they are a portion. We are just accustomed to super sized everything. It is not for everyone. I usually grab one when i'm running between errands or when I need something small to tide me over until dinner. Sure there are a ton of things I can make myself. But, for example, I bought a bag of peanuts. I ate a handful of them, they are still in my cabinet. They have been there for about 6 months untouched. They will probably go bad before I finish the bag. Having one serving laying around is much better then having a bag that I will never eat. I would say if you are a huge snacker these may not be worth it. but if you're not or you like a lot of different stuff. Then these will be good.