Success with Dukan??



  • JudyB21
    JudyB21 Posts: 20 Member
    The Dukan diet gets results.....7-10lbs in 5 days. BUT it's lose your appetite and I couldn't eat properly after doing it! Plus I gained weight PLUS some after reverting to a 'normal' diet.
  • littlecrystal
    littlecrystal Posts: 110 Member
    The more I read, it sounds like a horrible diet. Who wants to eat proteins all life long, have a kidney failure, and, I hear from my friends, have a bad mouth breath?
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    Look, different diets work for different people. If you can lose weight by only logging your food, still eat rice, bread, etc. then lucky you. I couldn't, and I had grat success on Dukan. My kidneys are fine, I didn't only eat protein, except on attack phase, where I actually still had yoghurt and cottage cheese added into the mix, only for 4 days. The rest of the diet you have lots of veggies, you have fruit, cheese, bread, celebration meals (i.e anything your heart desires...)

    If you know how the diet works, I mean really know, not just think its a low carb, high protein diet, then you will see how easy it is, how much variety there is in it, and how structured it is. The diet literally re-teaches you good eating habbits.

    It works for some people, it doesn't work for others, but the people who have had success on Dukan, actually followed the diet to the tee, the ones who "gained all their weigh and then some" probably didn't follow through with all four phases.
  • jbrush45
    tried the Duken Diet and lost a 2 stone I found it very hard to stick to and when i gave it up, the weight returned with vengence
    I am now on the 5-2 Diet find this diat far better to maintaine my weight using myfitnesspal
  • Anastazia36
    Anastazia36 Posts: 27 Member
    What I know is that you will put back all the weight with any diet if you don't follow the rules of each of them.
    I did Duncan Diet and I lost 8 kgs, but then i switched to the Cambridge weight plan because I needed someone to check on me.
    I will go back to Duncan after I lose some weight because Cabridge is a bit expensive for my pocket.

    Anyways, the point is that weight returns with any diet if you don't keep an eye on the scales...
    My moto is that "Diet starts after diet finishes"
  • SmileyC68
    Hi there - my husband and I did the Dukan Summer 2011. He lost 2 stone and I lost 1.5. It was quite easy at the time and we were both determined but unless you adopt this completely as a lifestyle change it will eventually creep back on as it did with us as it can be very restrictive. So now I have adopted a new lifestyle change and I am doing the 5:2 eating plan. I eat lots of vegetables and drink lots of water and restrict my calorie intake to 500 calories 2 days a week. I can relax a bit the other 5 and have a few treats, go out for dinner and drink a little alcohol. This makes it far more sustainable for me long term and 4 weeks in I am really enjoying it and have lost 10 lbs so far!
  • loseweight222
    loseweight222 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on my first day in the attack phase and I do have to say the oat bran bread with turkey rashers and scrambled egg is a god send it takes away any cravings and is so tasty, I am finding it quite easy just depends on you really and what you prefer I like the strictness of the diet I know where I stand and love cooking so the recipes are good and tasty although I don't like the word diet I call it a lifestyle change. I feel like I have full control of this life style change and don't feel like it has control over me like many other diets tried before. so all in all a thumbs up with this one :-) see how I feel in 3 days :-/..... any body have any tips or recipes please share
  • tunesntea
    Personally I tried the Dukan diet in July of 2011 - it lasted for about 2 weeks before I wanted to stab myself with a fork from not eating any carbs.

    From personal experience I have had much more success with weight loss using my fitness pal - and logging all foods - including breads, rice, and fruit.

    I may be no doctor - but I know from my schooling as a nurse that its important to incorporate all food groups into your diet. Including fruit and grains.

    I also know that too much protein can cause kidney failure, and I know that is a large debate with the cons of the dukan and atkins diet due to their "unlimmited" amounts of proteins.

    To me the large time-frame of rotating days of pure proteins and veggie/protein days is too long to follow - and unrealistic.

    Sorry if this is very antagonistic - and critical - especially for those that HAVE had success with this diet - I'm just saying it doesnt work for everyone, and I was a prime example. Just make sure you research it through before doing it and talk to your healthcare provider.

    Too much protein can be a problem but ATKINS is high fat, not high protein.
    The USDA recommends 10 to 35% protein and atkins recommends 30% protein, 60% fat, 10%carbs. People that aren't using that ratio aren't properly following Atkins. Follow the ratios and there shouldn't be protein problems.

    Im not familiar with Dukan enough to comment.
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
    Please, don't do this diet.
    I did it, about ten years ago when M. Dukan just released his book called 'Je ne sais pas maigrir' ('I don't know how to lose weight')
    It seemed written for me. It was not. I lost about 19lbs in 9 months. Without eating any carbs, any fat, no fruits (I mean, SERIOUSLY, NO FRUITS?!).

    I was dizzy all the the time, I lost my hair, my smile and my social life.

    When I stopped the diet, overnight, because I couldn't stand it anymore, I put the weight back on twice as fast it came off. And then some. It took me a very long time to recover. Physically, of course, and emotionnally. I was complete mess, bordeline ED, scared of food.

    If I may add, about 10 days ago, Dukan got banned from the "Ordre des Médecins" (basically this is the Official Doctor association in France)
    He's not a Doctor anymore. He's facing several law suits for prescribing diet pills to his patients, for turning medecine into a business and because this diet sucks!

    Please, take an hour or so to read his book carefully. You'll see that he writes like a guru would.
    Everything he says is so supposed to be gold. If you follow the rules, all the rules, all the time with absolutely no window for when 'life happens' you'll succeed. If not, if you make ONE tiny step on the side, you'll fail and it's gonna be your fault.

    But, guess what, life happens! This guy is dangerous. Nobody and I MEAN nobody has succeeded in the long run. Even here in France, where is considered as a 'miracle worker' (that being less and less true, thank God!)

    I can't believe how I got stuck in this mess. He takes credit for everything good (short time good, I insist) and finds a way to blame his patients for EVERY fail!

    GET THE HELL OUT before you metabolism is so screwed up, you'll have a lot of trouble trying to be healthy again. You can't cut out whole groups of food from your life for such a long time.

    Feel free to rant, to tell me I'm a hater and I should rut in hell or add me as a friend to say 'thanks' but please don't do this to your body!
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    Some questions to ask yourself:

    Is it a diet with a name?
    Does it require you to pay money for it?
    Does it restrict specific foods, calories, or macros?
    Do you really want to stay on this diet for the rest of your life (or risk regain)?

    From what I know it is just a low carb diet re-imagined. This is nothing new and is the same old garbage as all the others.

    Here's some solutions:

    Do some actual real nutritional research
    Focus on health rather that "losing weight fast"
    Recognize that "losing weight" isn't the same as losing fat
    Get up and do some exercise including strength training and forget about magic diets
    Accept that it's all about calories in/calories out, weigh your food, eat at a small deficit (TDEE - 15%)
    Don't get ripped off by fad diet gurus (including paleo, whole30 garbage, etc.)
  • Adriennrus
    Adriennrus Posts: 9 Member
    I just started Dukan yesterday, I love the concept although I will add my twist to it to make it a bit healthier!! I started a blog to inspire anyone if they are dreaming of the beachbody for this summer just like me!!!
  • krokus99
    krokus99 Posts: 35 Member
    I tried the Duken Diet and lost a fair bit of weight, I found it very hard to stick to and when i gave it up, the weight returned with vengence.
    this is what happens.
    Dukan diet seems easy, but it is not good...
  • krokus99
    krokus99 Posts: 35 Member
    I tried it last year. I lost kilos, but my body got exhausted in short term.
    Never ever will try diets without exercise.
  • genevievetopalov
    i did the diet a few years ago and lost 15kg, but i was too young to do it at only 15 yrs old. there were times when i was tired, but i didn't follow the diet to a t, because i was boarding and didn't have a lot of money. nonetheless, the 15kg changed my life as a schoolgirl. i was playing school sport and enjoying myself more because i could actually do things! my 'depression' was gone and i haven't suffered any health effects from it. i lost 7 more kg on weight watchers and kept the weight off for years through healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

    over the past few months i have gained 8kg which i plan to lose with the dukan (i started today). i know it seems bland eating only protein, but there are great recipes and vege are included! i have studied health science, and to be frank with everyone, drinking and smoking, as well as fast food, have much more profound impacts on your body. if you misuse this diet, it will not work, you must follow the advice! what this diet actually does is shift the weight quickly and then sets you knew eating habits! if you eat fast food, this diet will teach you, through practice, how to eat healthy and you will not look back!

    as for Dr Dukan, there are so many schools of thought in medicine! this method, done properly, is medically sound! many, many people live off a high protein diet. you make it healthy or unhealthy depending on if you eat the vegetables, chia, multivitamins (if you need it) and drunk lots of water.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I can't say I have any faith in a diet plan designed by a man who has been stripped of his licence to practice medicine :S
  • Allterrain_Lady
    Allterrain_Lady Posts: 421 Member
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member

    Also, as of the last time the OP logged in, they had only lost 6 of the 66lbs they needed to lose.
  • surfinbird_1981
    surfinbird_1981 Posts: 946 Member
    Nah, I love my body too much to put it through this...
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Zombie thread from Jan 2013. OP gave up Dukan a year ago. That said, anyone searching for info on the Dukan Diet should know that in 2010, 2011 and 2012, The British Dietetic Association named the Dukan Diet the number 1 diet to avoid.

    Any diet that has phases...
  • Lib_B
    Lib_B Posts: 446 Member
    It worked really well for me in terms of weight loss, but I found the lack of fruits drove me bonkers. My plan is to employ Dukan when I hit plateaus and when I'm down to the last stubborn pounds. For the bulk of my loss, though, I just can't do it with so few carbs. It really does work, it's just not something I can sustain. And it's mostly because I'm always on the go - work, kids, etc. I like grab and go foods like fruit, veggies and protein bars/shakes. I was having to spend too much time on meal prep for my lunches. Time I just don't have, unfortunately. I can commit to cooking healthy at night, but for breakfast, I'm usually rushing out the door - so I make oatmeal at work and grab some fruit and cheese for lunch. Again, it works and if you can stick with it - more power to you!
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