I think reassurance is needed!

I know some will question why I did this, but I did, and now I just feel like I need some reassurance that I haven't broken my magic MFP spell...

I had been doing really well using MFP and upping my exercise immensely, losing about 21lbs. I then stupidly agreed/got talked into going on a 3 week programme from the gym, which is designed to kick start weight loss (I know, I'd already kick started!) The programme was fine - 5 classes and 3 5k runs a week, plus a very low carb diet. I lost another 14lbs doing this. I finished the programme last week, and spent the week in a complete messed up place of what to eat.

The result is I've put back on 6lbs. I've now got my head back into MFP calorie counting this week and I'm still doing 3 classes/3 runs a week which I love. I'm just so worried that the weight won't start to come off again. This is stupid because as long as in = less than out I KNOW it works, but the 6lb came on so quick last week I'm having a minor panic.


  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    Did you eat more carbs last week? After 3 weeks of low carb your body may have gained some water weight if you started eating high amounts again.

    As you said,you KNOW how it works. Deep down you know this is just a blip. Just carry on logging and exercising and it'll come back off again soon :)
  • Agathist
    Agathist Posts: 13 Member
    I did eat more carbs last week - I'm trying to lower carbs, but not cut them completely any more - I need a sandwich now and again!

    Water weight would be a godsend, as long as I haven't just retained 6lb of lard suddenly I'll be happy :)
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    Entirely possible it's water weight from exercise and carbs. It's also possible you were stressing your body out with all that working out and your cortisol might be elevated which will make you gain fat faster. However, unless you were bingeing every day and eating thousands and thousands of calories there's no way you gained 6lbs of fat in one week. You should see the weight start to come off again this week once you've been back on plan for a few days.

    Just a quick suggestion though; if you have been dieting for a long while and your weight stalls a diet break of 2 weeks or more may help to get things moving again. Many people think that rigid dieting for months on end guarantees success but this is rarely the case because of all the hormones affected by dieting.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    6 pounds of fat is 21,000 calories. That means that unless you ate 21,000 calories more than your Maintenance level, you have gained water weight from increasing carbs. Not fat. You know this, deep down, you said it yourself. Just keep on, it's a blip and nothing more.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Don't worry, you'll get your equilibrium back and be back to losing in no time!
  • Agathist
    Agathist Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks all of you, you're right there is no way i have eaten 21,000 calories over maintenance! I also still did 3 fitness classes and 3 runs including a 10k last week so i just need to get my head down and carry on :)

    It really helps having people who understand what you're talking about and point out the facts to me :flowerforyou: