BodyBugg VS Fitbit?

I am wondering if anyone has any insight on which is better, the bodybugg or the fitbit?

I currently have a bodybugg sync and have stopped using it because it irritates my arm. Im still paying the monthly fee for it because I want to use it, and I try and put it on every few days. But it causes a rash after a few days in a row.

I am wondering if I should just stick with it or if maybe a fitbit would work?

Which one is MORE accurate?


  • daweez04
    daweez04 Posts: 35 Member
    Depending on which study/review you look out will say which one is more accurate. :/

    Honestly, they both do what they are supposed to,

    As far as your rash problem, a Fitbit One may be what you want. I just keep mine in my pocket, but women I know just clip it on their bra and forget they even have it on.
  • I really wanted the BodyBugg to work for me, but I had similar problems with skin irritation that only got worse with time. I recently purchased a fitbit and am loving it. I am able to wear it day and night with no irritation. My understanding is that the BodyBugg is more accurate because it takes into account more information (heart rate, galvanic skin response) that should result in a more accurate measurement of your physical exertion. That being said, I couldn't stand to wear it for more than a few weeks at a time so whatever it gained in accuracy it lost by my inconsistent usage. The fitbit seems to be relatively accurate on the number of steps, flights of stairs I take and differentiating active minutes (e.g., jogging) which it then uses to calculate my calorie burn given my weight and height. It may not be as accurate, but I've been wearing it consistently over the past two months and it has pushed me to take an extra walk with the dog if I haven't reached my step goal by the end of the night. Both give you great information, it's just a matter of choosing which works best for you.
  • JanePublic
    JanePublic Posts: 19 Member
    I own both - Alternating between them. They are typically within a few hundred calories of each other in terms of recording calorie burn and steps - Except when it comes to exercise. I have noticed a significant difference in the way the two products record data during exercise.

    I can take an hour long, gut killing, drenched in sweat, messy, out of breathe, near crippling pilates or yoga class and the Fitbit will record the calorie burn as though I'm sitting at my desk at work not moving. The Bodybugg will pick-up the activity and record it. I have a daily activity burn I like to hit through exercise and unless you are upright and walking or running the Fitbit just seems to miss a lot of data. I have worn them both at the same time to workout and the difference in data is staggering.

    FitBit is a glorified pedometer - And that's fine and helpful, but for better data collection and feedback, I prefer the Bodybugg.

    I also like that the Bodybugg iPhone app shows my actual Calorie Deficit. That number is deeply important to the way I work, and Fitbit and even the MyFitnessPal app leaves you to calculate it yourself.

    On the rare occasion I've gotten a skin irritation, it's been because I'm wearing the bugg too tightly, so I'll loosen it, wear it a little higher or lower or even switch arms.

    As long as the product is serving it's real purpose: inspiring you to remain mindful about your choices and activity- I'm not so sure it matters which one is 'The Best' or the 'Most Accurate.' Count Your calories And Move is pretty much the foundation of this whole thing, the only equipment required for that: You.