Feel like giving up

Just one of those days. Been struggling to stay on track. This lifestyle change isn't easy. Almost a month in and only been successful about 50 percent of the time. it's hard. but I know I'm worth it. I know in the end I will be healthier, happier but today I just feel like giving up and throwing in the towel. take myself to mcdonads to order the number one supersized just to make myself feel bettter. ugh. I'm not gonna do it but it would sure make me feel better. how do you get over downfalls like this? when you feel just like I quit. but really need to hang in there?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I can't say I feel like that...ever. I know I am only 4lbs from goal but I wasn't always.

    I find that people feel like giving up with they have restricted themselves too much.

    Either in Calories in, limited or elimination of foods they like/want/crave or feeling like food is bad and if they eat it they might as well give up.

    If that is why you feel this way re-evaluate how you are doing this...
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    It hasnt been easy for me, but I made it simple for myself by not cutting out anything I just cut it down. If you want a mcdonalds you have it but you need to make it fit into your daily allowance.

    You have stated all the reasons why this is a good idea so therefore you need to keep at it and work for it as it will be worth it in the end.. You can do this. Good Luck.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Think about this - will that supersized binge REALLY make you feel better? Probably not. You might get some temporary satisfaction but then you'll likely feel physically discomfort (indigestion or worse) and you might even start feeling guilty for going off track.

    I agree with SezxyStef (happens a lot actually, she's pretty bright) that you need to stop labeling foods as good/bad and stop being so restrictive. If you want some McD's, go ahead and have some but make sure your choices fit into your daily goal. You could also try to get some extra exercise in to earn a bit more calories to cover the indulgence.

    To answer your question though, I think it's important to have a long term goal. Why do you want to lose weight? Why is it important to you? Write down the goals and maybe even post them places to remind yourself regularly why the sacrifices and changes are worth it in the long run.

    And honestly, we all have bad days. Sometimes we plan it with "cheat" days or meals and sometimes it's just because we're not feeling up to being good anymore and want to binge on pizza and wings. Either way, we have to give ourselves a break. As long as those meals/days don't happen too often (so you're not going over goal on a regular basis) you'll probably still lose weight.

    Maybe setting your goals and expectations a bit lower to be realistic would help?
  • daveymac31
    daveymac31 Posts: 118
    Amen. Been there, done that. Still do that from time to time. But something recently snapped in my head, and I don't want any of that anymore. My problem was I would do so good for a month or two, then just binge on everything that comes in front of my yap. For me, if I have a hankering for Mc pukes, I try to ignore it. If it comes back again a day later, I will go there and have it. I find if I don't "treat" myself then I will binge. Doing it this way helps me. I may have something like that once a week. My goal is to get rid of it. I see in my bank statements how much eating that **** actually costs. I could use that money for something else. Good luck.
  • CABasile
    CABasile Posts: 55 Member
    It is very hard some days--but don't give up! Maybe allow yourself a little treat day every once in a while?

    I try to focus on how much better I feel, and on how lose my clothes are. Also, I'm trying to put only good foods in my body, and I've worked so hard to clean out the toxins, that I don't have much desire to eat McDonald's or other fast food. Or, if I'm feeling very, very tempted, I allow myself a little bit -- a little taste only, a snack size portion at McDonald's etc. The other day, the family all had McDonald's ice cream sundaes. I allowed myself to have one too, but just a snack sized portion. It eliminated the craving and temptation.

    Or, if you must, order the burger but only eat half of it? Try to skip the mayonnaise and pile on tomatoes and lettuce. Eliminate the top bun.

    So, first focus on what you have accomplished, and really believe you are improving yourself. Then, it should be easier to avoid going overboard.
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    :wink: We all have those days ... :flowerforyou: ... I am a emotional eater , when some things get overwhelming ... just look for food . Not a take away person , but i do love my cake ...and chocolate .
    I don't deprive myself of them ...just make sure i count the calories .:wink: And log to my diary .
    I look at MFP as a way of accounting for my behaviour ... I feel in control of my self and what goes in my mouth . I don't get upset when i see people getting results faster than me , as every one is different .I have a very slow metabolism ...Unable to do Gym workouts ... because of injuries to my back from car accidents that were not my fault .
    However i do keep active ... doing gardening ... cleaning .. walking .. and whatever i can do that wont exacerbate my condition .
    I constantly look for new things to keep me interested ... Its not easy .:ohwell:
    I was once told to take note of the weight i have lost ... go to my local supermarket , put that weight in a basket ... carry it around the whole shop ...and then see how you feel when you put it back ( Potatoes ) .. are good weights . :laugh:
    Stay with us ... its a journey not a race ...
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    Amen. Been there, done that. Still do that from time to time. But something recently snapped in my head, and I don't want any of that anymore. My problem was I would do so good for a month or two, then just binge on everything that comes in front of my yap. For me, if I have a hankering for Mc pukes, I try to ignore it. If it comes back again a day later, I will go there and have it. I find if I don't "treat" myself then I will binge. Doing it this way helps me. I may have something like that once a week. My goal is to get rid of it. I see in my bank statements how much eating that **** actually costs. I could use that money for something else. Good luck.

    We blow a lot eating out...ugh
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    Will you really feel better after that supersized McD's.....or worse?

    No need to cut everything out, but good to be sensible and moderation is the key to this!
  • ChrysalisCove
    ChrysalisCove Posts: 975 Member
    Don't cut anything you love out of your diet permanently. If you must cut some things for now b/c you can't control yourself with them yet, fair enough - but as you progress try to slowly add those things back in if you still crave them.

    Make sure you are hitting your macros fairly consistently. Many cravings can stem from too-low levels of protein, fat or carbs.

    Find some non-edible ways to reward yourself on good days. Reward trumps punishment.

    Let the bad days go. We all have them. Move on.
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    pretty sure all of us feel like this - I made some great changes only to complete backslide during winter... but now i've really started to focus on the great feeling that control over what i'm doing with my body gives me... Often I ate because I felt out of control, or I went out with friends and drank and snacked and didn't feel like I needed to control tha situation but really knowing that I have the ability to make a choice and to practice smart decision making has been a huge difference....

    When I make dinner if i've made more than one portion I tell myself - eat one portion, wait for 15 minutes drink a glass of water and if I legitimately still hungry go back for a little more... however - I have yet to find myself actually wanting more... Its about practicing mindfulness in everything you do... I get so much power out of knowing that I made the choice and now I feel a bit better because of it...

    don't give up... talk to yourself, slow down, try making more meals at home and bonding that way and you'll be amazed at the difrence... plus eating out bumps your sodium levels sky high - cut down on that and you'll see some def changes
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    I can't say I feel like that...ever. I know I am only 4lbs from goal but I wasn't always.

    I find that people feel like giving up with they have restricted themselves too much.

    Either in Calories in, limited or elimination of foods they like/want/crave or feeling like food is bad and if they eat it they might as well give up.

    If that is why you feel this way re-evaluate how you are doing this...

    Im not restricting myself at all. I'm still eating as if I normally would, just eating within my calorie goal to lose 1 lb per week and that is hard for me considering the last few years I have eaten so much without counting a thing. It just feels real hard but I'm still here. I will have to figure out what is going on here, you may be on to something. thanks
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    pretty sure all of us feel like this - I made some great changes only to complete backslide during winter... but now i've really started to focus on the great feeling that control over what i'm doing with my body gives me... Often I ate because I felt out of control, or I went out with friends and drank and snacked and didn't feel like I needed to control tha situation but really knowing that I have the ability to make a choice and to practice smart decision making has been a huge difference....

    When I make dinner if i've made more than one portion I tell myself - eat one portion, wait for 15 minutes drink a glass of water and if I legitimately still hungry go back for a little more... however - I have yet to find myself actually wanting more... Its about practicing mindfulness in everything you do... I get so much power out of knowing that I made the choice and now I feel a bit better because of it...

    don't give up... talk to yourself, slow down, try making more meals at home and bonding that way and you'll be amazed at the difrence... plus eating out bumps your sodium levels sky high - cut down on that and you'll see some def changes

    great advice, thank you
  • Day58
    Day58 Posts: 113
    :wink: We all have those days ... :flowerforyou: ... I am a emotional eater , when some things get overwhelming ... just look for food . Not a take away person , but i do love my cake ...and chocolate .
    I don't deprive myself of them ...just make sure i count the calories .:wink: And log to my diary .
    I look at MFP as a way of accounting for my behaviour ... I feel in control of my self and what goes in my mouth . I don't get upset when i see people getting results faster than me , as every one is different .I have a very slow metabolism ...Unable to do Gym workouts ... because of injuries to my back from car accidents that were not my fault .
    However i do keep active ... doing gardening ... cleaning .. walking .. and whatever i can do that wont exacerbate my condition .
    I constantly look for new things to keep me interested ... Its not easy .:ohwell:
    I was once told to take note of the weight i have lost ... go to my local supermarket , put that weight in a basket ... carry it around the whole shop ...and then see how you feel when you put it back ( Potatoes ) .. are good weights . :laugh:
    Stay with us ... its a journey not a race ...

    You are right! it's not a race it's a journey. I'm going to still hang in there. thanks. Im feeling better!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 683 Member
    You are sooooo worth it so why not treat yourself to some lean mince and onion and low cal cheese and salad and make a huge burger you will feel heaps better you didn't go to mc d's and it will taste so much better.
    On days like that I go with cravings but I do it healthily and sensibly and then I feel better
  • nickowastaken
    nickowastaken Posts: 751 Member
    It takes 66 days to form a habit. Don't give up now, you must be half way there. If you want a McD's then have one... after you've done some exercise to negate those cals. Good luck.

  • Honestly... I just went through this a few days ago. I haven't even been at this very long ( about 4 weeks now) but I get so wrapped up by the number on the scale that I was just frustrated that I haven't lost as much as I would have expected by now. But I look at it this way... Quitting will get you no where. Think of where you want to be , if you quit you will never get there.
    I know it's easy to fall into old habits (like mcdonalds) but really think about that. Will it REALLY make you feel better, if you think it through what would probally happen is you will feel good and enjoy the food while you're eating it but after would realize the damage you've done and it would probally just cause you to back slide even further.
    Having success 1/2 the time is better then none at all, and on those bad days try to remember a really good day when you've had an accomplishment. If you give up now then you will have lost that accomplishment you made in the past.
    Just keep trudging through it for better or worse, there will be a light at the end of the tunnel and EVERY little success you have had makes getting through the bad days worth the struggle!
  • lindsaymarcin
    lindsaymarcin Posts: 81 Member
    when you feel like giving up scroll through some of the success stories on here. They always seem to motivate me! :happy:
  • AlysonG2
    AlysonG2 Posts: 713 Member
    Getting a good workout in always helps me. I'm way more likely to go over my calories on days that I don't work out. I have no idea why that is, but it's the truth. Maybe there's a little voice in my head reminding me that I didn't up at 4:45am and bust my butt just to waste it by eating crap!
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Tough love ahead…

    It all boils down to one question really, Do you really want to lose weight?
    That’s really the only question here, if you REALLY want to make that happen then you can do it, if you’re not serious about it all of the “I’m failing” posts in the world won’t change the outcome.
    You want it or you don’t, it’s as simple as that.
    When you feel like you’re failing you probably are, you need to ask yourself why and the answer needs to be an honest one, no BS, no drama, just why?
    Be truthful with your answer as the only person who knows what the answer is, is you.
    Good luck.
  • homermiss
    homermiss Posts: 1 Member
    I am also struggling with "giving up"! I have always eaten healthy, been active and have never really been considered over weight but I have also wanted to lose about 5 pounds. It doesn't sound like much but it just isn't happening! I very rarely even eat my total amount of calories allotted to me each day. I got on the scales this morning and I have actually gained weight!!! I've cut back on my calories and increased my workouts only to gain weight. What is the point?