Losing weight on the areas I don't want to lose first, why??

Is it just me or maybe in my genes but when I finally start to shed a few lbs it ALWAYS in the areas I have the least of or the area I really don't want to lose weight before I ever see any results in the areas that needs the most work ( abdomen & chest area) !!! Does anyone have this issue?:ohwell:


  • Same here. My stomach stores the most fat and takes the longest time to start shedding, but my chest and legs start shrinking like crazy when I'm working out
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    When I started dieting and exercising, the first places I started to shrink were my abs and tummy, and my boobs. :grumble:

    I read that the fat cells in our upper body is different than the fat in the lower body, especially hard for woman thanks to hormones. I think my legs & butt will be the last thing to shrink. I think the best way to get fat off the upper body is core workouts. (meaning stuff like push-ups, sit-ups, plank exercises, etc) I did the 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels, it's on YouTube) and my abs and tummy shrank pretty FAST! Within a month I lost about 7 inches. If you were to cut down on high-sugary foods, and carbs and try some core workouts, I would imagine your mid-torso area to shrink in size pretty effectively. :)

    I'm doing "No More Trouble Zones" now, and it's amazing. So much definition in my stomach, after only 3 weeks. It's hard work, but so worth it. It's also on YouTube.

    As far as genes, I think it's definitely a factor. My genes keep my arms and legs big while the rest of me shrinks first. My butt seems to be where most of my fat is stored. lol
  • drummer_lady
    drummer_lady Posts: 150 Member
    Story of my life. I always lose weight in my chest first, and I already have so little to work with there in the first place! Most of my weight is stored in my stomach, and that's the last place I start to lose from. It's incredibly frustrating. Unfortunately there's nothing we can really do about it :(
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    I know I do! I have an apple body which means I gain all my weight around my midsection. I have lost 9 lbs. and see very little change in my problem area, but can see that my rear end is smaller when I already had not much there. My pants are a teensy bit looser in the waist but after almost ten pounds lost I was hoping for better results there. *sigh* I'm not giving up though. It is frustrating and if it is any consolation I feel your pain.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Part of it is genetics, but it also kind of makes sense if you think about it. If your body is going to store excess fat, why not do it on the chest and midsection where it can be useful for protecting vital organs. That's how I always saw it. I think that's why most people store fat there.
  • LesBrock
    LesBrock Posts: 44 Member
    Yep, gone from everywhere except where I want it to !!
  • toxicat
    toxicat Posts: 79
    Women who want to lose weight are often anxious to see it depart from a particular body part, most often the hips, stomach, thighs and facial area. This desire does not always translate into reality, however, because the body loses it first where it wants to lose it first, ignoring your desires. In addition, spot reduction is not possible, but over time with consistent exercise and proper diet, you will see overall results.

    Usually women lose weight first in the area where they most recently gained it, meaning the last pounds on are the first to go. Conversely, this also means the oldest weight, the pounds you gained first, will be the most stubborn and difficult to lose. If you gain weight in your mid-section first, that will be the last to hang on.

    Your genetics plays a big role in how and where you lose weight first. If you genetically have wide hips, you may have trouble losing weight in that area. You will probably see weight loss in every other body part, with the hips being the last area to respond. There's no way to fight genetics and even though your hips may never be narrow, eventually they will begin shrinking in size to the proportion that is ideal for you.
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    Another thing to add:

    I didn't really notice HUGE changes in my shape until I lost the first 15 pounds or so. After 20 pounds, THAT'S when it started to be much more noticeable.

    I think the weight in your face also becomes more noticeable after 20 pounds as well. One day at a time, peeps. Don't get discouraged, it takes time, but it does happen if you really stick with it.
  • I know I do! I have an apple body which means I gain all my weight around my midsection. I have lost 9 lbs. and see very little change in my problem area, but can see that my rear end is smaller when I already had not much there. My pants are a teensy bit looser in the waist but after almost ten pounds lost I was hoping for better results there. *sigh* I'm not giving up though. It is frustrating and if it is any consolation I feel your pain.

    We have the exact same problem oh my!!
  • Women who want to lose weight are often anxious to see it depart from a particular body part, most often the hips, stomach, thighs and facial area. This desire does not always translate into reality, however, because the body loses it first where it wants to lose it first, ignoring your desires. In addition, spot reduction is not possible, but over time with consistent exercise and proper diet, you will see overall results.

    In my case, my biggest desire and needs is the chest and my body ignores it! Definitely Genetics!!
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    Unfortunately you don't have a choice what part of the body you want to shrink in size. It is not in your control. If I can offer any word of advise, stick to a diet and exercise and eventually you will win.
  • You aren't alone. I've dropped from a small D-cup to a small B-cup in a matter of months. I also went from having a "bubble-butt" to have no butt at all. It's frustrating to all of us honey but muscle building/toning exercises for these "problem areas" can help. I've been researching which exercises would work best for me and I can already tell a difference in my behind! :) Best wishes dear!
  • Chuchiiee
    Chuchiiee Posts: 43

    Contrary to what sites generalize about where women and men lose weight first... I lost my legs. Supposedly this is the area that women have the "hardest" time losing but that was gone in a flash. I ended up with a horrible muffin top just because my legs got smaller and nothing else.

    THEN. To make matters worse... my boobs started shrinking. Now on top of my toothpick legs I know have malnurished boobs..and a gaping midsection. Next was my arms and face. Finally... FINALLY my midsection is dropping. -grumbles- But mind you it's going at a snail's pace. I'm sure my other body parts will just disappear before my midsection gets flat.
  • You are 2 funny,, I love my legs and they are the first to go!! Grhhh
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    Oh man yeah! I always lose off my butt and legs first. I've lost 51 lbs so far and I am only just seeing changes in the areas I want to lose on (belly, arms and boobs)
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Bodies like to do that :/

    I lost weight in my upper body first and I'm just now losing in my hips. I felt for the longest time my hips and thighs looked similar, but a couple weeks ago I noticed they randomly looked smaller. My measurements have been slowing down as they should because I'm almost done with this shindig.

    I do think the place where I've lost the most is in my waist and boobs. I lost 5.5 inches in my bust since Christmas!
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    You will get there. All bodies are different. To really loose in your tummy its all about what your eating. You have to make sure your making healthy clean choices. I hope that helps Please feel free to add me or message me for any more advice!
  • tjsoccermom
    tjsoccermom Posts: 500 Member
    Not just you at all. As always, my chest loses first, just when I looked like I had a chest. All my bras are now too big there. My calves don't look like could support the rest of my body now. Slowly staring to lose from the areas that I really need to lose from. Don't lose hope it will happen. I also continue to work out those areas so that when the fat does come off, they'll look good :drinker:
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    Yes, the unfairness of it all . . . I lose first in my upper body and my thighs and butt hold on for dear life. After losing most of my weight I can now see some hope for my thighs. I was a 18 top with a size 20 bottom and now I am a 6 top with a 12 bottom but with 20 more pounds to lose and I thought I would be a 10/12 when I started. Ooh! how I wish all 20 could come from my lower half.
  • Y'all are truly hilarious, yes are bodies are crazy. I'm an upside down pear!!! I'll trade anyone of you a boob ( since that's what most of y'all said y'all are losing) for a butt cheek!! :-) we'll I have been walking for the last 2 months so hopefully in the next 6 months I'll see inches off my midsection.

    Ms Sassy