How the h*** do I get motivated to start exercising!!!



  • Rabbit914
    Rabbit914 Posts: 246 Member
    If you don't want to drive to the gym you can find tons of great DVDs or videos on youtube that can help. I am doing T25 right now and I make sure to have my workout clothes by the bed. No excuses. I have even heard people say that they sleep in their workout clothes. Whatever works.

    Your biggest motivation should be you. Are you worth it? Of course you are so just do it and you won't regret any workout that you do. No matter how big or small you'll feel better that you did it.
  • deannc1
    deannc1 Posts: 91 Member
    my motivation starting out...looked at myself naked in a full length mirror...nuff said!!!

    LOL!! Been there, done that. That's exactly why I got started minding my eating in the first place. Went to try on a blouse in a store dressing room, and almost DIED looking in that brightly lit, full length mirror......for a minute I thought some fat chick had gotten in the room with me.....then I realized the fat chick was ME!!!!:sad:
  • mathomps83
    mathomps83 Posts: 1 Member
    Options though I am not technically a mommy I have never been more motivated in my life. I am on day 87 of the 90 day challenge, down 11 pounds, clothes are feeling better and I am so much stronger. I have even started a couch to 5K training and trust me that's a big deal - I have never been a runner. The program worked for me because there is a schedule with daily emails of the newest workout and a big plus is how short they are which is a great way to get started. I now find myself doing a strength workout before work with energy enough to do my running after work. An accountability partner is also a great way to get in a routine even if you don't workout together just check in once a day when you have worked's very helpful. Good Luck!!!!
  • suetrnka
    suetrnka Posts: 7 Member
    Way to get started! I find that the more success I see in what I'm doing, the more motivated I am to keep working and even work harder. It almost becomes addictive... :)

    I pack my bag for the gym every night before I go to bed so that I have no excuse for not taking it out the door with me in the morning. Then - on the days when I still don't really feel like going to the gym, I make myself drive there anyway. I tell myself that if I can honestly sit in the parking lot for 5 full minutes without going in, that I have permission to leave. It's never happened. Once I get there, even if I still drag my feet on the way in - I always make it to the locker room and find the will to do what I set out to do.

    The only workouts I've ever regretted are the ones I've skipped :)

    Good luck - you got this!!
  • southeRNurse2016
    southeRNurse2016 Posts: 20 Member
    Buy gym clothes, gym shoes, a heart rate monitor, etc! It's what I did. :) Even if you can't get to a gym, use this sort of motivation to make you say "Well; I spent money on it, might as well use it." After that first workout, it's hard to stop. The hard part is getting moving! Good luck! I know how hard it is, I work 8 hours and have homework every day.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Find something that you love and that you do not need to force! I really enjoy at home dvds. I started out with Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home dvds...and now I do turbo jam/turbofire. Love these exercises because they are effective, fun, and I can do it 24/7 365 days out of the year - rain or shine! (essentially, excuse proof)
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    Yeah I feel your pain. I exercised today and yesterday. I'll have to agree. You just need to do it. I walked for 14 mins. today. That was all I could do but I did 20 mins. Yesterday. (I'm recovering from surgery). I used to exercise daily when I was younger. I started to crave it. Once you get over the initial aches and pains it's a rush to excercise. But I also have the job where I work 10-11 hours 4 days a week. When I get home I just want to crash. I'm lookin to join a 24 hour gym that I can go either right after work or before work. I think I'm gonna try going before work first. Good luck and You're doing great!!!
  • majomi1579
    First, congrats!!! Now, I used to work out at least 4 times a week. I don't know how because I don't like doing it. I think what I liked was the sauna!! I'm just starting my program again (week 1 of forever) and I haven't started a workout program. I guess I really hadn't thought about it until I read your post - Ugh! But you know what? I will do it. You know why? Because I do other things... We find time and energy to do anything we want - watching the sitcom, talking on the phone, reading a good book - well all of those things can be done at the gym or at home while working out. Set a priority for you. You are so worth it.
  • deannc1
    deannc1 Posts: 91 Member
    You guys are AWESOME!! Thank you all so much for the advice, ideas and personal tidbits. Since I'm off tomorrow I think I can commit to walking my dog......I'll aim for 20 minutes and see if I can make it. My dog will love it as it gives her an extra walk (usually my son or daughter walk her) It's a great feeling to know I'm not alone on this journey.