BodyMedia Fit armband-RASH!!!!

kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
edited September 25 in Fitness and Exercise
AHHHHH! This stupid armband I have been using is making my skin breakout wherever it has been sitting. I take it off during the day periodically like it says to, move it around to different areas, and follow all cleaning directions.

Did I really just spend the money on the thing and the subscription to not even be able to wear it anymore??? I only wore it about 2 weeks!

Has this happened to anyone else?


  • mazomama
    mazomama Posts: 138 Member
    bummer:sad: have you tried to keep it clean with wipes? maybe not put body lotion on under that spot. my husband moves his body bugg from his right t to left arm and it seems to read everything the same. good luck!
  • Use a light sanitizer on it and make sure you Don't wear any lotion, body spray or anything like that.. keep you skin clean and dry
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I just canceled mine. Too many flaws. Not worth it. I was starting to get the rash thing too.
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    I clean it everyday with an alcohol wipe and wipes it clean with a cloth at other times. I don't wear lotion or anything on that spot.

    Can I really switch it to the other arm??

    taso42- Can I ask what other reasons you cancelled it for?
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I put my final summary here:

    I have some random babblings about it in a couple previous blog posts as well.
  • I would think you could switch arms. I have a bodybugg and I switch arms before bed. I did get a rash with the bodybugg but it was just the first week and now its fine. I hope you figure something out!!
  • christinaberlyn
    christinaberlyn Posts: 12 Member
    I have the bodybugg and I haven't had any problems but I heard some people are allergic to nickel and that is what may cause the rash. I also read somewhere they will return it if you have an allergic reaction. Not sure how accurate the info is but it may be worth checking in to.
  • kim_mc
    kim_mc Posts: 321 Member
    taso42- Thanks so much! I have all the same ideas about the band. I'm tempted to just not even use it. I have a hrm with chest strap but it always estimated about 80-120 calories higher than the bodymedia and I just don't know if I should trust it or not. And if not, why am I using it??? I might as well type a generic exercise into a caluclator somewhere and see what that says.

    Do you think the HRM would be more accurate than that? I don't want to exercise and then end up gaining because to be honest I usually DO eat back my exercise calories because I feel like I don't get very much to eat otherwise!
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    The first couple days I wore mine it did bother my skin a bit. I fiddled and moved it around a lot trying to get it to be more comfy. After about a week I didn't even notice it anymore, I forget I'm even wearing it.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    It may be that on the inside it has latex material and you have a latex sensitivity.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    taso42- Thanks so much! I have all the same ideas about the band. I'm tempted to just not even use it. I have a hrm with chest strap but it always estimated about 80-120 calories higher than the bodymedia and I just don't know if I should trust it or not. And if not, why am I using it??? I might as well type a generic exercise into a caluclator somewhere and see what that says.

    Do you think the HRM would be more accurate than that? I don't want to exercise and then end up gaining because to be honest I usually DO eat back my exercise calories because I feel like I don't get very much to eat otherwise!

    My HRM vs BMF numbers were similar to yours. HRM always showed higher. A few ideas are
    - Subtract your BMR from your HRM reading. (Divide your BMR by 1440 to get your calorie burn per minute, and subtract that from what the HRM says)
    - Leave a few of your exercise calories uneaten every day as a buffer
    - Set your activity level a little lower and eat back all exercise calories

    What I decided to do for the moment was this: I was going to increase my daily caloric intake, because it's about that time again. But now that I'm back on the HRM which overestimates calorie burn, I will leave all my settings as they are, and eat back the HRM calories. In effect, I am increasing my daily caloric intake after all, since the HRM is reporting more calories burned.

    We can do these weird calculations and adjustments till the cows come home, but at the end they're still rough estimates. My best advice would be to stay in tune with your body. If you're always hungry, increase those calories a bit. If you feel like you're force-feeding, bring them down a bit.

    This is the best we can do until they invent a magic device that can truly and accurately measure the calories we burn and consume :smile:
  • tgallick
    tgallick Posts: 1
    Hi guys. My name is Theresa and I work for BodyMedia. I'm so sorry to those of you who have developed a rash/reaction. Please contact our customer service folks and we can help you out. You can do that by opening an email case at.
  • I got a rash in the beginning, even with using wipes to clean off. I place the unit on both arms and legs and get readings very close to each other. I don't get rashes any more but have soreness after wearing it for awhile. I don't want to return it because it's the only thing that seems to be working (tried many different diet programs).
  • robyn_takami
    robyn_takami Posts: 5 Member
    I bought a FIT too, and broke out in severe rashes wherever I placed the device. I think it may be an allergy to the metal used in the electrodes. I wrote to Body Media and they had no solution, so I returned the device.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    zombie thread!
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