Feel like giving up.Not seeing any results.



  • Shock ur body with a new diet
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    So do i need to eat 1200 calories plus the exercise calories i have burned?? I have just been using MFP to guess what the calorie is, i'm usually accurate with my portions etc but my diary is just what is already recorded in MFP!!

    Yes, eat the exercise calories too, that's how MFP is set up. If you're recording what is already in MFP it's usually better to log the components separately, ie potato, mince, chilli rather than someone's idea of what a jacket potato with chilli contains. Someone's idea of what a serving is may be completely different to what you are actually eating.

    ETA: Listen to helloitsdan ^^ he knows what he's talking about :smile:
  • maryann9wood
    maryann9wood Posts: 75 Member
    My female trainer at the gym weighs 157. Believe me, she looks like Jillian, and could take Jillian down. Go with the measurements, not the scale.
  • NotAResolution
    NotAResolution Posts: 58 Member
    Have opened my diary now so if anyone can help with anything i'm doing wrong would be much appreciated.


    There are a couple of very low days from what I have seen, and you are supposed to eat back the exercise calories. Do you weigh everything or guesstimate?
    I agree with the above. You seem to have some really low days. I would try really hard to eat your caloric goal every day and not go under. When you exercise you should go over that caloric goal. Your goal is to reshape your body and you can do that by exercise and eating better (in general I mean, not specific to your diet). One thing I always take into consideration is I'm never sure about the specific calories in what I eat or in how much I burn. (And the butter/oil you add to food has calories too) Also, I'm not an expert.
  • iitanyia
    iitanyia Posts: 5 Member
    How do your clothes fit? With all you have done and do, you have probably exchanged fat for muscle. I bet you look fantastic! Stay strong.
  • margaretsandford3
    margaretsandford3 Posts: 8 Member
    Somedays i have felt some of my clothes feel different, I have noticed I dont feel as bloated anymore also which was always a big problem, but put that down to cutting out with the fizzy drink!!!
  • Just give it time. Rome wasn't built in a day.

    Take some tips from the lovely people on MFP and find what works for you and gives you results.
    Have faith in yourself, YOU CAN DO IT, just stay positive and stay determine :)
  • bekim123
    bekim123 Posts: 391 Member
    I know it can be frustrating, but keep with it. I've hit a plateau for about a week and a half now, the scale isn't going down, but I'm keeping with it. For me, as a diabetic, the extra benefit I've seen beyond the scale going down is watching my morning blood sugar levels go from aound 160-170 down to current readings in the 95-105 range. This is similar to the non-scale related benefits you're experiencing. The other thing to keep in mind is that you have to be in it for the long haul. Six months from now, you can have given up and be where you are now (or heavier) or have kept with it and seen progress and better health. I'm sure you didn't put the weight on overnight, so you must expect it's going to take a while to get it off. Good luck!
  • margaretsandford3
    margaretsandford3 Posts: 8 Member
    Thankyou all for you kind words and support. I know i have to stick with it to see results & i know how much I want to lose this excess fat so I really dont have a choice other than to stick with it, I just need to figure out the best way to do it!!!
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    Don't give up! Your body takes a while to adjust to changes sometimes. And there will be stuff going on that the scale doesn't reflect too.
    If it really isn't working for you then make some changes instead of giving up, find out what works for you, because something will.
    There is a lot of good advice around on these forums to help you work out what might not be working or what might help.
    Weighing your food is a big one.
    Good luck!
  • November_Fire
    November_Fire Posts: 165 Member
    I'd guess there are some inaccuracies in your logging, which means you'll be eating more calories than you're burning. Today, for example - did you eat that Weetabix without milk? How much milk? Full or semi? Toast without butter? What kind of butter, and how much? Yesterday looks like 1200 calories on the surface, but there's no milk or butter, the jacket potato recipe - is it yours? You don't know what's in that recipe compared to your own. You might put double cream in your chilli :) Or water. It could be 300 cals or 900. What is 'a cheese sandwich' - which bread? Low fat bread, high fat? Which cheese? How much cheese? Make it yourself or bought from a shop, possibly loaded with mayo or salt. Any oil in the 30th's omelette? And don't have nothing but a Ferrero Rocher for lunch. That's not lunch, that's disordered. And no snacks? Only four or five things pass your lips all day? Any tea or coffee? Milk in those?

    Chances are you're eating more like 1500 or more. Maybe quite a lot more. Your exercise will burn some calories, sure, but if you're eating 1900 and burning 1900 (being alive plus some exercise)... you'll stay the same weight.

    Some early changes I made which got me near-instant results and spurred me on:

    Switch from white bread to wholemeal, white pasta to wholemeal. Then I ate less of it. Felt massively better within days.
    Cut junk. Not something I found too hard, as I don't drink soda and juice. I'd rather eat 100 calories of pie than drink 100 cals of juice :)
    Portion size. Keep it smal, eat, think. Still hungry? Eat a little more.
    Don't be hungry. If you're hungry, eat something wth protein. Greek yoghurt and honey is my go-to snack, sometimes with a bit of muesli added.
    Really accurate tracking. Don't stress if you go over, but you can see where you can make an improvement the next day.
  • 39laurita39
    39laurita39 Posts: 43 Member
    Dont give up! You are doing great but I think your body takes longer to 'realize' you've changed your habits and eventually you will start to lose if you stick to your plan :) I started at 165 lbs and of course at first it was difficult! It took me more than a month to start seeing the scale move & at least 6 months to start truly believing I was getting smaller without clothes on...

    Now its been two years and I weigh 110 so 55 lbs down. I'm not at my goal weight yet but I loved becoming healthy it completely changed me I feel like a different person now so much more energy and strength just by what I eat, i used to feel like crap all the time because of my bad eating habits and I didn't know. The moment you stop counting the days and feeling like you're on a diet and learn to love eating healthy, fresh foods your body will get used to it and you'll lose without even trying! Add plenty of fresh veggies and fruit to your diet and be patient, i promise it will be worth it :) Good luck !! x
  • Kathryn41057
    Kathryn41057 Posts: 181 Member
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    What are your goals? Height? Weight? Age? etc. 1200kcals is low for most people and is not usually sustainable long term. Your profile says you have 22lbs to lose. A healthy sustainable weight loss goal for you should be around 0.5lb per week. It may take longer to reach your goal but you're much more likely to keep the weight off than if you did it aggressively. Go to www.scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator to calculate your BMR and TDEE. That's a good starting point and will give you an idea of how much you should be eating to meet your goals.

    In your diary you have a lot of 'homemade', '1 strip', '1 medium apple'. In order to accurately monitor intake you really should think about investing in a set of digital scales and weighing everything you eat - yes, that includes apples! Homemade entries are really dodgy if you didn't create them yourself. There's no way of knowing exactly what went into the meal and how it was cooked, e.g. was it cooked in oil? How much?

    Once you start weighing food you may be surprised at how much you can underestimate what you eat. Be sure to also log your drinks, including tea and coffee, as any added milk/cream/sugar adds up. Log each bite/lick/taste, as these add up too.

    Make these small changes and monitor your weight over the next few weeks. The problem with the online calorie calculators (including MFP) is that they are just estimates based on the average person so adjust your intake accordingly based on your progress.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Thankyou all for you kind words and support. I know i have to stick with it to see results & i know how much I want to lose this excess fat so I really dont have a choice other than to stick with it, I just need to figure out the best way to do it!!!

    Already offered the best way to do it.
    Nothing to figure out so now its application and acceptance.

    Resistance training + Nutrition + Sleep = Fat loss.

    Get off the mouse wheel.

    I'll give an example of someone from MFP:


    Started at 280lbs 2 years ago.
    With zero cardio we have her now at 170lbs at about 17% body fat.
    She lifts 3-5x a week and eats 3000cals a day now.

    A simply search on the internet about basic human physiology will explain why you don't lose the fat doing cardio only.
    You may not like the song but I can bang the drum of truth all day.
  • qfish
    qfish Posts: 16
    I know how you feel. But no worries, Rome was not built in one day. Plus, muscle weighs more than fat, so you may be gaining muscle in place of it, which is awesome. My advice is... stop looking at the scale. Use another method like measurement of your waist. That way, even though your weight doesn't change, you'll still see progress. And I would wait 1 week in between readings and take 3 readings a day and average that (morning, noon, before bed). Oh, and your calories may be too low! You need energy to burn energy. Otherwise, your body will start eating your muscles and you'll go in reverse. There is a "sweet spot," and it's the one that will make you lose around half a pound a week. Hope this helps!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I do have a lot more energy & do feel healthier but i was 154IB 3 weeks ago & i'm still 154IB, even after all my running & healthy eating!!!
    NEWSFLASH - this is a "result" Be patient....
  • mollybuck
    mollybuck Posts: 64 Member
    I didn't lose much yet, but I know I am on my way. If you are logging your food ACCURATELY and being honest with yourself and doing al that exercise it will start dropping off soon.
  • luvmydawgs
    luvmydawgs Posts: 182 Member
    I started MFP AGAIN back in February and I saw NO results until just recently. I was going to the gym 3-4 times a week and lifting and doing cardio and I was getting so mad. Then one day I put on some jeans that were my go to most comfortable jeans and I could pull them down without un zipping them, but the scale had NOT moved! The scale is a liar sometimes. It can make you a slave for no reason!

    I agree measuring and taking pictures is more accurate! Don't give up!