Why pay for Weight Watchers Online?!



  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    "If every day were like today, In 5 weeks you would weigh X amount in lbs" That little thing motivates the hell out of me... Why?! Well I guess it's because I LOVE what 5 weeks of weight loss looks like. I love looking at it, it's what makes me work harder.


  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Maybe I should quite WW too. WW worked for me 2 years and ago and I shed 20lbs. but now am ready for a change. So far, MFP has been great even though I've only been here for a week.
  • quietgal73
    I am currently a subscriber to WW online but I can see it not being very practical after I reach my goal. I can't see myself at 70 still counting points but counting calories makes since. I have had some success, but why pay for it when there are websites for free like this one that actually teaches you something. I am quitting WW today!
  • DarkAngel272
    I never paid for WW online, but did go to the meetings and weigh ins. I thought all the food they promoted was overly processed and full of sodium. I really had a change of heart about it when in a meeting the leader said, 'if you have the points for a candy bar at breakfast, go for it!'

    I knew with my food problems and obsessions I'd never learn the proper tools of nutrition there.
  • stmcfred
    stmcfred Posts: 78 Member
    I did WW online. Didn't work for me. I can't do the whole points system thing. However though, my friend tried MFP after I told her about it and she didn't like it. She did better with WW and points. So what works for one may not work for another :)
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I know people on MFP love to hate WW, but as a current member, I think it's a pretty damn good program overall. It helped me to lose over 100 pounds and keep it off for 4 years.

    So why am I on MFP? WW messed up when they introduced the zero point fruits and veggies. It's a great concept to get people started on making healthier choices (choosing fruits & veggies over pre-packaged snacks), but it will cause a person who is close to goal or at goal to gain weight if they overeat the sugary fruits (such as pineapple, which was my downfall).

    I love WW, but it does have some major drawbacks for people maintaining weight because their isn't as much support or materials to help members maintain. The leaders (who are well aware of this drawback) do their best to help Lifetime members, but corporate doesn't make money if people stay at goal (Lifetime Membership is free if you stay within 2 pound of your goal weight). WW is a business, plain and simple. The local centers are run by former members (you have to be a member before becoming a leader or receptionist), so they know the struggle and the problems for members at maintenance, and do their best to help the current members.

    I still attend meetings every week for the group support, the motivation, inspiration, and ideas on foods and recipes to try. Plus, the new 360 Program about focusing on new routines and habits has given the meetings a different spin than what they have done in the past.
  • zeno2014
    zeno2014 Posts: 6 Member
    :drinker: You're totally right about the "0" point for fruits and vegetables. I was on WW many years ago and it worked. But since the zero point for fruits and vegetables, I tried twice online and hit a "plateau" after losing 10 pounds.

    When I saw a dietitian a few weeks ago, we talked about this zero point thing and she said 200 calories of chocolate or 200 calories of apples, is 200 calories, period. Also, the "point" thing never lets you know just how many calories you're eating in a day. That's why I love MFP so much. You are what you eat and it works!
  • KristyMayhem331
    KristyMayhem331 Posts: 189 Member
    Seems I am following the trend. I used WW before my wedding and had great success; I lost 45lbs and was the lowest I have been. After I stopped tracking I gained 15 back but was able to maintain it at that because I was so active. Unfortunately I suffered a bad knee injury at which time I gained it all back and then some because i didnt have my eating habits under control like I had thought. The program is just too complicated. You have to put in a formula using Fat, Fiber, Carbs and Protein inorder to determine the points values of food and the database isnt that great so it took way too long. I like how MFP is user friendly and how it teaches you along the way. I am definitely never wasting my money on WW again and am so glad to have discovered this site.
  • carinthea
    carinthea Posts: 97 Member
    As a 'diet' WW works okay if you have plenty of time and money and don't mind forking over the money. What it doesn't do is teach you how to look at your food realistically. All the point counting is fine until you realise that it's not easy to do when you don't have access to the tools any longer.

    I was a member for almost a year, but the weight I lost with it is the weight I ended up putting on again when I couldn't get to a meeting anywhere near me (as it was during the morning when I was expected to be available to my contracted employer) and then I couldn't afford it any longer anyway!

    I think that people should try things to see if they work, but if they don't just come away better for the experience (albeit a few £ lighter in the pocket).

    I find that the comment "It's worked for me" is very telling...it worked for me, I got down to 8 and a half stone, yet it didn't WORK because I have gained it all back (and then some)!
  • stephbeland8
    stephbeland8 Posts: 35 Member
    I'd say that WW is great for begginers. Easy to follow program, simple "calory count" system. Less discouraging when starting off!
  • DiamondD77
    It is for ALL of the reasons you stated that I am getting ready to say GOODBYE to WW! I got their app in January (so, approx 3 months ago) and although I am losing weight I feel completely disconnected to the nutritional value of the foods. I never know how many calories I am consuming - especially considering that fruits and veggies are zero "points" in WW, nor can I decide for myself which foods (and calories) are better for me.

    I have been faithfully using myfitnesspal for 1 week and it is SO much better! I watch all of my calories and can decide for myself, based on nutritional value and calorie content, which foods I should eat.

    Thanks for your post - goodbye WW and hello myfitnesspal forever!
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    WW works for some people
    MFP works for some people

    Why do we have to pin it against each other?

    I lost 50lbs on WW. Yeah I paid money, but I needed to know I was spending my own money to lose weight so the HELL if I was going to just stop doing it or give up.

    I've lost almost 20 on MFP. It really is all about the person and their needs.
  • thejocool
    thejocool Posts: 46
    I have to agree with this !
    I've been on MFP for a few days now and I'm really a fruit addict but you know what ? I think that I may of found the reason why I'm not loosing that 15 pounds ... Fruits REALLY add up ! It's horrible :D
    Will try to lower my my fruits consumption and see :)
    I see a lot of people who struggled with WW finding success here. Where I work WW holds weekly classes for employees. I've never been a part of one. But I see the people who go, they never look like it's working. And every week I walk past their meetings, 80lbs lighter thanks to MFP.

    Plus don't they tell you not to count fruit or vegetables? Those calories can add up...
  • seashell709
    seashell709 Posts: 123 Member
    I totally agree!!! I have used WW online in the past before I knew about MFP. I feel MFP sets you up for better eating habits and portion control.
  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    I agree. My coworker switched from WW to here and we both love the features! You know by your tracking if you need to step up the exercise at night or to lay off the sodium. Great website!
  • GatorUA
    GatorUA Posts: 38 Member
    I did WW for years with my hubby and this is better plus it's free. WW if full of gimmicks like points which are just ways of calculating calories, and "free and 0 point foods" which are high in vegies and fiber but aren't free of calories. They're in business to make money, that's why they do what they do.

    Their meetings are helpful for some people who want the social aspect but you can probably find some friends in your neighborhood or workplace to do the same thing. When I started feeling like the reason for their meetings was to push their packaged foods (which, BTW, are loaded with chemicals, artificial sweeteners, and crap like that) then I decided I was finished with them. I did well with them, but I can do well here too. I was using "Lose it" before finding this site (LI doesn't have a windows phone app and MFP does so I switched) which are both virtually the same, and can easily replace WW.
  • LovelyLibra79
    LovelyLibra79 Posts: 569 Member
    I've followed the WW program and lost weight.
    I've lost weight using MFP.
    The biggest challenge I've ran into is MAINTENANCE!!!
    If only I can find a way to maintain my weight loss without the feeling of "dieting" all my life..I would be so pleased!
  • mandamerlot
    mandamerlot Posts: 180 Member
    I purchased a 3 month membership to WW 5 weeks ago and loved the idea of points. After two weeks, I began cross logging on MFP and now I barely even open my WW tracker. MFP for the win.

    Also, with MFP I am eating more and losing more.

  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I see a lot of people who struggled with WW finding success here. Where I work WW holds weekly classes for employees. I've never been a part of one. But I see the people who go, they never look like it's working. And every week I walk past their meetings, 80lbs lighter thanks to MFP.

    Plus don't they tell you not to count fruit or vegetables? Those calories can add up...

    I wanted to reply back to this....

    WW does work..its worked for me mulitple times :)

    The short coming is with the mind set 'its a diet".

    I went from 245 to 170 on WW (and then off of it and went back to 230).

    I mostly was tired of the female centric approach, and your experience was really driven by the leader.

    You have basically confirmed that it doesn't work for the long term.

    It doesn't work long term. I'm proof of it. I joined it many many times over the last 25 years because I'd get to goal or close then regain some back. I am a free lifetime member so don't have to even pay and worked for them too but no way will I ever go back now after finding MFP.
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    To me it seemed like we were on sensed with food and wanted to sell me chemistry experiments called snack bars. Anyone experience this?