How to cut sugar without cutting fruit?

I have been logging for a few weeks now and I have noticed I am continually over my sugar allotment. Howeverrrrr I really do not want to cut out a lot of the fruit I eat! It keeps me sane! And full. I have had some sugar slip ups- Oreos yesterday, haha, but in general im pretty good. Any suggestions? Or any low/no sugar foods you suggest instead of fruits? Thanks guys


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    not really just a question as to why you think you need to cut sugar...are you a diabetic???
  • mskraemerspeech
    mskraemerspeech Posts: 32 Member
    I just haven't really lost much weight and I can see the pattern of being over my sugar allotment. Felt like that would be an area to work on.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I just haven't really lost much weight and I can see the pattern of being over my sugar allotment. Felt like that would be an area to work on.

    It has nothing to do with going over your sugar. You're probably going over your calories.
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    The guide for sugar is for ADDED sugar as found in processed foods and drinks. You don't need to worry about the sugar in fruit unless you're severely overweight, then reducing fruit may help to get things moving again as they can be problematic for some people. The fruit in sugar is processed by our bodies differently from added sugars as they come along with nutrients and fibre. There might be something else that is causing your weight to stall, in fact a number of reasons, but it's unlikely that fruit is one of them.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The goals set out in MFP should be considered minimums.

    If you aren't losing as fast as you could be you really should check your logging. Your diary is closed so questions will you use a food scale?, do you log everything using the correct entries? How do you track your calorie burns? do you eat those back and if so how many of them?

    I know when I first started I wasn't weighing my food on a food scale...I was losing weight but not as quickly as I should have been.

    I bought a scale and started weighing my food and bam...the weight loss increased 2x...I went from losing 1/2lb a week to 1lb a week.

    Calories in vs calories out....there really is not need to cut any one food group out of your intake esp fruit.
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    berries are lower in sugar then other fruits.
  • RAKK80
    RAKK80 Posts: 8
    I was told by a nutritional therapist that if I eat a banana to balance the sugar by eating a handful of nuts along with it? Hazelnuts, walnuts etc? Make sense? No idea about combining foods
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member
    Your diary is closed so it's hard to tell what's going on, but from what you've said, I wouldn't worry about it. Refined sugar can be a problem, just like refined carbs. If you're getting your sugar from fruit, ignore it and keep eating fruit.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
  • pennyllayne
    pennyllayne Posts: 265
    I was told by a nutritional therapist that if I eat a banana to balance the sugar by eating a handful of nuts along with it? Hazelnuts, walnuts etc? Make sense?

    The only effect that will have on the sugar is how it affects your blood sugar. Eating some protein, fibre and fat with high sugar carbs will slow down the rate of absorption but that has little effect on weight loss.
  • creammarie
    creammarie Posts: 12 Member
    Try this instead to help lower your sugar intake from fruit! =]


    SWAP: one banana (21g sugar) for one apple (12g sugar) = save 9g

    SWAP: two plums (10g sugar) for seven strawberries (5g sugar) = save 5g

    SWAP: one pear (17g sugar) for one peach or nectarine (8g sugar) = save 9g

    SWAP: half a mango (13g sugar) for half a grapefruit (5g sugar) = save 8g

    SWAP: 1tbsp raisins or sultanas (17g sugar) for two handfuls of blueberries (8g sugar) = save 9g

    SWAP: an orange (14g sugar) for one large slice of fresh pineapple (8g sugar) = save 6g

    SWAP: four dried apricots (12g sugar) for 10 blackberries (4g sugar) = save 8g

    SWAP: 16 grapes (12g sugar) for two handfuls of raspberries (4g sugar) = save 8g
  • missttl
    missttl Posts: 5
    any watery fruits are always preferable as the ration fructose to water is lower, however sugar is sugar and I agree, best avoid it.
    Instead try those sugar free jelly you can make yourself and use stevia as a sweetener if you really need a sugary taste. 90% cocoa chocolate is good to curb those sugar cravings as you only need a tiny bit to feel satisfied
  • mskraemerspeech
    mskraemerspeech Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I publicized my diary...just started on the site! I appreciate the feedback. I am currently not weighing my food but I'm considering it now!
  • creammarie
    creammarie Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I publicized my diary...just started on the site! I appreciate the feedback. I am currently not weighing my food but I'm considering it now!

    I would definitely recommend you get a food scale. It has helped me a lot! Good luck =]
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Show me someone who became obese by eating too much fruit. Please.
  • elizabethkinsey1
    Don't worry about the sugar allotment too much. I am way over my sugar every day, I use the nutribullet and I mix 1 to 2 cups of Kale with 1 banana and then I add prunes or some type of other fruit. Anyway, I have consistantly lost weight each week with the excess of sugar. I am sure that processed sugar is much worse than natural sugar. I am down 30 pounds after 10 weeks. Good luck:)