Newbie from Wisconsin!

Hello everyone! I got on the scale March first and it told me I was 188 lbs. This is the heaviest I have ever been! It is absolutly devestating. I did start working out that same day with one of Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shreds and have manage to loose 8 LBS in the past 11 days. I did start changing the way that I eat, but it is getting harder. I thought after two weeks my Toco Bell cravings would go away. I thought I would love exersices and I don't. Even with eight pounds gone it is hard t see the light at the end of the tunnel. My mother-in-law suggested I seek out encouragement, so here I am!


  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member

    First of all, please keep this in mind. This is a journey, it will not happen over night. It took months and years to put it on so it will take time to take it off as well.

    I know when I started my journey, I was much heavier than you, I soon learned that everything seems to come in spurts. As long as you stick with it you will have the NSV's (Non Scale Victories). These are the ones where you suddenly notice your clothing is big on you, or you try on a pair of pants at the store that should be to small and they fit.

    The scale may or may not move a lot but that doesn't mean it will show. There are times the scale won't move at all but you stick with it and you will eventually be rewarded.

    For me, even after 3+ years the cravings, such as Taco Bell, do rear up once in awhile. It is how we handle them that determines our success.

    As far as working out, you just need to find something you do like. For the longest time I struggled with this because I was never into fitness or sports. I have discovered strength training and heavy lifting which I love. I also run and bike. Personally though, on cardio days I have to force myself to the gym but it has to be done.

    Stick with it and positive things will happen!!!
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member
    I just read your comments about why you want to get in shape. DO NOT feel selfish. That is actually the perfect reason. So many people try and say they are doing it for the family but the most successful people do it for them selves. It has to be about you. It has to be a decision you make. that is when I have had the most success. When I am doing it for family or other reasons than myself is when I fall off the wagon.

    The last 6 months I have only been doing this for others and I have put weight on instead of losing. I stepped on the scale last week and discovered I have put on 30lbs since last summer. I am now back to doing it for myself. I don't like the direction I am going and it needs fixed.
  • BoiNeezy
    BoiNeezy Posts: 227 Member
    Add me for support
  • ElizaKat001
    ElizaKat001 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi and welcome! I'm from Wisconsin, too :). You are making a hugely positive change just by joining! This site is full of people who understand where you're coming from and want to help. It's not always an easy process, but it is sooo worth it! I'm sending you a friend request now. Hopefully we can support each other!
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Feel free to add me as well! I'm also in WI (the NE part), and doing it for yourself is the ONLY reason you should do it!!
  • Steph4454
    Steph4454 Posts: 164 Member
    Fellow Wisconsinite here! Add me everyone! I'm adding you now!
  • alyceboylen
    alyceboylen Posts: 1 Member
    I live in Wisconsin as well! Don't give up! It is going to take time. Instead of looking at how far you have to go just shoot for weekly goals such as 1 or 2 lbs a week. It can be frustrating but we are all rooting for you!!!
  • RoastyToasty
    RoastyToasty Posts: 17 Member
    Another Wisconsinite here too! And one that loves making a run for the border as well ;) it is ok to still hit Taco Bell, just leave yourself some calories for the treat! I've trimmed my order to just one decadent item, then pairing it with healthier items at home to make the meal. Win-win. This also works for the Golden Arches and those delightful shamrock shakes.

    As for feeling discouraged- you shouldn't! 8 lbs already is wonderful! I tried to make it easier to handle and started with small goals. For example my ticker is only set for an 8 lb loss. I will be more excited when I run an uninterrupted mile or can touch my toes without bending my knees. Maybe set a more short term goal to keep from being overwhelmed?
  • Doskymom
    Doskymom Posts: 6
    Yet another Wisconsite adding her support! Losing weight is tough. I've lost 27 lbs. since Christmas, but it's been hard, especially on the days when I work at a gas station and I get bored and I am surrounded by all those snack foods. My husband died 8 years ago and I have not dated since, but I started dating someone around New Year's this year. I think my new found happiness has been a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, we go out to eat a lot and I'm always struggling to make healthy choices at the restaurants we go to. On the other hand, I think my new found happiness has given me more energy and I have been very good with my exercising. Yesterday I walked 2 miles at lunch, then taught aerobics class after work, then came home and took the dogs for a 2-mile walk. I never think of any particular food as being forbidden in my diet - I would eat Taco Bell, too, if there was one close by. I'm just more careful about how much and how often I eat the fattening stuff. Hang in there - you CAN do it!

    It's nice to see so many people from Wisconsin here!
  • MsDillieBar
    MsDillieBar Posts: 414 Member
    Hi there! I live in Wisconsin too!

    I've been hovering around MFP for quite a while now. It's been just this year that I have really been focused and getting more involved here. I'm taking little baby steps, sometimes forward, sometimes backward but I'm sticking with it!!

    Feel free to friend me! I check in on my mfp friends several times a day on my phone! Keeps me inspired and motivated! :happy:
  • MicheleMWolf
    I'm also from Wisconsin!

    I "rejoined" (if that's what you want to call it) this site at the end of February. For me, recording what I eat makes it easier for me to make healthier choices because I do NOT want to see how many calories I wasted on a meal that didn't really taste good for me.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • BeckyGee84
    BeckyGee84 Posts: 124 Member
    I'm from Wisconsin too! Its nice to see a lot of Wisconsinites on here :) I'll add you
  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    I'm in SE Wisconsin! Feel free to add me.
  • esjaygee
    esjaygee Posts: 148 Member
    Best of luck from a born and raised Wisconsinite! I've been at this a long time but I still have a long ways to go.
  • triafrog
    triafrog Posts: 2
    Also in Wisconsin! Feel free to add me!