Pregnant and not know it...what are your thoughts?



  • bcr1559
    bcr1559 Posts: 62 Member
    Reasons women can be pregnant and not know it:
    1) periods can continue throughout your pregnancy (i had mine until i was 5 months along)
    2) if the placenta develops on the front of the uterus it makes feeling movements hard/less likely. It also makes finding a heart beat very difficult.
    3) Some women are told they cannot get pregnant because of medical reasons and then end up pregnant anyways. Obviously if you think pregnancy is impossible, you will misinterpret the signs
    4) weight. if you carry extra weight you my not even gain weight while pregnant.
  • lookinggoodkel
    lookinggoodkel Posts: 1,235 Member
    i didn't know i was pregnant until 5 months gone. I had been pregnant before but still had no clue until i'd stop breast feeding my other child and milk was still there after a week or two

    This is probably the most likely scenario when it's legit. I have a friend who didn't know until 17 weeks because she was nursing her other baby.

    I think when it happens to teenagers, it's more a case of them not knowing what happens to your body when you become pregnant. Their cycles may not be regular at that age, so missing a period is no big deal. They start having back pains and assume it's something else. The thought of pregnancy may cross their mind, but it's probably a really scary thing to someone that young, and they're afraid to tell anyone, so they never go to the doctor. Then when they have the baby, they say they didn't know they were pregnant, which may technically be true.

    I was 31 when i found out about this pregnancy and had two children by then. Both of them i was sick from day one but this one i wasn't. I am not a stupid women who doesn't know her body but until it happened to me i couldn't understand it either but hand on heart i didn't know until i stopped breast feeding and still was getting milk.
    I had no clue i could of been as i was (thought i was until saw ex had put holes in condoms) pregnant.

    It does happen and people really shouldn't judge.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I had no clue i could of been as i was (thought i was until saw ex had put holes in condoms) pregnant.

    What a *kitten*! Why would he do that?
  • bd0027
    bd0027 Posts: 1,053 Member
    i didn't know i was pregnant until 5 months gone. I had been pregnant before but still had no clue until i'd stop breast feeding my other child and milk was still there after a week or two
    I dreamed I started producing milk the other night. Hopefully the milk was for a man who really enjoys drinking from nipples because I am not ready for a kid.

    Back to the topic though, my sister was 5 months pregnant when she found out she was pregnant too. She has another kid but that kid is like, 13 years old.

    I don't really understand why people are saying you have to be ignorant to not know you're pregnant. I'm not surprised at all if I skip a period or two, it's always been that way for me. Maybe the girls who get pregnant and don't know it has a similar cycle as to mine.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    but I would have to assume you'd notice not having your period for five months... right?
    You must either be new to MFP or have not seen many of the TOM threads where grown women know nothing about their own periods even though they've been having them for decades.
  • FoxBean
    FoxBean Posts: 910 Member
    I read an article that a lady was having stomach pains only to find out that she was pregnant. She gave birth to a 9 lbs baby boy in her driveway. She says that she hadn't gained that much weight. Do we really live in a society where obesity is so common that people can be preggo and not even realize it? :sad:
    I've seen crap on a documentary about women who were pregnant and didn't know it, some of them were thin - I just think it is more of an intelligence issue or maybe being in denial and not right in the head? I don't see how you could just not know.

    Woah. Hold up there.

    Things that really boil my bologna are the shaming comments that come with issues around pregnancy.

    Pregnancy follows the same basic principles... but varies drastically from woman to woman. Even following that same basic "timeline" varies, hence why we have different conditions, states of pregnancy, etc.

    The "I didn't know I was pregnant" bits are not always linked to obesity. Nor is it an intelligence thing. Or an insanity thing ("not right in the head, seriously?"). I've known it to happen to someone who gained weight only in their breasts (they were young, spotting, and only found out around five months along when they went in for their chronic kidney issue "bothering them"; no, the backpain was linked to the baby).

    There are women who give birth at a lower weight than they were when they conceived. There are women who spot in exactly the same pattern as their period the entire gestation. There are women who never feel their child move, even though he/she ends up being born completely healthy. And this is all for women who KNEW they were pregnant; imagine if any of this happened and you didn't know.

    It's both frightening and comforting to know just how vastly different pregnancy experiences can be for women.

    But holy hell, what a strange brush of shade that's already being painted here. Good on you if you know your body so well that you can predict exactly how it reacts to all things at all times!

    No, you are right - not everyone is the same. I just can't put myself in those shoes because you would think you would either feel the baby moving or know something was inside of you growing. My mother didn't know she was pregnant with me for 6 months, but she told me it was more of an in denial issue. I can see not knowing for a few months, but I was mainly speaking until you go in labor.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I don't know how a woman wouldn't know! The movement of a baby is nothing like gas pain, or maybe I just carried vikings that liked to torture me from the inside. I can understand not putting two and two together for a couple of months but c'mon...

    Actually, a symptom of IBS and IBD is a "fluttering" feeling; I've gotten it, immediately took a pregnancy test, discussed it with my doctor, etc. Not pregnant. It feels like something is moving inside of you... sound familiar? So say this happens again, with me on BC: my immediate thought would then go to IBS, not pregnancy.

    Again: the body gets weird. It gets even weirder with pregnancy.

    I'll second this. The baby moving felt EXACTLY like intestinal distress when I was pregnant with my first. I knew I was pregnant, and I still didn't recognize the sensation as coming from the baby.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    Actually I didn't believe this either until I had heard a few first hand stories:

    1- Woman felt pregnant many symptoms, but kept getting her period.
    2- Woman said to dr "I am pregnant" did the urine test, no your not. Finally forced Dr to do an ultrasound and she was like 6 months pregnant.

    It actually does happen. Most cases the people are young and don't know the symptoms. I remember when I was pregnant I had my period the first month. So I didn't know right away. Someone said to me "do you feel pregnant", I was 27 and looked at them saying "I don't know I have never been pregnant before". DUH

    So yes there are cases where this can happen. It is rare, but it happens.
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
    With my first, I knew right away. Hadn't even had the chance for my period to be late. With my second, I didn't know until I was six months along. I had lost some weight in that time even. Was still having my period and all. How I finally realized was when it was coming up to that particular period time, my boobs were starting to bother me. A lot. Then I started noticing the movement. Took an at home test.. bam! Pregnant. When I went to the doctor's office and they measured me, they thought I was not quite that far along. Ultrasound proved them wrong.

    It can happen.
  • Tiernan1212
    Tiernan1212 Posts: 797 Member
    There was actually a TV show on for a while about this topic.

    I have 2 children, 8 years apart, and had a completely different starting experience with each child. Otherwise they were exactly the same.

    With my daughter, the oldest, I was on BC and not getting a regular period anyway. I found out around 5 months when I realized I was off on my pill count/cycle and took a test to be on the safe side. She was born almost a month early at 4lbs 15oz.

    My son was a planned pregnancy, so I was actively checking and taking tests lol. He was born right on time at 7lbs 8oz.

    However, with both kids I experienced no back pain, no breast pain and only threw up 1 time. And both of my kids were very quiet, no kicking etc. They would kind of "roll" every now and then but it was not a significant movement. That made me super nervous because I was always scared they weren't growing properly. Especially with my second pregnancy, because I did have a miscarriage in between.

    And I never got the big pregnant belly, I just gained weight all over lol. I just looked fat, not pregnant :laugh:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I read an article that a lady was having stomach pains only to find out that she was pregnant. She gave birth to a 9 lbs baby boy in her driveway. She says that she hadn't gained that much weight. Do we really live in a society where obesity is so common that people can be preggo and not even realize it? :sad:
    I've seen crap on a documentary about women who were pregnant and didn't know it, some of them were thin - I just think it is more of an intelligence issue or maybe being in denial and not right in the head? I don't see how you could just not know.

    Woah. Hold up there.

    Things that really boil my bologna are the shaming comments that come with issues around pregnancy.

    Pregnancy follows the same basic principles... but varies drastically from woman to woman. Even following that same basic "timeline" varies, hence why we have different conditions, states of pregnancy, etc.

    The "I didn't know I was pregnant" bits are not always linked to obesity. Nor is it an intelligence thing. Or an insanity thing ("not right in the head, seriously?"). I've known it to happen to someone who gained weight only in their breasts (they were young, spotting, and only found out around five months along when they went in for their chronic kidney issue "bothering them"; no, the backpain was linked to the baby).

    There are women who give birth at a lower weight than they were when they conceived. There are women who spot in exactly the same pattern as their period the entire gestation. There are women who never feel their child move, even though he/she ends up being born completely healthy. And this is all for women who KNEW they were pregnant; imagine if any of this happened and you didn't know.

    It's both frightening and comforting to know just how vastly different pregnancy experiences can be for women.

    But holy hell, what a strange brush of shade that's already being painted here. Good on you if you know your body so well that you can predict exactly how it reacts to all things at all times!

    No, you are right - not everyone is the same. I just can't put myself in those shoes because you would think you would either feel the baby moving or know something was inside of you growing. My mother didn't know she was pregnant with me for 6 months, but she told me it was more of an in denial issue. I can see not knowing for a few months, but I was mainly speaking until you go in labor.

    To be fair, I think your thoughts are then rooted in an anecdote you've been exposed to: your mother's.

    As others have said, pregnancies are different. You put a qualifier of "a few months," but some women literally experience the same symptoms at three months as they do at nine (for better or for worse). Every pregnancy is different and even every labor experience is different. If you're willing to give the benefit of the doubt to some women not knowing until 4 or 5 months, it's not to much to extend it further for those cases where women really don't know until they're in the hospital for "appendicitis" or however their symptoms manifest.

    Also, someone referenced the "if you've been told you can't get pregnant." A local, older couple just had this exact scenario on ours news: she was told she was no longer menstruating because of a fertility issue. Two years later, no weight gain, and a "bad stomachache" lead to a baby boy for them.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I read an article that a lady was having stomach pains only to find out that she was pregnant. She gave birth to a 9 lbs baby boy in her driveway. She says that she hadn't gained that much weight. Do we really live in a society where obesity is so common that people can be preggo and not even realize it? :sad:
    I've seen crap on a documentary about women who were pregnant and didn't know it, some of them were thin - I just think it is more of an intelligence issue or maybe being in denial and not right in the head? I don't see how you could just not know.

    Woah. Hold up there.

    Things that really boil my bologna are the shaming comments that come with issues around pregnancy.

    Pregnancy follows the same basic principles... but varies drastically from woman to woman. Even following that same basic "timeline" varies, hence why we have different conditions, states of pregnancy, etc.

    The "I didn't know I was pregnant" bits are not always linked to obesity. Nor is it an intelligence thing. Or an insanity thing ("not right in the head, seriously?"). I've known it to happen to someone who gained weight only in their breasts (they were young, spotting, and only found out around five months along when they went in for their chronic kidney issue "bothering them"; no, the backpain was linked to the baby).

    There are women who give birth at a lower weight than they were when they conceived. There are women who spot in exactly the same pattern as their period the entire gestation. There are women who never feel their child move, even though he/she ends up being born completely healthy. And this is all for women who KNEW they were pregnant; imagine if any of this happened and you didn't know.

    It's both frightening and comforting to know just how vastly different pregnancy experiences can be for women.

    But holy hell, what a strange brush of shade that's already being painted here. Good on you if you know your body so well that you can predict exactly how it reacts to all things at all times!

    No, you are right - not everyone is the same. I just can't put myself in those shoes because you would think you would either feel the baby moving or know something was inside of you growing. My mother didn't know she was pregnant with me for 6 months, but she told me it was more of an in denial issue. I can see not knowing for a few months, but I was mainly speaking until you go in labor.

    To be fair, I think your thoughts are then rooted in an anecdote you've been exposed to: your mother's.

    As others have said, pregnancies are different. You put a qualifier of "a few months," but some women literally experience the same symptoms at three months as they do at nine (for better or for worse). Every pregnancy is different and even every labor experience is different. If you're willing to give the benefit of the doubt to some women not knowing until 4 or 5 months, it's not to much to extend it further for those cases where women really don't know until they're in the hospital for "appendicitis" or however their symptoms manifest.

    Also, someone referenced the "if you've been told you can't get pregnant." A local, older couple just had this exact scenario on ours news: she was told she was no longer menstruating because of a fertility issue. Two years later, no weight gain, and a "bad stomachache" lead to a baby boy for them.

    Just like my friend. She was told that her pregnancy was menopause. The DOCTOR told her that.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I have a friend who found out she was pregnant at 7 & 1/2 months...they had been trying for 8 years, and she was taking ovulation medication. They were given the opportunity to adopt a baby girl, and were distracted enough being new parents that they didn't take into account all the signs, like food cravings and tiredness. She had no morning sickness.

    They were also in the process of moving to another state and her trying to find a new job.
  • angf0679
    angf0679 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I didn't know I was pregnant. I was bleeding non-stop for 6 months so I never thought to take a pregnancy test. My stomach grew, I looked pregnant but when you trust a doctor that's a complete idiot, it's hard. I was young and unfortunately my stomach was growing b/c I had cancer and I was pregnant. I didn't feel movement b/c I had a tumor that was growing in front of the baby so he was kicking that instead of me. So yeah, it's possible. I wasn't obese, overweight by 25ish pounds. Went to a nutritionist and went to a personal trainer. dropped body fat but I was gaining weight but doing everything "right", well except taking care of my baby. So statements like this kindof hit a nerve with me, but I realize I'm in a very small minority. My little guy passed away shortly after birth.

    I am so sorry to hear that. Hugs to you.

    I believe it is possible. I"ve watched the show that TLC had and at first I found it hard to believe. However, never having been pregnant myself, I can't exactly say what it feels like to be pregnant. When they would explain several different things about how they felt and the doctors would also explain things, I believe it can be entirely possible to not know. Not everyone gets the same symptoms as others. I also have known people who did NOT gain weight and barley had any stomach at all.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    i didn't know i was pregnant until 5 months gone. I had been pregnant before but still had no clue until i'd stop breast feeding my other child and milk was still there after a week or two
    I dreamed I started producing milk the other night. Hopefully the milk was for a man who really enjoys drinking from nipples because I am not ready for a kid.

    Back to the topic though, my sister was 5 months pregnant when she found out she was pregnant too. She has another kid but that kid is like, 13 years old.

    I don't really understand why people are saying you have to be ignorant to not know you're pregnant. I'm not surprised at all if I skip a period or two, it's always been that way for me. Maybe the girls who get pregnant and don't know it has a similar cycle as to mine.

    The only ignorant people are those that think one must be ignorant or stupid to not know one is pregnant.
    It happens - bleeding might continue, weight gain might be minimal, etc.

    When I worked at the Duke Hospital one of the interns was pregnant and only found out after the 5-6 month. She was highly educated, trained as a physcian and far from stupid. But then and like in this thread, some people made fun of that.

    It's unfortunate because usually these pregnancies are not easy and can have serious complications when no pre-natal care is provided. On top of that people don't need to be treated as an imbecile.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    I didn't know I was pregnant. I was bleeding non-stop for 6 months so I never thought to take a pregnancy test. My stomach grew, I looked pregnant but when you trust a doctor that's a complete idiot, it's hard. I was young and unfortunately my stomach was growing b/c I had cancer and I was pregnant. I didn't feel movement b/c I had a tumor that was growing in front of the baby so he was kicking that instead of me. So yeah, it's possible. I wasn't obese, overweight by 25ish pounds. Went to a nutritionist and went to a personal trainer. dropped body fat but I was gaining weight but doing everything "right", well except taking care of my baby. So statements like this kindof hit a nerve with me, but I realize I'm in a very small minority. My little guy passed away shortly after birth.

    So sorry for your loss! :flowerforyou:
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I read an article that a lady was having stomach pains only to find out that she was pregnant. She gave birth to a 9 lbs baby boy in her driveway. She says that she hadn't gained that much weight. Do we really live in a society where obesity is so common that people can be preggo and not even realize it? :sad:
    I've seen crap on a documentary about women who were pregnant and didn't know it, some of them were thin - I just think it is more of an intelligence issue or maybe being in denial and not right in the head? I don't see how you could just not know.

    Woah. Hold up there.

    Things that really boil my bologna are the shaming comments that come with issues around pregnancy.

    Pregnancy follows the same basic principles... but varies drastically from woman to woman. Even following that same basic "timeline" varies, hence why we have different conditions, states of pregnancy, etc.

    The "I didn't know I was pregnant" bits are not always linked to obesity. Nor is it an intelligence thing. Or an insanity thing ("not right in the head, seriously?"). I've known it to happen to someone who gained weight only in their breasts (they were young, spotting, and only found out around five months along when they went in for their chronic kidney issue "bothering them"; no, the backpain was linked to the baby).

    There are women who give birth at a lower weight than they were when they conceived. There are women who spot in exactly the same pattern as their period the entire gestation. There are women who never feel their child move, even though he/she ends up being born completely healthy. And this is all for women who KNEW they were pregnant; imagine if any of this happened and you didn't know.

    It's both frightening and comforting to know just how vastly different pregnancy experiences can be for women.

    But holy hell, what a strange brush of shade that's already being painted here. Good on you if you know your body so well that you can predict exactly how it reacts to all things at all times!


    I love this gif it's from my favorite movie All about Eve.
  • cephlove
    cephlove Posts: 11 Member
    In terms of not having your period, obese women may have a very irregular period to start with. There are also medical conditions besides obesity that can lead to a woman not having her period for months at a time even if she is not pregnant.
  • cephlove
    cephlove Posts: 11 Member
    I obviously don't know, not being a woman, but I would have to assume you'd notice not having your period for five months... right?

    Not noticing a pregnancy right after another one? I buy that. Your body is in such a state of turmoil from the first pregnancy and, from what I've heard, your period can be delayed after a pregnancy.

    But, yes OP, it's pretty nuts to hear stories about people who are so large they didn't realize they were pregnant. It's baffling. Mind-boggling! Didn't the lack of period concern you? Is it possible to be pregnant and still get your period? I'm pretty sure the human body doesn't work that way.

    ETA: A favorite quote of mine that works phonetically, not really in print, but here goes: "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, baby."

    In terms of not having your period, obese women may have a very irregular period to start with. There are also medical conditions besides obesity that can lead to a woman not having her period for months at a time even if she is not pregnant.