


  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member

    Kind regards - Us cyclists :wink: :laugh:

    My cycling buddies ask me that all the time--of course I have more bikes than running shoes.

    To OP: Long-distance cycling is my first love, but I'm adding ultrarunning to the mix this year. Feel free to add me, looking to intermix with other runners and cyclists to discuss training and diet.
  • SVRich
    SVRich Posts: 17 Member
    I feel the term 'runner' is being a bit generous for what I do considering how slow I am but I give it a go. I have completed a half marathon (I only really 'ran' 3/4 on an off at most) in a not great 2:47. My 5k pb was just under 30min but I had some time off and am getting back into so a little slower at the mo.

    Hey a mile is a mile no mater what! With a 5k pb under 30 minutes, if you find a good training plan, you could easily beat your 2:47. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks. I had a few issues with stitch and blisters in my first half which didn't help but I am doing the same Half this year so hopefully I'll do better. I would imagine I can as this time last year I could barely run for more than a couple of minutes at a time.
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    I just signed up for my first full! The Rock 'n' Roll Vegas marathon! I'm so excited. Of course I haven't started training yet. LOL. I'm hoping to finish in under 5 hours. Mostly because it's a 5 hour time limit! Before breaking my foot at my last half (PB), I had an estimated finish time of 04:46. Hopefully I can make it. I found a great track in Calgary for speed work and a nice soft surface for some training relief, so with any luck I will remain injury free!
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    reply in another thread
  • running4myboys
    running4myboys Posts: 44 Member
    I feel the term 'runner' is being a bit generous for what I do considering how slow I am but I give it a go. I have completed a half marathon (I only really 'ran' 3/4 on an off at most) in a not great 2:47. My 5k pb was just under 30min but I had some time off and am getting back into so a little slower at the mo.

    Hey a mile is a mile no mater what! With a 5k pb under 30 minutes, if you find a good training plan, you could easily beat your 2:47. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks. I had a few issues with stitch and blisters in my first half which didn't help but I am doing the same Half this year so hopefully I'll do better. I would imagine I can as this time last year I could barely run for more than a couple of minutes at a time.

    Good shoes and are SOCKS are so important. Certain socks I won't wear to avoid blisters. I love the smart wool socks.
    Thanks. I had a few issues with stitch and blisters in my first half which didn't help but I am doing the same Half this year so hopefully I'll do better. I would imagine I can as this time last year I could barely run for more than a couple of minutes at a time.
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    Another runner here :)

    Commonly sidelined by GI & respiratory issues, but when I'm healthy I adore running.

    5K: 23 min (thrilled with this time)
    5 mile: 44 min (forgot my inhaler....)
    10 K: 1 hour (old time. need to run another!)
    10 mile: 1 hour 27 min (my proudest personal best & my favorite distance)
    Half-marathon: 2 hour 13 min (planning to run another this fall - can definitely be faster based on my 10 mile time!)

    You can see some of those times are decent, and others leave a lot of room for improvement! My goals this season are to complete a (slow) marathon and improve my 10K time. I can definitely get it under an hour with some speedwork once I get a running base down this spring.

    Feel free to add me! Working on my diet, too, to fuel more than splurge.
  • equestrian_girl
    I don't think I'm built for running, but I still run 5k 3 times a week, I hit a PB yesterday, 28:25! Usually I am around 32 mins if I take it easy.

    I have short legs, big boobs, wide shoulders, I sweat and gasp for air like a fiend, I'm pretty sure people would hover around me with the AED if it was considered appropriate... but I still love it!
  • 58Rock
    58Rock Posts: 176 Member
    Been running for years. Just finished a great winter season where I got in a few halfs and a 25K. As it gets hotter i will try to run more trails and stay in the shade.
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    New-ish runner following the C25K plan, I have my first 5K obstacle run in June. Always good to hear tips from other runners.

    Feel free to add me :drinker:
  • 86sarahb
    86sarahb Posts: 84 Member
    I am the worlds slowest runner. But I'm still running faster then those sitting on the sofa!

  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I run 3 days a week currently, training for a 10K and running my first 5K next Friday!
  • llbennett74
    llbennett74 Posts: 132 Member
    Feel free to add me. I incorporated more running into my routine over the last couple of months. My PR for a 5K was a couple of weeks ago at 29:14. I really want to work in increasing my speed.
  • SVRich
    SVRich Posts: 17 Member
    Good shoes and are SOCKS are so important. Certain socks I won't wear to avoid blisters. I love the smart wool socks.

    Yea, I have decent shoes and apparently my socks are running socks.
  • Wiltord1982
    Wiltord1982 Posts: 312 Member
    So many runners on here. Feels great to have you around!

  • lmjblues
    lmjblues Posts: 117 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I'm a seasoned runner. Many 5k's, 10k's, 10 milers and half marathons. I have ONE marathon under my belt. Just haven't pulled the trigger on another one yet. We'll see...maybe this year. Training for a few 10k, a half marathon and a 10 miler this year. Also have my first Ragnar Relay Race this August. Looking forward to that.

    Favorite quote:

    "Remember, the feeling you get from a good run is far better than the feeling you get from sitting around wishing you were running."

    - Sarah Condor
  • SarahAnna87
    SarahAnna87 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi Ben:

    Another Canadian! I still call myself a runner, although I haven't gone out in a while. I am headed back out once the snow is gone, and perhaps when the temperatures are above -20..... I am hoping to do a 10k this May during the Sask Marathon.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    I've been running for years! Sunday I ran about 6.25 miles. Keep up the good work!
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Another runner here! Just getting back into it after a "recovery break" from my first half marathon last year turned into a near-permanent break!

    Is anyone else doing the 5x50 challenge?! It's a charity challenge to run 5km every single day for 50 days straight. It officially started on the 30th March, so today is Day 4 (still have to do mine today). I have a group on here if anyone fancies joining, whether officially or for fun!!
  • LizLearnstoRun
    LizLearnstoRun Posts: 57 Member
    Not so sure I count as a runner. 5k time is 34 mins roughly. May try my first 10k this summer if i don't chicken out. Picked out a half marathon in September I would love to try. I totally need advice!
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Not so sure I count as a runner. 5k time is 34 mins roughly. May try my first 10k this summer if i don't chicken out. Picked out a half marathon in September I would love to try. I totally need advice!

    There's no eligibility criteria for calling yourself a runner. You're a runner :-)