Are you starting Tracy Anderson?

Today was my first day of Hipcentric. I have always exercised (running, classes etc) but after having my last baby and reaching 35 - things have changed. I can't seem to get back to the size I used to be. I'm about 15lbs over.

Arms always bulk up- even with just running. And can't seem to rid of the tummy now. ( I did learn about split abs : nope don't have that- so I have no excuses!

The last few days I prepped all my food for the first week (70 euro worth of vege and apples!!) and loaded up my music player for the exercises. Also have posted motivational quotes around the house. Now completed day one (exercise and lived a day on limited calories) and yes- have found it hard.

But I'm sure it will get easier?? A few girlfriends of mine just naturally eat about the same amount of food that is recommended with the TA method. They don't obsess about food at all. I think maybe it is harder right now because I can feel how restrictive it is. "Lifestyle not Diet" I suppose. (a diet feels more constraining)

Exciting- I finally have the willpower and motivation to do this!

But would love to hear from anyone else that is in the middle of the program or just starting out. (June 2013)


  • lutarock
    lutarock Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there!
    I've just started the Hipcentric program too - I finished up my second day this morning. So far I like it! I just finished 10 weeks of T25, and I thought that I'd be in pretty good shape for starting this up. Holy cow, what an eye opener! I guess Tracy's right when she says this works the smaller muscles, because I AM SORE! I just have to stay focused and dedicated though! I know that once I start seeing results it'll be pretty easy for me to stick with it. I LOVE dancing so the cardio isn't a problem for me. I've read a few others don't like it because they aren't very coordinated, but I just have fun with it.

    I'm having a hard time with the muscle workouts though. I'm just a bit confused: when I'm doing the leg moves on all fours with my right leg moving up and down in the air, it makes my left leg HURT! Like a really deep burn in my hip. Is that supposed to happen? I feel like I should be feeling it in the leg that moving, not the one that's stationary. It happens for both legs when they are on the ground. The only thing I could think of that would be causing it is just my muscles trying to balance...?

    I'm afraid to try the nutrition portion lol. I'm already on a 1230 calorie diet and I'm worried that dropping down much lower than 1000 could really mess me up. Plus, without carbs I turn into a cranky bee-otch! Haha! I've actually put together a meal plan for week two using her meal plan for week two PLUS half a cup of plain cooked oatmeal for breakfast (in addition to the two eggs and one cup of fruit) and for dinner I've added half a cup of plain cook brown rice. Oh and for lunches, in addition to the granola bar I've added a cup of raw mixed veggies. It'll still be only around 880 calories per day or so, but I think if my body can get used to 1200 calories I can get used to 800.

    I'd love to hear if you have had some success with this program! And please tell me what you think about the food plan! I'm very interested to see how others have done with it. I'm trying to "de-jiggle" myself for my husband and I's late honeymoon we're taking this summer, so I'm really hoping to see some good results - not so much weight loss, but I definitely want to see a hot toned up bikini body!!! :happy:
  • Great to hear you started TA!

    I LOVE her videos and find her really inspiring. If the celebrities all use her and they can afford the best- then there must be something good about it?!
    I agree- it is a very disciplined eating program. I too get cranky hungry- so I drank a TON of green tea to keep my energy levels up (and mood stable!)

    One thing I did find that I think you are also discovering is that it can hurt in the hips. I am not sure why. And yes, I also get it on the opposite side that I am working. This didn't ever really go away until I stopped doing leg lifts.

    For now, I am in the middle of her Pregnancy Project- 6 months. I logged back on here cause I feel like I'm gaining weight but don't feel like I'm eating any more than I used to. Doing her arm movements like crazy and it's really working to keep on top of the bat wing pregnancy arms!

    Planning on doing a vitality week once the baby is born. Hamptons shouldn't be too hard to convince myself to holiday!

    Are you still doing the method? Month two? Hope so! :smile:
  • One last thing I forgot to mention-

    She does say in the video that I have, that it will work the leg on the floor more at times. You are right- due to balance. I also figure that being on all fours also is working the arms at the same time for an additional 3 minutes while the legs are completed. So a bonus there!