Officially Introducing Myself!

Hey there! I'm Sticky (fake name of course, to protect the not-so-innocent!) and while I'm not new to MFP, I'm making a serious commitment this time, I thought participating in the community will help me stay focused!

About 8 years ago I lost 40 pounds and kept it off for about 2 years. Then I got married, had two kids, and really let myself go. I'm now at a point where I can barely keep up with my kids, and that really upsets me. I want to be able to run around with them and not have to sit down after 2 minutes because I'm so winded.

So I'm making this commitment to a healthier lifestyle for my kids, so I can be around them for a long time and so I can be a healthy influence in their lives. Plus, the weight loss will be great, too!

I'm hoping to meet some new friends here to help keep each other on track and motivated, and to share ideas and recipes!

So with that said, hi! How is everyone doing today?


  • Shell_1384
    Shell_1384 Posts: 80 Member
    Happy to hear you are committing! I have been off-and-on with MFP for about 6 months and finally got serious last month. The forums and adding friends REALLY helps me stay on track. Add me and we can support each other through this :)
  • sticky41284
    sticky41284 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Shell! Looking forward to encouraging each other!
  • ahende3
    ahende3 Posts: 46 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am working towards a healthier life to spend my LONG days with my soon to be hubby!
  • 4loveford
    I haven't introduced myself, im going to right after I post this reply. I think I have been doing this for 3 weeks or so, my main reason for getting back into shape is for my 3 year old daughter. Like you, I want to be able to play with the kids and have fun instead of gasping for breath!
  • sticky41284
    sticky41284 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi 4loveford and ahende! I've added you both and can't wait to get to know you more :)
  • b3ccax22
    b3ccax22 Posts: 1
    I am the same way I haven't gotten really serious with it since last month! You can add me we can encourage each other. I have a 4 year old energizer bunny he hates sitting still Its hard keeping up!
  • musicnerd90
    Hi Sticky! I am also recommitting to my weight loss goals. Feel free to add me!