Need a basic workout

Hello. So I work nights and it being spring, I want to get in shape. More than just a new years resolution. But my focus or idea of getting in shape is vastly different than my girlfriend's. She is a Pro Bodybuilder.

Up til now, Ive been content to sit back and watch. Now, Id love to get out and ride my bike again. Or do some running races. Which is a completely different focus than her.

I know muscle will happen by doing the other activities, but how do I create a workout routine for myself to achieve the goals I want, not necerssarily the bulking up or huge arms that she wants.

And no, relationship advice is not needed. This is strictly a post looking for workout advice.


  • VASMA63
    VASMA63 Posts: 19 Member
    Not a workout per se, but a suggestion. If you like to run, why not find your local running club(s) and join so that you can meet some new people to run with? Certainly not saying take time from your bodybuilding friend, but joining a running club is usually a good way to meet active people with similar goals.
  • browingfirearms
    look up youtube :smokin:
  • Miamiuu
    Miamiuu Posts: 262 Member
    Are you thin already? You could always lift weights, but eat at, or under your maintenance so that you dont get too big.
  • JoeMO
    JoeMO Posts: 524 Member
    Someone on another page recommended fitnessblender on youtube
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    If you have some dumbbells, this might work for you to start getting back into shape since it's a basic circuit workout and doesn't take a lot of time. We'd need to know more about your goals to be able to give more specific advice.
  • NotALifter
    Thank you for everyone's replies.

    My goals are to build a little muscle, but mostly to begin riding/running enough to start riding/running in some 5k's in a couple of months. I am indeed thin already, never really been able to build huge muscles. Ive got a fast metabolism with body fat approximately 10%.

    The suggestion to join a local running club is fantastic. Thank you.

    Here is another question. I work 6pm-2am. I am a member of a club where I can go 24hrs. As Im already awake at 2am, can I go then? Or should I try to change my sleep schedule to wake up earlier and go before work?

    Thank you!
  • VASMA63
    VASMA63 Posts: 19 Member
    What a coincidence. I work part-time 6pm until 1am (home around 1:30). I find that I stay up until 3-4 most nights on the computer. I know that you may impact the ability to go to sleep if you go workout after work, but why not experiment a day or two a week? You might be fine working out (for the amount of time you stay up anyway) since your body is already on this schedule.
  • katlaf23
    katlaf23 Posts: 20
    I've been doing reps of pushups, situps, squats and lunges to get my body more "fit" looking and so far it is going great. I can definitely see more definition and less fat. Now that the weather is better I'm going to try adding running into my routine.
    P.S. - don't worry about bulking up too much unless you are lifting really heavy with a lot of reps. It's a common misconception among women that we easily get huge from lifting and weight resistance exercises.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    You can definitely go to gym at 2am!!! Give it a try, if you don't like it or it interferes with your sleep, then try to switch sleep times. But certainly worth a try