Please don't "like" my being under calorie goal...



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Well first off... you are assuming that the individual set their diary for MFP's pre-programmed deficit which is based on BMR. Some people are using a different method based on TDEE.

    Secondly, this is exactly why I don't close out my diary. The "if every day were like today" number that MFP arbitrarily produces doesn't account for many factors, and therefore, is completely inaccurate.

    If you don't want people liking that you are under calorie goal, then don't publish that you are under calorie goal. Even if you like closing out your diary, you can still turn that setting off.

    Otherwise, people are going to assume that you are publishing an accomplishment to your wall, and therefore, like that you accomplished something.
  • imju5tme
    imju5tme Posts: 85 Member
    Those likes aren't necessarily for eating under a calorie goal, but for logging the intake in the first place. Most of the folks on my FL tend to eat well thought out and very nutritious meals/food. If I think THAT deserves a 'Like', I will indicate so. *shrugs* :smile:
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    I think hitting or just being under is an achievement (tis for me anyway!) but I usually check that they haven't gone way way under their goal and then I just can't "like" it

    also I don't like "liking" someone who has eating all their calories on crap - not just the odd treat but all of them! healthy eating all the way!
    Snap! for me it very much comes down to what is eaten... I don't know if you've heard of the pact app, anyway for the fruit and veggies you show photos of veggies and people allow or deny them. I find myself shocked quite often what people want to count... roast potatoes/carrots.... a bit of lettuce in a sandwich... I would never dream of thinking those would count towards a portion of fruit and veg :/

    I think what also comes into it is if someone is under because of exercise... I have a friend on here somewhere... who some days nets a shockingly low number just a couple 100 :o! But they eat a lot... they just burn off nearly as much.... it's pretty impressive and intimidating lol!

    Oh and of course there is the group that don't trust MFP predictions and set their own... my diary is set for 1700, I aim for 1500... MFP wants me to go for 1200 :| pfft! x
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    I know some people are just drive-by "likers"
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Can someone explain to me why people are so determined to eat below their calorie goal? I see a lot of my fellow MFPers congratulating each other for being under. MFP, IIFYM, and Scooby already apply a deficit for us. Food is fuel.

    Because for some odd reason, people think they have to starve themselves to lose weight AND they don't understand that MFP already includes a deficit AND they don't understand that they're supposed to eat back exercise calories.

    If you don't want people to like you being udner goal, don't complete your food diary for the day. It won't have any bearing on your days logged, in case you're worried about that. You basically have two options. Delete/hide those friends. Or try to help them by sharing the info you have about proper healthy eating and reasonable calorie deficits. Up to you...
  • Erinelda
    Erinelda Posts: 96
    I slept so much I completely lapped my eating day and had an empty page.. people still liked it. I don't think most people read the food logs. At least not every day.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    Can someone explain to me why people are so determined to eat below their calorie goal? I see a lot of my fellow MFPers congratulating each other for being under. MFP, IIFYM, and Scooby already apply a deficit for us. Food is fuel.

    Because for some odd reason, people think they have to starve themselves to lose weight AND they don't understand that MFP already includes a deficit AND they don't understand that they're supposed to eat back exercise calories.

    If you don't want people to like you being udner goal, don't complete your food diary for the day. It won't have any bearing on your days logged, in case you're worried about that. You basically have two options. Delete/hide those friends. Or try to help them by sharing the info you have about proper healthy eating and reasonable calorie deficits. Up to you...

    Just because someone is a few calories under their goal a day or 2 does not mean they are starving... Jeez.
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    I know what you mean. I constantly eat under my calorie goal and if I go over it I feel terrible because my friends will see it. This results in me adding in cardio like walking around the mall for 4 hours or other stuff that I wouldn't normally count. It is great for accountability but mentally it is terrible for me. I'm eating 1000 calories a day which is unhealth, I know it it. But I can't help it because I have this "I must eat under my goal" mentality.

    Sometimes MFP can be great but on other days I'm afraid that it will make me have an eating disorder.

    You know you can set your diary to private. You can also not hit the "finished logging for today" button. Find a way to be healthy and balanced- if possible judgement from friends is preventing you from doing so, make it so there is no judgement possible.
  • QueenMother14
    QueenMother14 Posts: 438 Member
    When I like that status, it really just means I see they are logging and taking an active role in becoming healthy. Its the same on Facebook, when someone asks for prayer for a situation and I like the post. I dont like that they are having pain in their life, I am just showing them I stand with them and will be praying. Everyone probably uses the Like for different reasons.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member

    Quoting just because this picture is funny and needs to be on every page.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    I like and congratulate my friends when it says "stayed under their calorie goal" or when it just says they completed their diary. Because:

    1) Nobody is going to get it spot on. If they're 3 or 10 or 50 calories under it will say they are under. I think this is acceptable. I always check the diary first.
    2) I am saying well done for logging on every day and keeping your diary. It is an acknowledgment of the work they are putting in, even if they haven't gotten it perfected yet. I certainly wasn't doing that great when I first started logging. I was awful, actually.
    3) Most people I see are under because they exercise and didn't eat back ALL of their calories. This is perfectly acceptable to me too.

    It is NOT that I don't understand how weight loss works or I think people have to starve themselves. I do not like the diary status of someone who only ate 400 calories that day. But I do like the person who ate 1345/1400 etc...
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    The same people that 'like' my being under calorie goal, also 'like' on the days I just log in general & am not under. I'm pretty sure it's just a form of showing support and there's no need to take it as outrageously out of context as you are. I know at least most of the people on my page who like my updates regularly know my habits pretty well. They know that I eat normally 99% of the time, so they're not uninformed on what that looks like for me. If I have a day where it doesn't look like I eat a lot, there's usually a pretty good explanation - like I didn't finish logging because I went on a binge and didn't want to figure it out, or when I had an abscess tooth & couldn't eat [I normally write about these things in the notes box, but some people don't]. Obviously if someone is consistently 500+ under calorie goal or something, someone should say something and from my experience, they probably will. But if it's just one day out of a month, it's not really that big of a deal. People are just trying to show support - don't get mad about it! That's what this site is FOR.
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    LOL I do it so I can incorporate my cheat "meals or days" on the weekends
  • HeaDak3
    HeaDak3 Posts: 32
    It's not easy to limit your intake of calories, therefore I like it.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Ok, so most of you are looking at this differently than I did - I like when my friends complete a day; and unless there is a question I don't look at their diarys at all. I figure I am liking that they were accountable to themselves for another day; they logged and exercised and were present enough to write it down. I guess I am at a much more " kis" (keep it simple) level. So if any of your friends are like me - we meant no harm.
  • gmthisfeller
    gmthisfeller Posts: 779 Member
    I had a MFP friend eat like 900 cals a day, once I saw as low as 600 and she would complete her day. And her friends would say "awesome job, great day". And I said there is nothing awesome nor great about eating that low. And of course she gave me the boot.

    Join the club. Eating way under is a very bad idea not just because of the "starvation" issues, but because it is not a change in lifestyle. Why eat in a non-sustainable way. That leads back to the fat side.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I just hit the "like" button for sh!ts and giggles.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    It also implies that you "like" that they logged on and entered their food for the day, liked that they put forth some effort.

    Which is to imply that's far better than binge eating and not even logging in.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Can someone explain to me why people are so determined to eat below their calorie goal? I see a lot of my fellow MFPers congratulating each other for being under. MFP, IIFYM, and Scooby already apply a deficit for us. Food is fuel.
    I honestly don't panic if I'm SLIGHTLY (200 calories or less) under goal because I do NOT do the food scale thing. So I'm assuming that chances are, I've actually eaten more than I might be a quick handful of shredded cheddar or some pepperoni I eat while making dinner...handful of pretzels before bed, etc.

    I also don't have problems "liking" someone being under by around that amount. If it seems excessive (400 or more) then I (and others) will usually call someone out on it.

    I realize some people here probably know EXACTLY how many calories they consume (and burn) but I don't...and I don't assume everyone else does either. Good for you if you're diligent with your logging...
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    My daily goal might vary from day to day. I aim to be between at least 1500 and the amount my goal is set at. Some days I am under by a few hundred but other days I am over by a few hundred. My goal is more to reach my weekly goal.

    For example Monday I was under by about 300. I made up for it last night because I wanted a drink and dessert when we went out for dinner. Pretty much comes out to a wash.