Losing after baby

Is anyone else in this boat? I was active here after my first baby and lost about 30lbs total. Then I got pregnant again and gained a ton. I'm now almost 3 months post and NEED to get myself back on track. I threw responsible eating away about two months into pregnancy and am just now starting to pay attention again.
I want to generally be healthier, of course, but also get back to my pre-any-pregnancy weight (155 is my final goal, 167 was pre-pregnancy, 190 pre-second-pregnancy, 209 current).
I'm 5'8", 29yrs, and married with now two kids. Support is always welcome, and I try to be supportive as well!


  • LMH5163
    LMH5163 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! I have a 10 month old and I am STILL working on losing the baby weight. I gained more than I'd like to admit. Lol I'm trying to get back down to my pre-pregnancy weight of 140. That's when I felt my best. Plus, before my son was born I had a shopping problem and have a ton of clothes I'd like to fit in again. Lol
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    It wasn't until 8mo after my first that I did anything toward losing weight, and she was almost a year when I got serious about it. I was on *such* a good roll when I got pregnant again. Steady loss, nightly workouts 6 days a week, looking into getting a heart rate monitor etc then BAM! Pregnant lol. Starting over is hard. I kept a lot of my pre-pregnancy clothes in the hopes I'd be able to wear them again! They've been neglected in my closet for like 2.5 years.
  • choclathai
    choclathai Posts: 2 Member
    I'm almost 4 months post now & looking for extra motivation on here as well :) it's been nearly 11 years since I had my 1st & I swear the pounds were much easier to shed back then..wishing much success to you on your journey! Cheers!
  • SookieAndSunny
    Hi, I'm nearly 2 months PP, 5'7" and 183 lbs. I'm aiming to lose around 40lbs ( which I've pretty much had since my first LO 5 years ago). We seem to have similar goals, so feel free to add me if you like!
  • MicheleMMK
    MicheleMMK Posts: 16 Member
    Best of luck to you and congrats on your newest little one! I'm embarrassed to say my youngest is 4, so I not sure I can call it baby weight, but I am working to drop the additional weight I kept on after 3 pregnancies. We have similar numbers/goals. Please add me if you want!
  • RyanneRose
    RyanneRose Posts: 128 Member
    I say it still counts if you put it on during pregnancy ;)
  • fluffymcfluzzin
    fluffymcfluzzin Posts: 12 Member
    I had my daughter 2 months ago and trying to get back to pre pregnancy weight. I gain 50 pounds with her. Feel free to add me would love the support!!