How many calories do you burn doing P90x vids?

I finally got an HRM and was disappointed by the amount of calories I burned doing Cardio X last night. I was in my target heart range and at the higher end of it for the entire video, except the yoga sections, so I am confused. I got a mere 384 calories burned. That would be a nice number if I didn't see people burning the same amount after walking for 45 minutes! I assumed the number would be higher because of the intensity of the video. Is this anywhere near where you are? I am 35, 5'8" and 177lbs.


  • CecRR
    CecRR Posts: 9
    You could try checking your heart rate manually ( count beats for 10 sec and x6) and using the calculator here:

    this is what I do since I dont have a HRM. Your monitor could be faulty.
  • kariannmbc
    kariannmbc Posts: 144
    I use this:

    I think the calorie burn is based on doing everything exactly as in the work out DVDs.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    The cardio workouts (cardio x, plyo) average 350-405.
    Kenpo 200-250
    Chest and back/back and biceps 550-600
    Shoulders and arms/chest shoulders triceps 450-525
    Legs and back 650-750
    Ab ripper 125-150

    Keep in mind-im 4'8" and 122lbs, and i do plyo with 20lb ankle weights and legs and back with a 95lb barbell.
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    While doing the weight lifting videos I burn 800+. I burn 900+ while doing Plyometrics and between 600-700 doing Yoga X
  • shaypearl
    shaypearl Posts: 307 Member
    I use this:

    I think the calorie burn is based on doing everything exactly as in the work out DVDs.

    That is a pretty interesting site. When I compared to what my heart rates tells me, with Plyometrics it was pretty right on but with the weight lifting it was off by a lot. This is my second heart rate monitor and they seem to sync of pretty close. It could be 1) I do take an 5 hour energy right before my workout since i work out very early in the morning and I need that push. And 2) I just started back up again and this is only day 3. My body is feeling all the P90X love.
  • Energizer06
    Energizer06 Posts: 311 Member
    As long as your HRM has a chest strap...then its OK. If it is the wrist type, I would save up for the chest strap type. You can ask folks what they burn but it isn't a really good gauge to compare to yourself. For several reasons:

    1. The more obese/overweight the more a person will burn. Even when walking.
    2. Men vs women ( generally men will typically burn more...if all stats are the same)
    3. Your current fitness level plays a major role. The more "in shape" you are the less calories burned.
    4. Age plays a role

    For example:
    I used to burn 600+ during P90X only around 480 - 550 at the same intensity.
    My wife gets mad all the time when I burn on average 100 or so more calories than her on just about every exercise activity. She also has a much lower BMR, so she doesn't have to eat a much either. Of course I love to eat.
  • msaestein1
    msaestein1 Posts: 264 Member
    Thanks guys. I will check out those sites too and look into getting a chest strap in the future. I was just expecting a bigger burn than I got. Besides Insanity, this workout is often viewed one of the toughest around. I definitely worked my butt off and followed the DVD perfectly. I did the same amount of reps and kept with everyone. just thought I would see if others are getting the same 'low' numbers.
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Most HRMs are meant to measure calories burned from steady state cardio (meaning cardiovascular exercise done at a fixed intensity for longer periods of time (over 15 mins)) I don't think that a HRM is meant to measure calories burned doing that type of a cardio workout. However, I am by no means an expert, just from what I have learned from my own personal research. However, doing a cardio workout for around 45 minutes including warm up and cool down that number seems somewhat correct. While it may be upsetting to see a number lower than what you least you're not overeating exercise cals.

    I got sick of not being able to accurately measure my personal calorie burn which is part of why I switched over to the TDEE method, now I just worry about food calorie estimates not food estimates and exercise estimates. Good Luck!
  • KaylaMack0215
    KaylaMack0215 Posts: 55 Member
    I use this... BUT I wouldn't take it verbatim. It's a good estimate to get you on the right track.
  • theres a calorie calculator for p90x
  • I use this... BUT I wouldn't take it verbatim. It's a good estimate to get you on the right track.

    i use this and cut it in half, its just too hard to tell other than your weight without tracking your heart rate accurately
  • hzmirza
    hzmirza Posts: 1 Member
    Can you log P90x workouts on MYFITNESS PAL?