Arthritis and the Winter

I was in an accident in '08 and as a result I now have arthritis. It is absolutely killing my motivation. It has been cold and rainy where I live for the last two weeks and I struggle to get out of bed every morning. I feel it mostly in my knees, ankles, and left hip. Does anyone have any tips for dealing with arthritis pain in the winter? I wake up feeling really achey and the morning is my normal workout time. I am trying so hard to stay focused, but it gets discouraging and then I go to my comfort foods to make me feel better.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I have osteoarthritus so I too have pain some of the time. I
    have a lower back problem now because of discs out of place
    and also have arthritus in that area too. So that pain is everyday.
    I don't know how to make you feel better beside using medication and
    exercise. Have you seen a doctor yet? Wet weather and cold
    do make it worse I guess it is something we have to deal with.:ohwell:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I promise, promise, promise that the movement helps.

    The winter is when I have to push through my workouts sometimes, and just start them. I'll say something along the lines of "just move for ten minutes". I have never stopped after ten minutes, but I give myself permission to.

    (psoriatic arthritis here):flowerforyou:
  • DLB86
    DLB86 Posts: 11
    Sounds obvious but try to keep your joints warm. Take hot showers in the morning and hot baths at night - maybe use the steam room after a workout at the gym to help loosen you up. Wear support stockings around painful joints, you can wear them whilst training under your clothes and they will warm the area, aid flexibility and prevent injury. Resistance training is amazing for arthritis but it has to be gradual and progressive. The more your muscles and ligaments can support your joints the better you will feel. Once you get started it'll be so much easier. Try not to diet heavily but focus more on exercise. Once you get going your body will be able to adapt over a few weeks but understandably it will be difficult to start. Include lots of 'good' fats in your diet from oily fish, avocados, nuts and seeds as these will help. Try supplementing with Glucosamine too. Also you could try rubbing in arnica gel into really painful joints or ask your GP for something called Voltarol Emulgel (diclofenac sodium topical gel). I find that works really well and can use it in the locker rooms at the gym after a workout.

    Don't give up, having an illness can be really hard but you NEED to stay focused on your goals and stay motivated. Nothing can stop you getting where you want to be.

    All the best :)
  • Britters1283
    Thank for the tips and words of encouragement. It's funny how you take the simplest things for granted until they become difficult. I know there's other people who deal with it so I know I can too. It just gets to me sometimes. Thanks again!!! :)
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    The main thing I have found is that you can't give in to the pain and stiffness. It makes things more difficult and you sometimes have to modify your plan, but if you don't keep moving it will surely take over and you will find yourself more and more crippled and unable to move.

    Arthritis is a formidable foe, for sure, but you can fight it. You must keep moving. It truly is a move it or lose it situation.

    I have been afflicted with considerable arthritis for over 20 years.