Any gastric bypass patients on here



  • I think that depends on several things including how much weight total you have to lose. Have you discussed with your surgeon what the rate should be?
  • melissastringer3
    melissastringer3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi. I'm new here. Not alot of time to go into at the moment , but 126 was my surgeons goal for me. My lowest was 133. My body evened out for a while at 140. Had my 4th dd and lingered around 140, but went on WW with oldest (so she wasn't alone) & lost to 135. Then I started to slip & not exercise. Got lazy, hypothyroidism since before RNY has been slowly getting worse. Now I need to lose 22 #s to feel better anything less than that would be a treat. My surgery was in July 2006. I've been trying to stay at around 1200 calories & needing to add exercise, but I guess between thyroid, vitamin deficiency & just being told labs look like I'm losing blood somewhere (have low hemoglobin, hermaticrit, something else I cant remember & low b12). Trying to start taking care of me again. This is 3rd day. But I'm great at starting a diet & throwing in the towel within days. But I'm so down on myself now gaining back weight.
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Bonkers1025
    Bonkers1025 Posts: 4 Member
    I had RNY surgery April, 2009. That is almost 5 years ago and I have lost 200 pounds but still have 20 to go. It's not easy either. The surgery is only a tool to help you lose the weight and if you don't use it , you won't lose it. I have intolerance to sugars and lactose now but can still find a way to eat some of these things.

    The key is changing the types of foods you eat and drinking lots of least 64 oz daily. Also getting in at least 60 Gms of protein in daily and taking vitamin supplements are key factors.

    Yes, exercise will make things happen faster and make you feel more energized and better overall. You just have to be sure that you make changes slowly so that they become habits.

    I use a FitBit to log my steps and am involved with a wellness program at my work. Relating to others on this site is very good too. I can always use some support and am open to providing support to others.

    We can beat this together and by using the tool that we have been given through WLS!!!
  • tochatty
    tochatty Posts: 22 Member
    I know this post is rather old but it seems to still be living with current posts.

    i had my surgery July 2000 (14 years ago) and I was 336 post op, lowest weight I got to was 185 and now currently 275. I gained 90 lbs back. I am obviously much older now and need to lose this weight.

    I need friends to help and encourage me. I am trying to get active, I do good for about two weeks and then stop for two months. I am wearing a fitbit and I am determined to start using that as my goal settings to get in my steps and stairs each day. I have been logging food into MFP but not faithfully, meaning I dont weigh or measure. So I just need to get back to basics and focus on protein first. Water I have no problem with, I drink over a gallon of water a day if not more. But I'm a graze eater and so I eat small bite size items throughout the day and thats where the calories are adding up.

    Any support out there feel free to friend me! :flowerforyou:
  • cemmons5
    cemmons5 Posts: 2
    Thanks this information is so helpful for me and I am sure for others. I go and see my nutritionist in a couple of weeks. Thanks again.
  • Thanks so much for the great information! I had my RNY back in January, 2013, and have done well. These past few weeks have been a challenge and this information was GREAT! I'll be doing the 5 Day Pouch Test and getting back on track. I expect to run into these crazy times throughout the rest of my life, but having tools to get back on program will greatly help. Thanks again!
  • I had RNY in August 2006. I was 335 and lost 180lbs. I got to 155. Over the last 3 years have been filled with loss and I have put back on 40. I am struggling to lose it and I am about 10lbs from 200 and getting frustrated. Was using the Lose It app but it does not sync with my exercise app so trying to find my way around MFP.

    I'd appreciate any advise or encouragement. I just started the 24 day challenge with Advocare, exercising and counting calories.
  • roserein
    roserein Posts: 1
    Had my gastric bypass in January 2006. I lost 173 pounds and got to a very thin 118 pounds. I gained about 25 pounds and was very happy with being around 130-135 pounds. Then life hit- lost two jobs in three years - lost both parents, a dear friend, husband diagnosed with leukemia, and no insurance. I turned to that which always calls to me in times of stress.............SALTY, CRUNCHY THINGS (CHIPS, CRACKERS, PEANUTS, ETC). So now I'm 180 pounds and am just miserable. have started walking again and beginning to lift weights. The stress has lessened significantly, but the call of the junk food is STRONG.
  • lindahope549
    lindahope549 Posts: 9 Member
    what is the 5 day pouch test?
  • gbbarbru
    gbbarbru Posts: 23 Member
    Start by doing this and follow the 1200 calorie plan afterwards:
  • lindahope549
    lindahope549 Posts: 9 Member
    I joined TOPS. it is not expensive and they have chapters all over. they offer encouragement and support and there is a weekly weigh in to keep you accountable. i also just started going to water aerobics. the instructor says you burn more calories in the water due to resistance and the added plus is it is not hard on my joints and i don't hurt like i do with other forms of exercise. i am the worlds worst bariatric patient. i don't drink enough water and i know i am eating too many calories for someone who had the gp 12/3/2013, but i am still losing weight though it is at a slower rate. i am happy with where i am at at 180 but if i lose more weight all the better. i have been morbidly obese all my life and this is the lightest i have been in all my adult years. i am 53 yrs old and i am getting healthier all the time. i lost the majority of the meds i had to take and am no longer needing a c-pap.
  • lindahope549
    lindahope549 Posts: 9 Member
  • :yawn:
    I am 2 years out in Feb 2014. 231 pounds total loss, i have gained back about 15. Its freaking me out. Not to mention I am so tired all the time. I take my supplements daily and recently added Juice plus (its awsome)
    Anyone else tired all the time. Stuggling with body image? Oh my gosh the cost of skin removal Geez!
    Need to do a national fund raiser lol
  • Smccaw6
    Smccaw6 Posts: 3
    I had gastric two weeks ago and I'm so tired all the time. Any suggestions?
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I had a gastric sleeve, exactly 1 year ago today. I havent reached my surgeons goal weight yet, but im only about 10lbs away. I could not be happier with the results and I know that as long as Im diligent, attend my appointments with the nutritionist and exercise physiologist and support groups and continue eating the way the teach us, I will do great.

    It is hard sometimes, I had a muffin today, which is totally off limits, but I know it doesn't happen all the time so I try to cut myself some slack.

    For those of you that had the surgery years ago, you should find support groups and programs that can update you on all the changes that have happened. Just this last week one of our long-term bypass support group members learned that the doctors now recommend 1/3 of your daily water be from powerade zero or propel zero so you are getting necessary electrolytes. Every program is a little bit different and you have to keep working it if you want it to work for you.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    I had gastric two weeks ago and I'm so tired all the time. Any suggestions?

    If your still in the liquids only phase or just started soft foods, your going to be tired. Once you start taking vitamins, the b12 will help you not be so tired.
  • I had gastric bypass almost a year ago I started at 457 and am at 306. I am struggling right now at getting below 300 luke the doc wants but I read a few post and am going to try to do some of them thanks.
  • I was same way just make sure you are do your walking
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    SO many first tim posters on this thread!! Many of you have no - or very few - friends! Check out the groups for WLS patients on here:

    Great people -- awesome life experience -- and lots of support!
  • CDawn1974
    CDawn1974 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I am 4 years post RNY Gastric Bypass, and I'm noticing that certain foods cause me to feel nauseated moments after eating them. I have not noticed this problem until recently. It began with eating whole almonds, yet I can drink almond milk. Now, I'm noticing that eggplant, squash and cilantro upset my stomach and cause me to head to the bathroom "just in case." There is so little info out there on post RNY- GB. I'd love to have some of you who are successful as friends! Please share any knowledge that you've learned! It would be GREATLY appreciated! THANK YOU!!!